2010-06-14, 09:30:52
Prog Wrote:*If you hurt your team a lot by leaving you should get punished additionally. If your team loses after you left, you probably are part of the reason they lose. If it still wins, your leave probably didn't effect them to much.
if you leaving hurts your team, then that must mean you were useful in some way to your team; therefore you were helping them before you left. if a feeder leaves then it would help the team that he leaves and staying would hurt the team.
so it then depends on if a good player left a losing team then it becomes hard to rank. he has skill which should be rewarded, but he is bad sportsman for leaving which maybe should be punished.
what are we trying to rank/punish?
-bad playing skills?
[should be punished/cause rank point loss]
-leaving when team is winning and wins game?
[should not be be punished but should not gain points since is a likely sign of a connection error/failure or personal matter of player having to leave. maybe even award part of the winning points if stayed for most of the game]
-leaving a losing team and having not helped the team?
[should be considered part of bad playing skills and therefore follow those loss points with some additional punishment]
are these part of the considerations of how ranking works? i amjust trying to understand what some of the objectives are in the ranking system.