It's just that its a big problem to stand still for 2 sec in battletanks. The smoke user knows this and runs out of range. When he's invisible again all projectiles misses before first one hits. Sometimes it feels than the invisible isn't broken when taken damage, or is it just me. Also the low cooldown of 25 seconds makes it a valuable choice. like griffin says you can also run across half the map before the enemy knows where to pursue you. Ulti pack sucks as much as radar.
Casting faerie fire would help... well just one problem you don't have that ability
I have a suggestion. Maybe a detector kit would help. Assembling some useless items from start.
iron hull (upgraded) + steel hull (upgraded) + radar = Track scanner. Same abilties as radar. Also gives it the ability to cast a faerie fire like ability on the smoke user which also reveals invisble units near the affected unit (500 range), can also show enemy mines. If enemy sells smoke or ability is useless you still get bonus hp.
hmm no, let me guess. It makes the smoke useless... Anyways I think a cooldown of 25 sec is a bit to low imo.
Casting faerie fire would help... well just one problem you don't have that ability
I have a suggestion. Maybe a detector kit would help. Assembling some useless items from start.
iron hull (upgraded) + steel hull (upgraded) + radar = Track scanner. Same abilties as radar. Also gives it the ability to cast a faerie fire like ability on the smoke user which also reveals invisble units near the affected unit (500 range), can also show enemy mines. If enemy sells smoke or ability is useless you still get bonus hp.
hmm no, let me guess. It makes the smoke useless... Anyways I think a cooldown of 25 sec is a bit to low imo.