2010-08-04, 14:11:09
Well I got anothe feedback :wink:
I dont care kicking People, who feed, when they play really. I like that kicking is restricted
I lost the last 2 games, because "-afkai" command. One player started the game and were afk for 20minutes! that means 20 minutes light tank with fireball and 2:20 stats against sake_iguanolla what means autowin because overfeed by AI hock:
When he switch AI off the message Player was AFk (0 Minutes) appears, what its not true... we couldnt kick him and lost with usually equal teams :cry:
Another game I lost because 2 other players in my team went afk and afterwards the 0 minutes away message appears. Pls stop that and make "-afkai" count as the 5minutes away time. Please :roll:
Or I loose maybe with good stats other games because AI´s play the game. Last time a thunder tank AI between 3vs2 Titans ...
I dont care kicking People, who feed, when they play really. I like that kicking is restricted
I lost the last 2 games, because "-afkai" command. One player started the game and were afk for 20minutes! that means 20 minutes light tank with fireball and 2:20 stats against sake_iguanolla what means autowin because overfeed by AI hock:
When he switch AI off the message Player was AFk (0 Minutes) appears, what its not true... we couldnt kick him and lost with usually equal teams :cry:
Another game I lost because 2 other players in my team went afk and afterwards the 0 minutes away message appears. Pls stop that and make "-afkai" count as the 5minutes away time. Please :roll:
Or I loose maybe with good stats other games because AI´s play the game. Last time a thunder tank AI between 3vs2 Titans ...
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^