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architect is too annoying, needs changes
(2012-06-20, 14:46:32)unpredictable_m Wrote: Please reply me if I am wrong

By saying "needs more skills" I wasn't speaking about watching the status bar for 24/7 of course. . . I was speaking about the way you need to play the tank, how you need to play with portals, how to micro units(ult), when and who to buff with a cannon, when to use Q skill on other tanks + mana considerations/limitations + positioning + . .+ . . +. .

I just disagree with your statement "watching 24/7 the status window". 30 seconds is not a short duration since most of the fights long less than 30 seconds. What I personally do is buffing my teammates first and when the fight approaches I buff myself also. So i don't consider this annoying but an improvement can be made. Plus, why should I continuously check my status window within the 15/20 seconds interval?

Is there a way to add a timer on each buff? So the remaining time can be shown in the status bar.
A timer on the buff is an interesting suggestion, though just making the skill rebuffable will resolve the problem very easily. I hope the next update improves his cannon module to be rebuffable at the very least.

Architects portals and his ulti are fine. His ulti in particular received a nice and much needed buff. His Q skill is do able.

On a side note, Mass converter is abit of a greviance I hope they buff it as well. The item in general is suitable for most architect builds but the item itself isn't worth it. The repair bots actually get downgraded by making it 2%hp steal and it just is not worth wasting an entire slot on. I really liked Raptors idea with making a blueprint to combine it with Deflective/burst. Im almost finished making the new weapons suggestions I might add mass converter in there also.

Messages In This Thread
RE: architect is too annoying, needs changes - by Teo_live - 2012-06-20, 18:06:07

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