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GrizzlyB ak proggkiller ak yournightmare ak knightmere (?)
well lets have a look to ALL games we play togheter with my id urnightmarre:

GameID: 27776 1 adv teams
GameID: 26648 0 adv teams
GameID: 26553 1 adv teams
GameID: 26398 0 same team
stats nightmare 17 22 21
stats dirty 8 16 3
GameID: 26397 1 same team
GameID: 25666 0 same team
stats nightmarre 8 17 7 stats dirty 0 0 0 leaver
GameID: 25058 1 adv teams

wow, it looks like u ruine my games, i must been mad on u call u noob every game and flame u hard.... why i didnt do that? cus im not like u im cool and dont hate u of life cus a game lost
over all stats here is the truth only but the truth.

lets see i won 3 games and loose 1 in adv teams
i won 1 game and loose 2 games with u in team and lets see why!!!
one u do 8 16 3 hmm
other u leave in begin 0 0 0....

NOW IM MAD on u, in fact i must hate u and start to say bull shit like u in every chat...
im not like that u had bad days is not a reason to fuck u every day...

we lost 2 games togheter with proggkiller id so what? 3th u doing great job to let me die so dont counts mabe second too... noone is perfect

next time better check wot u say man

love u
only health for ur son and only good days for u

best regards

Grizzly who never flame if hes not flammedCool

PS is sad that Velocity qualify people without check wot others says. Is true i say some bad words but feeling of injustice makes me mad... so ban me 10000 times do wot u want i dont fukin care;
im not so bad like u say im honest and simple and i like to play and risk sumtimes. anyway i won mor games than i loose there is a reason for. Too much players thinks if he kills more than die they are better that is wrong. Only thing who counts here is teamplay, when 1 sabotage another player or spend his tim echat is lost dont need to accuse others if loose.

Best regards still GrizzlyBCool

Dont talk dirty
Dont do shit
Dont be progg.
U can have fun then!!! Angel

Messages In This Thread
RE: GrizzlyB ak proggkiller ak yournightmare ak knightmere (?) - by PROGGKILLER - 2012-03-20, 18:40:57

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