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GrizzlyB ak proggkiller ak yournightmare ak knightmere (?)
in fact i need u to explain us wot was that 5 games a day that i makes u loose who pushed u to talk like that to me in chat room?
look all stats i played more games vs u than with u in team and when i dont have u in team we won generally... i dont say is only ur fault but why u change question... u cant handle that and give me an resonable answer about things that u proudly say in this post?
if u cant assume wot u say is sad, i thought i have a shit caracter not u...
wot u write here is nosense, can u say im lyn about stats? can u confirme i say truth ro u just want forget cus u dont have balls to assume ur words
mabe u can excuse u to admins cus u tryn tu lie to them...
best regards my freind
GrizzlyB never flame if hes not flamed, but when u flame him he burns uCool

(2012-03-20, 21:15:03)dirtyterror Wrote: No other point of viev besides of his own... Ewery time when we kicked you from a game we need more votes than only mine or progg remember that. You play horrible and mess with someones time and funm thats not cool. And idk where is the issue. When 100 ppl tell you, you do wrong why you still do this? ehh...
And grizzly. when some 1 is seging the cp and you are away, we all die you come for last hit, or when you just buy more and more weapons get kils sometimes even a lot, but same tank at min 60, and than you start to feed... And you never ring a bell? Thats how you build up your stats. Btw on proggkiller you die more than kill overall... Same on other acc. I wont waste time for checking them but general stats 5.6 k kills 7 k deaths are good 4 you? how that can be if you are so good? Not talking about 1 game stats. Period.

Dont talk dirty
Dont do shit
Dont be progg.
U can have fun then!!! Angel

Messages In This Thread
RE: GrizzlyB ak proggkiller ak yournightmare ak knightmere (?) - by PROGGKILLER - 2012-03-21, 03:58:50

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