2010-06-15, 12:42:31
Paladon Wrote:That's not completely true. In Wc3 the weapon cooldown starts the moment you come into range of your first target. This means, that high cooldown weapons have the disadvantage, that they need to stay longer near their opponents to get their first shot fired off.griffin1987 Wrote:Edit: Something else which just came to my mind: Will SC2 have the same type of weapon system which gives weapons with a higher cooldown an advantage? (Short explanation: weapon with 2 sec cd does 100% instantly, while weapon with 1 sec cd and same dps needs to fire 2 times = it does the same damage after 1 second, and wep with 0.1 sec cd and same dps needs 1.9 secs for the same dmg) Also as far as i get it, you have to be in the range of a weapon the whole time at the moment to be selected as a possible target, while i think it should be enough to be in range in the moment the weapon fires (if i'm wrong, correct me, but that's the feeling i get from weapons like an energy torpedo).1) In Warcraft 3, you do not have to be the in the range the whole time.
2) In Sc2, probably the same. It's not that easy to imitate auto firing weapons in Sc2 like it's in Wc3.
In Sc2 it's not working this way anymore. A periodic effect is executed, and when a unit enters just a moment before this is the case, your high cooldown weapon just might instantly fire on the target.
Paladon Wrote:That's not true either Neither the new Galaxy language, nor Jass are object orientated. There were some additions to the Jass language, to introduce oo-like features, which was called vJass. This same is already happening for Galaxy, they called the "new" language Andromeda.griffin1987 Wrote:BTW2: Does SC2 use the same JASS as WC3?No, it's using "Galaxy", which is not object-orientated (Jass is).
This means of course, that every bit of code has to be rewritten, including the AI code. That's why there will be no AI for a pretty long time I guess, since we have to focus on getting a playable high-quality map first.
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