2007-09-22, 03:43:10
So. Offtopic is here?:) ok.
How about your music interests? It would be intresting to know what kind of sounds make the blood of a tank driver boil!:)
As for me I will say not much for now 'cause it's not very comfortable typing from a mobile but actually at thi moment I am listening 'In Strict Confidence' and their 2007 year album 'Exile Paradise'. As far as I know they are germans. Does anybody of you know about them?
How about your music interests? It would be intresting to know what kind of sounds make the blood of a tank driver boil!:)
As for me I will say not much for now 'cause it's not very comfortable typing from a mobile but actually at thi moment I am listening 'In Strict Confidence' and their 2007 year album 'Exile Paradise'. As far as I know they are germans. Does anybody of you know about them?
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
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Що, блядь, навчився читати українською?
Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!