2011-01-09, 08:19:41
basically been over 3 weeks since my ban and i posted 2 ban appeals already some reason i havent been able to get a decent response besides "read the rules" and to tell you the truth the rules dont explain much besides the point of saying "execptions can be done if blah blah blah" ofcourse i dont mind having rules but if u dont show how step by step a process should be i wont know what format it should be in so here is by all means my third ban appeal for heinos ofcourse care to explain if this is not a good format i dont mind just show a link where i should post and how it should be to be honest i was banned for 1 game out of over 80 games that in my opinion was a valid reason to throw the game but if u care to justify otherwise i dont really care..........
aside from that i have learned my lesson lets get this over with and remove my ban its been over 3 weeks probably a month by now and still i cant get a decent respones plz take your time if u type amazingly slowly i dont care just type something that i can conprehend and not some bs on read the rules and be gone with no real explanation here are the rules that is stated for ban appeal
* Only players that has been banned in the league can apply for ban removal.
- Exception: It can be done by a friend of his, but at least 2 members should testify that he is speaking on behalf on that banned player (1 reporting and at least 1 confirming his appeal, so 2 friends)
* Ban removal can be posted in the guest forum if that player lacks an account in the forum. Preferred forum is the Hosting BT hostbots forum
* If a player visit the forum and explains why he shouldn't be banned with all honesty, he might get a new chance depending on how serious his bad actions were. With a good reason he will get a second chance andd his league ban will be removed.
if there is a format that is required i do not see it in all honesty u should apply 1 if u want it in certain format like
-reason for ban
-reason we should life ban
ect ect
well that is all o and here is what the guy said
Re: ban removal heinos
New postby Saiyuki on Wed 05 Jan 11, 14:11
refer to this topic: viewtopic.php?f=102&t=3877
and here for the rules: viewtopic.php?f=102&t=3545
where in gods name is a formal reply seriously
aside from that i have learned my lesson lets get this over with and remove my ban its been over 3 weeks probably a month by now and still i cant get a decent respones plz take your time if u type amazingly slowly i dont care just type something that i can conprehend and not some bs on read the rules and be gone with no real explanation here are the rules that is stated for ban appeal
* Only players that has been banned in the league can apply for ban removal.
- Exception: It can be done by a friend of his, but at least 2 members should testify that he is speaking on behalf on that banned player (1 reporting and at least 1 confirming his appeal, so 2 friends)
* Ban removal can be posted in the guest forum if that player lacks an account in the forum. Preferred forum is the Hosting BT hostbots forum
* If a player visit the forum and explains why he shouldn't be banned with all honesty, he might get a new chance depending on how serious his bad actions were. With a good reason he will get a second chance andd his league ban will be removed.
if there is a format that is required i do not see it in all honesty u should apply 1 if u want it in certain format like
-reason for ban
-reason we should life ban
ect ect
well that is all o and here is what the guy said
Re: ban removal heinos
New postby Saiyuki on Wed 05 Jan 11, 14:11
refer to this topic: viewtopic.php?f=102&t=3877
and here for the rules: viewtopic.php?f=102&t=3545
where in gods name is a formal reply seriously