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Ban Requests
(2011-05-01, 21:58:53)PaPPa_D Wrote: Game:
Reason: Talking shit like I get u banned because I know an Admin. Lame and really corrupt if we have admin in league that ban players because there "friends" as em to.
Think the player should have "temp. ban" for saying shit like that.
See aboute 30 min ingame.

(2011-05-02, 09:12:30)chansikka Wrote: Game:
Player: (Heret1c)
Reason: (1) Afk at 16:50 without telling any reason to us, because of that, at ~20 losed a CP
(2) at 28:00 when CP going down he still stay at base and SHOP

(2011-05-03, 11:17:25)PaPPa_D Wrote: Player : (kor-bt)
Game :
Reason: Feeding, then when we try to kick he sells gear, upgrade armor/weapons lvl, buy a Fac. an selling it, so we cant KICK him.
He build tower, but only beacuse he hopes not to get banned.
Kick system is SO lame, that we can kick others, BUT not the feeder selling his gear AngryAngryAngryAngryAngryAngryAngryAngryAngryAngry
Se aboute 1 hour ingame.

(2011-05-03, 14:45:07)Helge_F Wrote: Game:
Player: (daminator3)
Reason: (1) in the middle of the game flames about fucking noobteam, at 1:10 "u are shit" etc
(2) around 1:10 he sold all items and bought 2 mines and stoped real playing for the last 15min

(2011-05-14, 22:16:26)daCe Wrote: Game http:
Player http: digitaldead

He play mid,the enemys buy 2torpedos,what he buy?ahh not really a hull,he buy repairkit,feeding all the time.i checked his stats.he play 51games.he do 650kills.and he die 1328
cmon no1 need guys like him.(mir ist ebend im dem spiel aufgefallen,das die kickzeit erhöht wird,je öfter man einen kicken will.was ist das den für ein quark?schonmal daran gedacht das es einen grund hat,wenn man jemanden kicken will?das ist der größte müll,der je in btanks verzapft wurde)

Best regards

(2011-05-17, 00:27:48)Almohead Wrote: Game :
Player Scheisse_04
Reason : Helping other team

When he started to play shit he bought tinker stayed in base and was building laser towers.Unfortunately enemy team was their friends they talked german understood it that he was working for rival team.Such retards must be deleted from here or this league really go crazy with tinkers which are unkickable by damn kick sysytem .It's noobest tank in this game lets make poll about it as i said before!

Well it is game:
not requested but
approved also no requested but too (i asume that is you)

(2011-05-17, 01:33:20)usman111 Wrote: Game:
Player: (joa)
Reason: No help to team

After about 23:50 he sells all items and ups armour, then goes tinker. He makes towers at useless locations and does not help team - staying tinker all the way to the end of the game, 1 hour 24 mins. He keeps moving, making towers and does not die so we cannot kick.

(2011-05-17, 12:32:15)Almohead Wrote: Game :
Players : Laivakoira , wuphoenix
Reason : Helping other team

wuphoenix played tinker with mines for all time of game didnt have any weapon and didnt defend control points he wasnt kickable for longer part of game
LaivaKoira In the end of game he didnt defend control points at last he bought so many tanks and stayed in a corner of map . This players shouldnt play league again! tinkers and other public noob guys ruin this game so often . Hope they wont play league games anymore

but i got a second one for you

(2011-05-20, 00:32:29)PaPPa_D Wrote: Player:
Reason: Feeding. aboute 35min ingame I call vote to wont! Then he sells gear, going tinker.
47½ min in to CHATLOG! he admits to selling gear because I called a vote.

PLZ! BAN! idiots like him Angry


(2011-05-26, 03:11:33)Althend Wrote: Player :

But actually all players with wyrd in theyr nick since it is the same person. Just check the ip and you will see.
wyrd_snake (-2356.21)
SgZ_Wyrd (1478.24)
wyrd_owl (1366.09)


Feer, flamer, leave game but insult before doing it... I am sure other people have repaly about this guy.

(2011-05-26, 08:32:23)wolfheart Wrote: wyr1_owl replay.. guy feeds feeds ..then we try to kick him ..he sells all weapons tinkers buys tank sells tank and repeats to minimize leaver gold. + starts to suicide.


Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline

Messages In This Thread
Ban Requests - by Saiyuki - 2011-03-10, 13:46:02
Not Fair Ban them ! - by NaZaReL - 2011-04-10, 03:41:01
RE: Ban Requests - by GEN_Schwarzkopf - 2011-04-10, 05:14:59
RE: Ban Requests - by Desktop_General - 2011-04-10, 17:18:38
RE: Ban Requests - by GEN_Schwarzkopf - 2011-04-11, 00:39:55
RE: Ban Requests - by Desktop_General - 2011-04-13, 08:22:51
RE: Ban Requests - by Desktop_General - 2011-04-13, 11:55:17
RE: Ban Requests - by Desktop_General - 2011-04-13, 17:21:31
RE: Ban Requests - by Helge_F - 2011-04-13, 22:22:23
RE: Ban Requests - by GEN_Schwarzkopf - 2011-04-16, 22:48:14
RE: Ban Requests - by GEN_Schwarzkopf - 2011-04-18, 03:30:27
RE: Ban Requests - by Althend - 2011-04-18, 23:59:14
RE: Ban Requests - by LIoOoOoIL - 2011-04-19, 18:06:59
RE: Ban Requests - by PaPPa_D - 2011-04-21, 22:17:29
RE: Ban Requests - by PaPPa_D - 2011-04-22, 16:05:32
RE: Ban Requests - by daCe - 2011-04-22, 23:28:17
RE: Ban Requests - by eSVau - 2011-04-23, 13:57:59
RE: Ban Requests - by cCCc-bt - 2011-04-23, 14:04:32
RE: Ban Requests - by Arsur - 2011-04-27, 17:06:51
RE: Ban Requests - by ckibibi - 2011-04-30, 22:29:02
RE: Ban Requests - by Plyvak - 2011-04-30, 22:30:27
RE: Ban Requests - by eSVau - 2011-05-01, 03:00:58
RE: Ban Requests - by PaPPa_D - 2011-05-01, 21:58:53
RE: Ban Requests - by chansikka - 2011-05-02, 09:12:30
RE: Ban Requests - by PaPPa_D - 2011-05-03, 11:17:25
RE: Ban Requests - by Helge_F - 2011-05-03, 14:45:07
RE: Ban Requests - by daCe - 2011-05-14, 22:16:26
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-05-17, 00:27:48
RE: Ban Requests - by usman111 - 2011-05-17, 01:33:20
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-05-17, 12:32:15
RE: Ban Requests - by SKK1701J - 2011-05-19, 23:31:14
RE: Ban Requests - by PaPPa_D - 2011-05-20, 00:32:29
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-05-25, 23:30:54
RE: Ban Requests - by Althend - 2011-05-26, 03:11:33
RE: Ban Requests - by wolfheart - 2011-05-26, 08:32:23
RE: Ban Requests - by eSVau - 2011-05-28, 16:41:32
RE: Ban Requests - by daCe - 2011-05-29, 01:40:47
RE: Ban Requests - by usman111 - 2011-05-29, 22:20:39
RE: Ban Requests - by PaPPa_D - 2011-05-29, 23:15:37
RE: Ban Requests - by Helge_F - 2011-05-30, 11:02:12
RE: Ban Requests - by warrior_cobra - 2011-05-31, 23:02:49
RE: Ban Requests - by eSVau - 2011-06-02, 15:37:15
RE: Ban Requests - by warrior_cobra - 2011-06-21, 23:46:26
RE: Ban Requests - by Sefariin - 2011-06-05, 20:26:57
RE: Ban Requests - by Saiyuki - 2011-06-19, 03:20:28
RE: Ban Requests - by Fubupairs - 2011-06-08, 00:58:09
RE: Ban Requests - by axls - 2011-06-14, 23:25:23
RE: Ban Requests - by PaPPa_D - 2011-06-16, 13:26:18
RE: Ban Requests - by warrior_cobra - 2011-06-18, 20:59:40
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-06-19, 01:49:56
RE: Ban Requests - by PaPPa_D - 2011-06-19, 08:54:09
RE: Ban Requests - by curryking1 - 2011-06-20, 22:57:09
RE: Ban Requests - by stibi- - 2011-06-22, 11:28:03
RE: Ban Requests - by PaPPa_D - 2011-06-22, 12:05:08
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-06-22, 12:15:58
RE: Ban Requests - by warrior_cobra - 2011-06-24, 22:43:09
RE: Ban Requests - by Plyvak - 2011-06-25, 18:55:23
RE: Ban Requests - by griffin1987 - 2011-06-25, 21:04:31
RE: Ban Requests - by progg - 2011-06-25, 23:51:58
RE: Ban Requests - by Dumdium - 2011-06-26, 00:27:07
RE: Ban Requests - by Saiyuki - 2011-06-26, 03:33:21
RE: Ban Requests - by griffin1987 - 2011-06-26, 14:18:19
RE: Ban Requests - by griffin1987 - 2011-06-26, 20:40:26
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-06-27, 11:40:07
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-06-27, 13:48:10
RE: Ban Requests - by usman111 - 2011-06-27, 22:28:35
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-06-29, 17:42:12
RE: Ban Requests - by - 2011-06-29, 19:23:04
RE: Ban Requests - by gozo1985 - 2011-06-30, 00:17:56
RE: Ban Requests - by progg - 2011-06-30, 22:21:31
RE: Ban Requests - by daCe - 2011-07-01, 20:08:24
RE: Ban Requests - by usman111 - 2011-07-05, 21:08:15
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-07-08, 18:31:42
RE: Ban Requests - by usman111 - 2011-07-08, 19:40:26
RE: Ban Requests - by daCe - 2011-07-09, 23:36:52
RE: Ban Requests - by progg - 2011-07-10, 11:57:12
RE: Ban Requests - by - 2011-07-10, 19:40:09
RE: Ban Requests - by Znajder - 2011-07-11, 16:28:00
RE: Ban Requests - by phoenix_strike - 2011-07-12, 18:15:20
RE: Ban Requests - by Saiyuki - 2011-07-13, 16:08:54
RE: Ban Requests - by axls - 2011-07-14, 18:58:48
RE: Ban Requests - by Prog - 2011-07-14, 20:54:11
RE: Ban Requests - by daCe - 2011-07-17, 17:06:45
RE: Ban Requests - by FoelliX - 2011-07-17, 19:09:49
RE: Ban Requests - by dalyarak1 - 2011-07-19, 14:25:32
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-07-21, 18:40:42
RE: Ban Requests - by usman111 - 2011-07-21, 19:21:55
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-07-22, 18:10:18
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-07-24, 20:00:30
RE: Ban Requests - by real_Smoke - 2011-07-29, 20:48:55
RE: Ban Requests - by seruv-lese12let - 2011-07-30, 17:43:42
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-07-31, 10:27:02
RE: Ban Requests - by PaPPa_D - 2011-07-30, 21:32:37
RE: Ban Requests - by 3imi - 2011-07-31, 17:09:59
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-07-31, 17:24:50
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-07-31, 17:50:53
RE: Ban Requests - by - 2011-08-04, 20:51:04
RE: Ban Requests - by usman111 - 2011-08-04, 20:59:16
RE: Ban Requests - by seruv-lese12let - 2011-08-06, 15:26:55
Ban LionsGate - by GEN_Schwarzkopf - 2011-08-07, 03:28:47
RE: Ban LionsGate - by ArMageDoom - 2011-09-03, 12:22:54
RE: Ban Requests - by progg - 2011-08-08, 01:17:43
RE: Ban Requests - by 3imi - 2011-08-13, 16:01:21
RE: Ban Requests - by bitlanul - 2011-08-15, 10:52:24
RE: Ban Requests - by PaPPa_D - 2011-08-17, 23:49:21
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-08-18, 15:45:22
RE: Ban Requests - by LoveComesAgain - 2011-08-20, 03:16:37
RE: Ban Requests - by dalyarak1 - 2011-08-20, 19:04:16
RE: Ban Requests - by themanhandler - 2011-08-20, 22:03:17
RE: Ban Requests - by UnifiedDoom - 2011-08-21, 22:56:46
RE: Ban Requests - by LoveComesAgain - 2011-08-24, 22:19:06
OrangUtangKlaus - by Desktop_General - 2011-08-24, 22:43:14
RE: Ban Requests - by Teo_live - 2011-08-26, 15:14:54
RE: Ban Requests - by dalyarak1 - 2011-08-27, 03:24:38
RE: Ban Requests - by zlobomir - 2011-08-27, 12:26:08
RE: Ban Requests - by eSVau - 2011-08-27, 13:07:08
RE: Ban Requests - by PaPPa_D - 2011-08-27, 16:26:09
bamurdead - by Desktop_General - 2011-08-27, 16:31:01
RE: Ban Requests - by axls - 2011-08-27, 21:34:54
RE: Ban Requests - by progg - 2011-08-29, 01:15:17
RE: Ban Requests - by eSVau - 2011-08-29, 12:03:25
RE: Ban Requests - by bot365 - 2011-08-29, 22:05:09
RE: Ban Requests - by reyiz - 2011-08-29, 22:22:14
RE: Ban Requests - by eSVau - 2011-08-30, 12:59:40
RE: Ban Requests - by griffin1987 - 2011-08-31, 00:24:32
RE: Ban Requests - by bitlanul - 2011-09-01, 02:40:07
RE: Ban Requests - by curryking1 - 2011-09-01, 03:26:05
RE: Ban Requests - by dalyarak1 - 2011-09-01, 03:50:52
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-09-01, 14:15:32
RE: Ban Requests - by Hennes31 - 2011-09-01, 19:22:09
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-09-01, 19:58:06
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-09-02, 13:53:34
RE: Ban Requests - by Hennes31 - 2011-09-02, 22:33:37
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-09-02, 23:57:57
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-09-03, 13:34:32
RE: Ban Requests - by Baaaaaaaaam - 2011-09-03, 13:53:37
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-09-03, 14:10:22
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-09-03, 23:58:04
RE: Ban Requests - by Hennes31 - 2011-09-05, 19:19:06
RE: Ban Requests - by bot365 - 2011-09-06, 13:48:29
RE: Ban Requests - by Hennes31 - 2011-09-07, 02:08:31
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-09-07, 13:18:39
RE: Ban Requests - by Hennes31 - 2011-09-07, 21:28:06
RE: Ban Requests - by gozo1985 - 2011-09-09, 01:06:30
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-09-09, 14:00:42
RE: Ban Requests - by gozo1985 - 2011-09-09, 19:04:40
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-09-09, 22:32:29
RE: Ban Requests - by bot365 - 2011-09-09, 19:12:35
RE: Ban Requests - by roflbob - 2011-09-10, 00:55:13
RE: Ban Requests - by curryking1 - 2011-09-10, 01:16:03
RE: Ban Requests - by Hennes31 - 2011-09-10, 03:54:19
RE: Ban Requests - by FoelliX - 2011-09-12, 02:14:09
RE: Ban Requests - by eSVau - 2011-09-12, 02:15:40
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-09-13, 19:17:59
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-09-15, 01:43:45
RE: Ban Requests - by ewerworld - 2011-09-15, 16:53:24
RE: Ban Requests - by ewerworld - 2011-09-15, 17:58:03
RE: Ban Requests - by eSVau - 2011-09-15, 23:21:25
RE: Ban Requests - by eSVau - 2011-09-21, 04:55:46
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-09-21, 12:57:33
RE: Ban Requests - by eSVau - 2011-09-22, 21:54:07
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-09-22, 21:56:47
RE: Ban Requests - by Ojerd - 2011-09-23, 00:06:55
RE: Ban Requests - by progg - 2011-09-25, 23:20:58
RE: Ban Requests - by WTF_Ace_King - 2011-09-27, 15:41:24
RE: Ban Requests - by axls - 2011-09-29, 22:58:57
RE: Ban Requests - by loriack - 2011-09-29, 23:26:45
RE: Ban Requests - by griffin1987 - 2011-10-01, 01:44:42
RE: Ban Requests - by GodStrongArms - 2011-10-02, 02:04:08
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-10-03, 17:27:47
RE: Ban Requests - by progg - 2011-10-04, 02:34:56
RE: Ban Requests - by Hennes31 - 2011-10-04, 23:30:17
RE: Ban Requests - by LIoOoOoIL - 2011-10-06, 18:12:22
RE: Ban Requests - by progg - 2011-10-09, 00:19:06
RE: Ban Requests - by FoelliX - 2011-10-10, 00:09:17
RE: Ban Requests - by UnifiedDoom - 2011-10-11, 03:52:17
RE: Ban Requests - by Smartie - 2011-10-10, 14:15:01
RE: Ban Requests - by eSVau - 2011-10-24, 12:18:29
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-10-24, 14:39:29
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-10-24, 14:45:10
RE: Ban Requests - by UnifiedDoom - 2011-10-25, 01:06:29
RE: Ban Requests - by progg - 2011-10-26, 00:08:03
RE: Ban Requests - by usman111 - 2011-10-26, 02:00:47
RE: Ban Requests - by griffin1987 - 2011-10-26, 22:34:36
RE: Ban Requests - by axls - 2011-10-26, 22:42:42
RE: Ban Requests - by progg - 2011-10-27, 17:05:00
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-10-28, 02:01:54
RE: Ban Requests - by progg - 2011-10-31, 12:44:05
RE: Ban Requests - by loriack - 2011-10-31, 22:35:03
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-11-01, 18:40:09
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-11-02, 23:10:42
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-11-03, 15:10:09
RE: Ban Requests - by progg - 2011-11-04, 02:35:32
RE: Ban Requests - by Hennes31 - 2011-11-07, 02:22:52
RE: Ban Requests - by BEORNER - 2011-11-08, 02:28:43
RE: Ban Requests - by FoelliX - 2011-11-09, 20:56:07
RE: Ban Requests - by progg - 2011-11-11, 11:33:23
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-11-12, 02:26:47
RE: Ban Requests - by GodStrongArms - 2011-11-12, 14:28:54
RE: Ban Requests - by gozo1985 - 2011-11-13, 23:58:22
RE: Ban Requests - by GodStrongArms - 2011-11-14, 15:19:23
RE: Ban Requests - by LoveComesAgain - 2011-11-14, 15:19:34
RE: Ban Requests - by daCe - 2011-11-16, 01:59:25
RE: Ban Requests - by FoelliX - 2011-11-21, 23:13:22
RE: Ban Requests - by phoenix_strike - 2011-11-21, 23:14:42
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-11-21, 23:20:10
RE: Ban Requests - by ckibibi - 2011-11-22, 23:01:32
RE: Ban Requests - by Mantorok - 2011-11-24, 17:38:20
RE: Ban Requests - by GodStrongArms - 2011-11-25, 20:52:37
RE: Ban Requests - by xGENESISx - 2011-11-26, 23:22:54
RE: Ban Requests - by LoveComesAgain - 2011-11-27, 07:18:51
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-11-27, 18:55:16
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-11-27, 19:02:05
RE: Ban Requests - by progg - 2011-11-28, 19:48:19
RE: Ban Requests - by eSVau - 2011-11-30, 14:09:13
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-12-03, 16:12:21
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-12-04, 13:57:09
RE: Ban Requests - by xGENESISx - 2011-12-04, 20:43:38
RE: Ban Requests - by legen_dary2.0 - 2011-12-04, 20:51:26
RE: Ban Requests - by Bastus - 2011-12-04, 22:25:24
RE: Ban Requests - by grizzlyb - 2011-12-05, 04:17:59
RE: Ban Requests - by axls - 2011-12-05, 19:34:03
RE: Ban Requests - by phoenix_strike - 2011-12-05, 20:24:46
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-12-05, 23:28:07
RE: Ban Requests - by Bastus - 2011-12-06, 01:17:06
RE: Ban Requests - by UnifiedDoom - 2011-12-06, 02:50:43
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-12-07, 20:08:04
RE: Ban Requests - by DarkJedi.MasteR - 2011-12-08, 21:50:34
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-12-11, 12:32:28
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-12-13, 19:36:02
RE: Ban Requests - by PaPPa_D - 2011-12-15, 00:18:28
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-12-15, 18:50:43
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-12-15, 20:44:02
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-12-15, 22:24:11
RE: Ban Requests - by usman111 - 2011-12-16, 21:14:55
RE: Ban Requests - by eSVau - 2011-12-16, 22:30:11
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-12-18, 22:19:39
RE: Ban Requests - by phoenix_strike - 2011-12-20, 04:12:22
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-12-20, 13:37:58
RE: Ban Requests - by El_Polacco - 2011-12-20, 19:11:26
RE: Ban Requests - by Tez.Sick - 2011-12-20, 20:14:59
RE: Ban Requests - by eSVau - 2011-12-20, 21:00:38
Re: Ban Requests - by Althend - 2011-03-10, 17:12:14
Re: Ban Requests - by torokid - 2011-03-10, 18:27:53
Re: Ban Requests - by stibi- - 2011-03-11, 14:21:02
Re: Ban Requests - by Althend - 2011-03-12, 07:37:24
Re: Ban Requests - by FoelliX - 2011-03-14, 13:16:01
Re: Ban Requests - by Plyvak - 2011-03-14, 16:19:25
Re: Ban Requests - by LIoOoOoIL - 2011-03-15, 22:18:26
Re: Ban Requests - by head-y - 2011-03-17, 13:53:57
Re: Ban Requests - by Tier - 2011-03-17, 14:14:45
Re: Ban Requests - by Saiyuki - 2011-03-17, 19:56:01
Re: Ban Requests - by PaPPa_D - 2011-03-18, 00:07:26
Re: Ban Requests - by Althend - 2011-03-18, 04:30:04
Re: Ban Requests - by Althend - 2011-03-19, 04:11:14
Re: Ban Requests - by Althend - 2011-03-21, 12:44:04
Re: Ban Requests - by Tier - 2011-03-21, 13:41:44
Re: Ban Requests - by stibi- - 2011-03-22, 13:17:45
ban request: bigK_BT-Pro4-1 - by Desktop_General - 2011-03-22, 13:30:02
Re: Ban Requests - by Tier - 2011-03-22, 15:55:54
Re: Ban Requests - by Saiyuki - 2011-03-22, 21:15:13
Re: Ban Requests - by Althend - 2011-03-23, 13:55:51
Re: Ban Requests - by Althend - 2011-03-25, 04:41:56
Re: Ban Requests - by Desktop_General - 2011-03-28, 16:25:42
Re: Ban Requests - by larrybrennt - 2011-03-29, 18:04:25
Re: Ban Requests - by eSVau - 2011-03-29, 23:39:03
Re: Ban Requests - by Saiyuki - 2011-03-30, 01:09:28
Re: Ban Requests - by Desktop_General - 2011-03-31, 00:13:01
Re: Ban Requests - by Saiyuki - 2011-03-31, 16:51:16
Re: Ban Requests - by eSVau - 2011-03-31, 20:25:22
Re: Ban Requests - by Tier - 2011-03-31, 23:38:57
Re: Ban Requests - by daCe - 2011-04-01, 00:28:25
Re: Ban Requests - by dsickrdl - 2011-04-02, 01:51:59
Re: Ban Requests - by daCe - 2011-04-02, 19:14:03
Re: Ban Requests - by PaPPa_D - 2011-04-02, 23:18:57
Re: Ban Requests - by phoenix_strike - 2011-04-03, 18:54:25
Re: Ban Requests - by phoenix_strike - 2011-04-04, 01:35:26
Re: Ban Requests - by GEN_Schwarzkopf - 2011-04-04, 20:32:58
Re: Ban Requests - by Tier - 2011-04-05, 17:58:21
Re: Ban Requests - by Redemption11 - 2011-04-07, 01:58:37
Re: Ban Requests - by Beorn - 2011-04-07, 02:10:15
Re: Ban Requests - by Desktop_General - 2011-04-07, 04:35:11
Re: Ban Requests - by PaPPa_D - 2011-04-07, 23:03:28
Re: Ban Requests - by phoenix_strike - 2011-04-08, 03:16:01
Re: Ban Requests - by UnifiedDoom - 2011-04-08, 19:51:19
ban request - by Guest - 2011-04-10, 12:33:37

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