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HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars
Ok I deleted my former post it had horrible typos. Heh I used color to make my post easier to read. I can't quote entire paragraphs or this post will just be too long but I will address some of the concerns/criticisms here and try improve the suggestions if appropriate.
(2012-08-02, 22:34:17)eSVau Wrote: IMHO this will lead to tier1 tanks switching directly to t4
They could... but that would be quite a silly waste of money if they do that, since the suggestions don't even stack well with any T4 tanks (and you don't even get a refund Smile ). (Perhaps we should allow half a refund to make it fair though?)
(2012-08-03, 02:52:07)UnifiedDoom Wrote: " Anyway Titan Wars exists due to the nature of the titan's ulti "keep on fighting," .... The switch is still forced due to the nature of titan's ulti, so statistically you would lose because of all the gold that went "poof" when you changed tank.
It is a big factor yes, but it is not the only factor (this skill really does suck in certain situations, so HP and armor alone is the true kicker). Remember we don't want to remove ALL incentives to buy T4 or tanks or make T4's redundant. T4 Tanks are part of this game as well, these suggestions are merely to give players more "options".

You can always choose NOT to buy these items for your play style if you prefer Titan... so this is a nonsense issue really.
(2012-08-03, 02:52:07)UnifiedDoom Wrote: Option 1 ... Also the ratio of cost to hp should be more than that of a hull imo to offset the fact that batteries don't cost an inventory slot. The current hulls have a ratio of 1.25 gold / 1 hp, I'd say a battery item like this should be at least 1.5 gold / 1 hp
I agree, more expensive for it's convenience

Perhaps 1500 Gold for 1000HP + 1 Armor will do (though this might be too underpowered... we will see what others have to say)
(2012-08-03, 02:52:07)UnifiedDoom Wrote: Option 2, The "Super Hull" that I would like to see is a lot more simple than yours, simply a "Platinum Hull" that costs 10000 gold and gives 8000 hp (and 5000 gold upgrade that gives +4000 hp), along with it's relative repair pack that costs 5000 and heals 7500 hp.
I Disagree, this just promotes Titan even further than other tanks. Sort of defeats the whole purpose of the suggestion Dodgy
(2012-08-03, 02:52:07)UnifiedDoom Wrote: it will either be horribly overpowered, or horribly underpowered
Yes it is underpowered. I would rather stay on the side of caution for now as these suggestions can always be buffed later on if need be.
(2012-08-03, 02:52:07)UnifiedDoom Wrote: but all of the changes you're suggesting only change the nature of the infernal-robot phase of the game
??????????????? Some items/upgrades require 25 armor level? That is clearly not infernal-robot phase. Though these options can be used at anytime realistically from frost-robot and beyond
(2012-08-03, 02:52:07)UnifiedDoom Wrote: Don't we see enough helicopters and airshits stacking hp already? ... Imagine buying these on tanks w/o percentage based abilities like heavy, and demolisher, it would be a total failure .... but small things like "light tank repair, helicopter speed, scout magic res, goblin speed/res" pale in comparison to usefulness of stunning and severely damaging several enemy players at the same time
This is way too subjective, so it has no use in this thread. Yes some combinations will be poor but some will be quite good. As I say again, you always have the option NOT to buy these items if you prefer a Titan's capability so that isn't an issue.

Well there you have it. I hope others comment in this thread for or against it, but hopefully everyone will at least have ideas on "how to improve" the suggestions if they disagree. I also hope a mod or dev will look at this thread and comment on what they think is and is not plausible.

Messages In This Thread
HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by Teo_live - 2012-08-02, 15:23:23
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by progg - 2012-08-02, 22:16:11
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by eSVau - 2012-08-02, 22:34:17
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by progg - 2012-08-04, 23:20:31
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by Teo_live - 2012-08-03, 10:00:32
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by ssl - 2012-08-03, 13:24:30
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by Exodus - 2012-08-03, 15:39:46
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by Exodus - 2012-08-03, 20:34:33
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by Teo_live - 2012-08-04, 09:19:51
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by eSVau - 2012-08-04, 10:29:56
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by RaptorXI - 2012-08-15, 03:22:20
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by Teo_live - 2012-08-22, 06:18:12
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by progg - 2012-08-15, 13:38:15
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by RaptorXI - 2012-08-23, 10:36:55
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by Teo_live - 2012-08-26, 23:33:03
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by EarthR - 2012-08-27, 08:53:38
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by Teo_live - 2012-08-27, 19:38:56
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by EarthR - 2012-08-27, 21:36:52
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by Wupti - 2012-09-03, 03:38:44
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by progg - 2012-09-03, 23:01:56
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by Teo_live - 2012-09-05, 21:30:58
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by Wupti - 2012-09-06, 01:36:53
RE: HP Upgrades to beat Titan Wars - by Teo_live - 2012-09-06, 16:55:43

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