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GrizzlyB ak proggkiller ak yournightmare ak knightmere (?)
First of all "PROGGKILLER" - i hate CAPSLOCK. Looks like kiddie to me. Second: With this nick you try to provoke. But as it's not a namespoof or insult i ignored that so far.

Your language here in the forum is totally inadequate. Do you think you will make me think about it again the way you talk to me???

"Kurva Debile" indeed doesn't mean anything to me because i can only guess what it means. And it's the plural. So i don't see it's directed to you only.

I didn't watch the replay because i'm at work and don't have time for that. This kindergarden is really absurd.

And with:
[74:08] [Dirtyterror]: -kick 6
[74:18] [PROGGkiller]: fu
[74:20] [Dirtyterror]: youa re noob griz
[74:21] [PROGGkiller]: asshole
it looks like you started the "higher level of flaming" first. You provoke others to get reasons to get them banned.

What about getting an account where nobody knows you and just behave? Then you could maybe have some fun playing (and maybe others too)...

Some people really need to learn to ignore some stuff and concentrate on the game instead of insulting and provoking each other.

For what i have seen you are not any "better" than dirtyterror. So if i would ban him i would have to ban you twice.

Messages In This Thread
RE: GrizzlyB ak proggkiller ak yournightmare ak knightmere (?) - by Velocity2k - 2012-03-20, 12:58:55

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