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GrizzlyB ak proggkiller ak yournightmare ak knightmere (?)
Its rly rare to me, to flame some 1 only cause of being a noob. That happends to me maby 1 time per 20 games Grizzly. The worse in game with you is, that you never try to understand what are you doing wrong. Game with you sometimes is rly hard to manage mentallySmile When team working hard on succes, and you are blowing everything up at the end. In this paticular example (the replay) from the point of having all cp's and leading in frags we lost cause you bought another shitty weapon instead of thank. Maby finally something from our suggestions will hit you, and you will start to play normally... If you do noone will be hostile to you anymore. Maby take this under your consideration...

And sabotage the game? Are you nuts ? Upgrading armor getting tank fast cp's is a sabotage? I did everything i could to win this game. As the rest of the team. And im not mad abot grey cause hes new to the game. And he was buying factories (at least) not another weapons... Show me 1 scene from the replay wit a "hard flame of you" where i let you die intentionally... And this bu***it about rank... lol... How i can have a good rank when in 5 days of playing 1 game a day i meet you in team 5 times? Maby look at player statistics not on rank? Its to hard 4 you to figure out, witch of the facsts are important to know if players is semi, good or just bad. Btw maby check acc on us east? Nwm.
And i wonder when Extasa said anything about meSmile In fact hes kinda my friend so im wondering when he flamed my game style...

Sorry for a little flaming. I just got pissed. My nervs are not strong as hard as i would like them to be.

ps. I think that Velocity's idea about getting another acc, that noone knows and play normal for now on, is a great idea.
Sorry for a little flaming. I just got pissed. My nervs are not strong as hard as i would like them to be. And i think that this kindergarden with flaming and ect is absurd to. But thats the only way to not get pissed next game also and relax during match. Im 27 yo corp. manager with wife kid and a car i should not waste time for trashtalk in here. But what i can do when some 1 is pushimg me to this. Maby post chat log from games where i was trying to be rly friendly and polite to you Grizzly? In fact its over since in a one of the games i just asked whe you will buy a tank (wo cursing and other flame) and you just said something like: stfu fucking teacher. That would show a lvl of conversation with you.

Messages In This Thread
RE: GrizzlyB ak proggkiller ak yournightmare ak knightmere (?) - by dirtyterror - 2012-03-20, 15:02:00

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