(2012-08-27, 19:38:56)Teo_live Wrote: There is really no point continuing this debate since Titan will cost a lot less in the future (hopefully anyway). But anyhow...
(2012-08-27, 08:53:38)EarthR Wrote: you miss the point teo. Titan costs 7k more that inf and 9 k more than sf which are the only tanks that have a chance to counter it somehow and that is in team fights only. So 7k-9k is a huge difference so the tank should have many advantages since titan is the only tank in his price category.Ok try this example then
Helicopter costs 1k, Hunter costs 9k.
Time and time again I see helicoptors pawning Hunters. Just like Sky VS Titan, Hunters have much better HP, armor, damage, team fighting skills etc thought they have a distinct speed disadvantage. Shall we raise the level of idiocy in battletanks by make Hunters a flying unit with an inbuilt speed booster just to counter annoying helicopters/airshits?
thats a poor example. YOu cant compare tanks like that. The user of each tank makes the difference also how much each tank is fed. When you try to compare tanks try to compare it in a way where both tanks have spend same gold even then the user makes the difference