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GrizzlyB ak proggkiller ak yournightmare ak knightmere (?)
Whats wrong with him?
He was banned at least 1 time on each of thoes acc.
And hes still in league. When i see Grizzly in my team, well... i just call giveup vote.. Why? Because im asshole? rood selfish bastard or nerd? No. I simply want to play but dont want to waste another 1.5 h on game with some 1 who just cant play a game after 2k league matches..
And its not even the point of this thread. Im not mad that hes noob, its everyones right to be bad in someting but anyway like to do it. Grizzly is just a guy that dont get any other point of viev besides of his own... He never team work, olthough he want us to think that hes a team player. But how to call some 1 who like 3 games in the row ruin game in same way? Ego way... team up armor +16 on 55 min of game and hes just buying more wepaons... Imagine sky tank with bombs swarm porter at min 55, im asking how much gold, he said 10 + tank and 3 min after i see him with 1 more bomb on sky tank 13k hp vs fort and 2 infernals in oposite team... (you can watch all of this on replay i attched)
2 other games im talking about, he just flamed me like hell... olthough i only said to him that more weapons on low tier tank wont help him and the team...
Pls do something about this...
I heard opinions that we witchhunt Grizzly and thats why hes so nasty and cant behave. But i was polite for him for like 1 week, even when he destroyed games, tryed to convince him that the way he play is bad... And now i know that players like progg. have a point in flaming him sometimes.
Can you pls make an exam for him from game basics? As the only way to play league again? An exam with questions about tutorial point by point (when he need to change tanks and ect....)
PLS !Smile

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GrizzlyB ak proggkiller ak yournightmare ak knightmere (?) - by dirtyterror - 2012-03-20, 02:38:45

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