2010-08-02, 14:56:26
Name: Verytech fighter
Model: Viking Air/Viking Ground
Speed: Air Average/Ground Slow
Cost: 3300
HP: 2750
Attributes: Light, Mechanical
Skill: Gravity Bolt
Model: Marauder Attack
Target: Single Ground Unit
Channel: No
Effect: Damages and slows target for three seconds, both effects increase with level
Operation: Hotkey and select target
Notes: low damage skill, the slows the thing. Speed reduction and duration increase with level
Skill: Stirling Shot
Model: Viking attack
Range: 750
Target: Everything in range
Channel: 1.5 second
Effect: Damage
Operation: Hotkey
Notes: Intented as a creep killer similar to the Goblin Shredder's metal stars. While channeling the Verytech Fighter pivots wildly blazing with machine guns
Skill: Fusion Bottle
This is really to skills...
Air Mode
Model: None
Target: Self passive
Effect: Speed Boost
Notes: Standard Air Model Speed Boost
Ground Mode
Model: Terran Missile Turret Swarm missile upgrade (Found only in campaign)
Range: 1300
Target: Air only large AoE
Channel: 1 seconf
Effect: Damages all air units under template
Operation: Hotkey and place template
Notes: Needs to hit fairly hard to give a reason to go around in ground mode
Ultimate: Agility
Model: None
Target: Self Passive
Effect: Damage reduction
Notes: 10% per level, at level 5 it's a 50% damage reduction
Design Notes: The starcraft2 Viking is an obvious homage to Robotech's Veritech fighter. In FASA's Battledroids game (the predessasor of Battletech) the Veritech image was stolen and dubbed the Valkyrie, something I'm sure someone at Blizzard is aware of. Thus Verytech Fighter to avoid any copyright BS.
The transformation fuction requires an additional spell slot, I dont know if this causes you guys a problem.with your interface. Also the transforamation should have a cooldown of somehting like a minute. The transformation is it self a powerful ability if you reintorduce things like flak, bombs, axe launchers and the like as the verytech would be essentially immune to these weapons at will.
The Gravitc Bolt should work well in air mode in conjuction with Fusion Bottle to allow the Verytech to overrun ground vehicles. Add in agility and you have a nasty late game knife fighter.
Stirling is the name of the Ace Veritech pilot from robotech.
The Fusion Bottle ground mode is the killer skill this unit has. The AoE template so it has a chance to hit more than one target.
Model: Viking Air/Viking Ground
Speed: Air Average/Ground Slow
Cost: 3300
HP: 2750
Attributes: Light, Mechanical
Skill: Gravity Bolt
Model: Marauder Attack
Target: Single Ground Unit
Channel: No
Effect: Damages and slows target for three seconds, both effects increase with level
Operation: Hotkey and select target
Notes: low damage skill, the slows the thing. Speed reduction and duration increase with level
Skill: Stirling Shot
Model: Viking attack
Range: 750
Target: Everything in range
Channel: 1.5 second
Effect: Damage
Operation: Hotkey
Notes: Intented as a creep killer similar to the Goblin Shredder's metal stars. While channeling the Verytech Fighter pivots wildly blazing with machine guns
Skill: Fusion Bottle
This is really to skills...
Air Mode
Model: None
Target: Self passive
Effect: Speed Boost
Notes: Standard Air Model Speed Boost
Ground Mode
Model: Terran Missile Turret Swarm missile upgrade (Found only in campaign)
Range: 1300
Target: Air only large AoE
Channel: 1 seconf
Effect: Damages all air units under template
Operation: Hotkey and place template
Notes: Needs to hit fairly hard to give a reason to go around in ground mode
Ultimate: Agility
Model: None
Target: Self Passive
Effect: Damage reduction
Notes: 10% per level, at level 5 it's a 50% damage reduction
Design Notes: The starcraft2 Viking is an obvious homage to Robotech's Veritech fighter. In FASA's Battledroids game (the predessasor of Battletech) the Veritech image was stolen and dubbed the Valkyrie, something I'm sure someone at Blizzard is aware of. Thus Verytech Fighter to avoid any copyright BS.
The transformation fuction requires an additional spell slot, I dont know if this causes you guys a problem.with your interface. Also the transforamation should have a cooldown of somehting like a minute. The transformation is it self a powerful ability if you reintorduce things like flak, bombs, axe launchers and the like as the verytech would be essentially immune to these weapons at will.
The Gravitc Bolt should work well in air mode in conjuction with Fusion Bottle to allow the Verytech to overrun ground vehicles. Add in agility and you have a nasty late game knife fighter.
Stirling is the name of the Ace Veritech pilot from robotech.
The Fusion Bottle ground mode is the killer skill this unit has. The AoE template so it has a chance to hit more than one target.