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Generic Tank Suggestion for SC2
I found my thread!
I posted my idead for the verytech in another thread, not noticing this. TKF I'd like to review your post and be a general A.S.S.
Please dont take me to serious! My only hope is that we might be able to provide ideas to the devs if we can get this thread going.
You didnt play with unit attributes (something that allows damage to be modified by various weapons and spells). I hope these make into the new btanks so I'll just pretend it will!
Engineer (Great name choice)
Model SCV (A very logical choice and I like it!)
Attributes: Light, Biological
This skill is a given. I'd suggest the Missile Turret model for the first three levels firing the standard Missile turret attack (would strike both air and ground). The Sensor Tower would be great for levels 4 and 5. In the EPIC custom map they're using this with the Colossus Thermal Lance attack set to zero AoE and it makes a neat laser.
I find this idea intriuging but problematical. I think your intention is that wandering creeps would hop in as they pass by. But then the Engineer wouldn't get the kill credit would it? Would it!?! However I agree that the Terran Bunker is a great model and would like to see it in the game somehow. I'm just not understanding your intention.
Have the Missile Turret attack air, and the Bunker attack ground? Put the kibosh on the entire loading the buker thing. But then where would the Sensor Tower fit in? Afterall the Sensor Tower is a great model and I'd like to see it used as well. This dichotomy would almost prevent the engineer from fortifying the center shop right at the beginning as at level one there's something cant get through. This would force the Tinker/Engineer to place his first structure near an existing structure and slowly work his way forward.
A Given I believe. Would repair units with the Mechanical and Structure tags?
Another given I believe. The only thing I could think of that would replace this game mechanic would be a temporary invunerbility.

Again I find this slightly problematical. But's it's growing on me. The main issue is the creep unit cap. In the WC3 btanks the devs alloted tinker towers a creep unit cap cost to prevent the tinker from getting to truly well dug in. This unfortunately prevented the tinker from investing in creep spawning Factories (Which always worked very well if another player built them for you)
Have the ultimate be the Sensor Tower that would attack both ground and air and be, well, ultimate. Would work in conjunction with the above Maybe.

Messages In This Thread
Generic Tank Suggestion for SC2 - by TKF - 2010-07-31, 02:46:38
Engineer Comments - by Scarlioni - 2010-08-02, 18:20:03
Re: Generic Tank Suggestion for SC2 - by TKF - 2010-08-16, 00:12:58
Re: Generic Tank Suggestion for SC2 - by Saiyuki - 2010-08-16, 16:32:47
Re: Generic Tank Suggestion for SC2 - by TKF - 2010-08-17, 00:17:05
Re: Generic Tank Suggestion for SC2 - by Dennyx - 2010-09-02, 20:45:22
Re: Generic Tank Suggestion for SC2 - by Dennyx - 2010-09-02, 21:39:55

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