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Creepkills to the Scoreboard?
(2011-10-24, 17:56:14)Exodus Wrote: To show you guys, development hasn't completely stopped in the last weeks, I'll show you something I did with the multiboard.

I added a new command which lets you switch between a few different board types. Currently I added two new ones, which look like this:

[Image: LifeBoardz0zjq.jpg]

[Image: SmallBoard3tza.jpg]

WOW Really like those!

The first one adds another perspecitve to the game - now all those port-killers will know when someone is low on live and jump around even more. This will probably bring old BUG-Style short range porter gameplay back to every game.

Though, at the moment it's already either longrange-and-win-fast-enough or hold-long-enough-and-then-shortrange-porter-kill-all 90% of the timeWink

Thank you very much for those boards, can't wait to try them myself! Now I won't need to swap my 24" for a 30" monitor just to be able to play with the scoreboard active all the timeBig Grin

Getting used to the Sand everywhere. At least it brings us map updates.

Messages In This Thread
Creepkills to the Scoreboard? - by FirePhoenix - 2011-09-07, 14:33:54
RE: Creepkills to the Scoreboard? - by Prog - 2011-09-07, 14:41:23
RE: Creepkills to the Scoreboard? - by eSVau - 2011-09-07, 14:45:04
RE: Creepkills to the Scoreboard? - by Prog - 2011-09-07, 16:31:43
RE: Creepkills to the Scoreboard? - by Exodus - 2011-09-07, 20:10:11
RE: Creepkills to the Scoreboard? - by BENNIE.FM - 2011-09-07, 23:14:32
RE: Creepkills to the Scoreboard? - by Althend - 2011-09-08, 02:29:21
RE: Creepkills to the Scoreboard? - by bt_brother - 2011-09-10, 15:18:19
RE: Creepkills to the Scoreboard? - by ssl - 2011-09-10, 23:10:24
RE: Creepkills to the Scoreboard? - by Exodus - 2011-10-24, 17:56:14
RE: Creepkills to the Scoreboard? - by griffin1987 - 2011-10-26, 18:15:58
RE: Creepkills to the Scoreboard? - by Althend - 2011-10-26, 04:07:29
RE: Creepkills to the Scoreboard? - by Exodus - 2011-10-26, 18:28:08

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