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Ban Request (cont. II)
(2012-08-30, 20:09:09)stibi- Wrote: game
reason denial of playing, hiding behind the hq jack_ice (1)
reason: denial of playing
Hope he will ask back for his account after 1 week Wink

(2012-09-01, 17:29:02)progg Wrote:

reason: flame, blame, insult, unsocial behaviour.
when red saveed for his fort i made 3 ups, purp and and yellow instaed making 4th - they tried to kick red ;O they ruined a game wich was easy to win. FadmU (1)
disapproved Urbanflare (3)

progg. u should try to stay cool for some Ranked games Tongue

Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

best part of this game was the question from urbanflare:

-> [34:10] [urbanflare]: is progg always this annoying
-> [24/7] [Tez.Sick]: Hell yeah!

(2012-09-01, 18:51:08)RaptorXI Wrote: game:
player: IIILLLIII (1)

reason: flaming, denial of playing (switched from sky to fortress to heli, hided in the base) IIILLLIII (1)
reason: eco sabotage

(2012-09-04, 17:56:12)progg Wrote:

reason: "go fuck your mother" and after he used ulti on me during fight so i can't kill or can't run few times he said "i said, i will make it on you". So also team sabotage. masterkiller21 (1)
disapproved progg. (1)
reason: flame, insult

Really....... masterkiller21 was the best teamplayer in dark force, he bought hunter for mid, did so much ups (he even sold his hull for last upgrade ) i saw tb and nets, then he put repair in tower........ he never deserve a ban!!!!

progg. just blame masterkiller21 for everything..........

Maybe someone would like to read it Confused (first advice at minute 36) Big Grin

[00:00] [drakulas]: Player [konors] has been unmuted after 30 sec auto mute due to spamming.
[00:00] [skytomb]: -zoom 4540
[00:00] [drakulas]: Please wait. Players are still loading the map.
[00:00] [progg.]: -rc
[00:00] [progg.]: -zoom 4000
[00:00] [drakulas]: Player [ichwillrotsein] finished loading.
[00:00] [im_no_pro]: y not fadmu and kasanagi
[00:00] [progg.]: bot
[00:00] [drakulas]: Player [masterkiller21] finished loading.
[00:00] [masterkiller21]: -zoom 4444
[00:00] [drakulas]: Player [drakulas] finished loading.
[00:00] [drakulas]: Player [konors] finished loading.
[00:00] [drakulas]: Shortest load by player [im_no_pro] was 27.34 seconds.
[00:00] [drakulas]: Longest load by player [konors] was 61.34 seconds.
[00:00] [drakulas]: Your load time was 40.10 seconds.
[00:00] [masterkiller21]: -rc
[00:00] [im_no_pro]: top
[00:07] [konors]: hahah
[00:20] [progg.]: hi
[00:22] [konors]: gj ich
[00:26] [konors]: -zoom 4500
[00:26] [im_no_pro]: rot du wirst verlieren ^^
[00:27] [ichwillrotsein]: ty
[00:29] [konors]: -rc
[00:34] [ichwillrotsein]: ah was
[00:47] [im_no_pro]: du hast grey and lb
[01:16] [ichwillrotsein]: pls no flame this game
[01:28] [progg.]: shut up!
[01:30] [progg.]: ;)
[01:35] [ichwillrotsein]: BANNED!
[01:40] [JK_Livingstone]: and no gonting
[01:43] [ichwillrotsein]: xD
[02:11] [progg.]: -stats 8
[03:10] [JK_Livingstone]: no wave ?
[03:19] [progg.]: -stats 8
[03:20] [im_no_pro]: already used
[05:36] [progg.]: -stats 8
[07:13] [fadmu]:  
[07:25] [progg.]: lol
[07:26] [ichwillrotsein]: awww
[07:29] [ichwillrotsein]: all hit me?!!
[07:37] [progg.]: only u was in range
[07:43] [progg.]: I move like jagger ;)
[08:12] [konors]: yellow stun tinker
[08:23] [progg.]: Heal late?
[08:33] [ichwillrotsein]: unfortunatly
[08:37] [konors]:  
[08:40] [konors]:  
[08:47] [ichwillrotsein]: was 1 more sec
[09:32] [fadmu]:  
[09:38] [konors]: bit luck ^^
[10:12] [progg.]: ops
[10:16] [progg.]: cheat
[10:18] [progg.]: !
[10:25] [ichwillrotsein]: star shooter honey
[11:21] [progg.]: i actually
[11:30] [ichwillrotsein]: yes?
[11:43] [fadmu]:  
[11:46] [konors]: lol xd
[11:52] [fadmu]: 0/3 pro
[11:53] [SgZ_Kusanagi]: sry ^^
[11:57] [progg.]: don't know when q skill has no cd
[11:58] [progg.]: in raide
[11:59] [konors]: and?
[12:04] [konors]: we will see after game fadmu
[12:08] [fadmu]: heheh
[12:08] [konors]: what have every one
[12:09] [konors]: ^^
[12:15] [konors]: you will be 10-30
[12:18] [konors]: ill be 30-10
[12:27] [fadmu]: 0/3
[12:30] [fadmu]: 0/3
[12:38] [konors]: when noobs talk before eld
[12:40] [konors]: allways happen the same
[13:04] [progg.]: -stats 6
[13:04] [fadmu]:  
[13:07] [progg.]: why run btw?
[13:46] [fadmu]:  
[13:50] [progg.]: ops
[13:56] [progg.]: -stats 6
[14:01] [progg.]: -stats 4
[14:14] [masterkiller21]: -hp
[14:24] [konors]: ohh..
[14:32] [fadmu]:  
[14:35] [konors]: 2-3
[14:41] [fadmu]: ks as always
[14:46] [konors]: lol
[14:48] [konors]: hahahahahaha
[15:46] [konors]: i had cd :/
[15:50] [progg.]: -stats 6
[17:05] [konors]: haha do you want stun air? xd
[17:24] [fadmu]:  
[20:31] [im_no_pro]: red swap pls
[20:41] [konors]: yellow
[20:42] [konors]: stun him
[20:45] [konors]: when i ping
[20:57] [ichwillrotsein]: wb
[21:14] [progg.]: see u;)
[21:21] [konors]: yellow
[21:23] [konors]: are you noob?
[21:24] [konors]: talk english?
[21:38] [progg.]: -stats 8
[22:24] [fadmu]:  
[22:28] [konors]:  
[23:04] [im_no_pro]: red pls back
[23:08] [konors]: lol xd
[23:11] [SgZ_Kusanagi]: ^^
[23:48] [konors]: master hunter?
[23:55] [masterkiller21]: y but
[23:57] [masterkiller21]: 1 year later
[24:05] [konors]:  
[24:08] [konors]: yellow
[24:09] [fadmu]: !
[24:12] [konors]: do you see when i ping?
[24:21] [konors]: you have no vision game
[24:35] [ichwillrotsein]: bored
[24:41] [progg.]: i'm not laner
[24:43] [progg.]: and i hate grav
[24:50] [fadmu]:  
[24:58] [ichwillrotsein]: and i hate heavy
[25:03] [progg.]: Swap ? ^^
[25:12] [ichwillrotsein]: ok i buy anti
[25:15] [ichwillrotsein]: u heavy
[25:22] [konors]: yellow
[25:24] [konors]: are you noob?
[25:56] [ichwillrotsein]: mana^^
[26:00] [progg.]: D:L
[26:02] [fadmu]:  
[26:20] [konors]: yellow
[26:24] [konors]: can you stun grey when i ping?
[26:25] [progg.]: you guys keep pushing
[26:29] [progg.]: and noone has positive stats
[26:31] [skytomb]: k
[26:36] [konors]: .ate
[26:37] [konors]: when i do
[26:50] [progg.]: -stats 8
[27:05] [konors]: he have port
[27:08] [progg.]: ko2ors
[27:12] [progg.]: omg
[27:15] [fadmu]:  
[27:24] [konors]: yellow
[27:25] [konors]: when i ping
[27:40] [ichwillrotsein]: xD
[27:51] [ichwillrotsein]: that move was jsut brilliant
[28:40] [fadmu]:  
[28:40] [konors]: noob
[28:41] [konors]:  
[28:58] [progg.]: -stats 8
[29:14] [konors]:  
[29:45] [fadmu]:  
[30:31] [fadmu]:  
[30:35] [konors]: noob xd
[30:36] [konors]:  
[30:42] [konors]: master
[30:52] [masterkiller21]: whastr
[31:04] [konors]: share damg
[31:05] [fadmu]:  
[31:05] [konors]: help
[31:07] [masterkiller21]: lol
[31:10] [masterkiller21]: with 2 k
[31:17] [masterkiller21]: in 3 min hunter
[31:20] [ichwillrotsein]: cd
[31:20] [ichwillrotsein]: :.
[31:21] [masterkiller21]: then share
[31:23] [im_no_pro]: ^^
[31:24] [konors]: one more player is enought to force them to back xd
[32:32] [im_no_pro]: haha
[32:52] [konors]: gj
[32:54] [konors]: going
[33:32] [masterkiller21]: b
[33:40] [konors]:  
[33:43] [masterkiller21]: b
[33:44] [masterkiller21]: b
[34:00] [im_no_pro]: lol who have fed lb?
[34:01] [masterkiller21]: i go mid
[34:34] [progg.]: so slow
[34:46] [konors]: gj fadmu xd
[34:49] [konors]: fadmu
[35:24] [fadmu]: blue care on runing looking for easy kill u need
[35:35] [konors]: haha xd
[36:34] [konors]: gj ulti
[36:41] [fadmu]:  
[36:42] [masterkiller21]: ,lol
[36:42] [progg.]: lol
[36:55] [progg.]: buy net teal
[37:09] [progg.]: -stats 6
[37:34] [konors]: bigch xd
[37:35] [fadmu]:  
[37:50] [fadmu]: break fail
[37:51] [im_no_pro]: campst du immer so viel?
[37:52] [progg.]: they raping mid
[37:54] [fadmu]: :D
[38:05] [ichwillrotsein]: alter halt einfach.... usw
[38:14] [fadmu]:  
[38:23] [im_no_pro]: also ja
[38:33] [ichwillrotsein]: hast son ballanve und heulst rum
[38:34] [konors]: hull
[38:36] [ichwillrotsein]: kann ich nciht verstehen
[38:45] [im_no_pro]: ?
[38:51] [ichwillrotsein]: ???
[38:52] [ichwillrotsein]: höö
[39:02] [im_no_pro]: ballanve?
[39:04] [ichwillrotsein]: mein name isthase und ich weiß von nichts
[39:06] [SgZ_Kusanagi]: lol
[39:07] [fadmu]:  
[39:46] [im_no_pro]: naja spiel mal wieter somne kacke campen
[39:53] [im_no_pro]: wior sind hire nicht im urlaub
[40:08] [ichwillrotsein]: alter ich hab low range
[40:12] [ichwillrotsein]: was soll ich machen?
[40:18] [konors]: gj
[40:20] [im_no_pro]: mich feeden XD
[40:23] [fadmu]:  
[41:17] [im_no_pro]: lol yellow so fail
[42:18] [konors]: omg
[42:21] [JK_Livingstone]: dead
[42:32] [progg.]: thx
[42:34] [progg.]: demon soon
[42:38] [im_no_pro]: good
[42:41] [JK_Livingstone]: camper purle :-p
[42:52] [im_no_pro]: hehe
[42:55] [im_no_pro]: one time
[43:11] [progg.]: camper pink
[43:18] [progg.]: teal bot
[43:21] [masterkiller21]: c d
[43:23] [progg.]: -kick 3
[43:26] [masterkiller21]: idiot
[43:29] [masterkiller21]: i tried top
[43:35] [progg.]: moron
[43:35] [konors]: why top?
[43:35] [im_no_pro]: ah fuck zu spät healer gedrückt
[43:36] [konors]: i was there
[43:37] [progg.]: fed first
[43:42] [progg.]: def first
[43:44] [progg.]: not attack
[43:46] [masterkiller21]: y
[43:48] [progg.]: fuckin idiot
[43:50] [masterkiller21]: where
[43:51] [masterkiller21]: was u
[43:54] [masterkiller21]: -kick 1
[43:55] [progg.]: dead
[44:01] [progg.]: pink ganged me
[44:15] [im_no_pro]: s
[44:19] [fadmu]:  
[44:25] [im_no_pro]: again too late the fucking healer
[44:38] [fadmu]: -team Sad
[45:04] [konors]: opmg
[45:06] [konors]: you take all kills
[45:16] [im_no_pro]: stry want help
[45:32] [konors]: np its not yor fault man
[45:57] [progg.]: kono swap bot
[45:59] [progg.]: u're more mobile
[46:06] [konors]: k
[46:32] [konors]:  
[46:35] [progg.]: gj
[47:12] [konors]: b
[47:22] [konors]: no chance bitch
[47:32] [progg.]: if teal got tp
[47:37] [masterkiller21]: y
[47:38] [progg.]: would be easy
[47:38] [masterkiller21]: rigjt
[47:40] [masterkiller21]: 1 sec
[47:43] [masterkiller21]: it was there
[47:46] [masterkiller21]: for thatshort
[48:14] [progg.]: cheap hull in junk
[48:22] [progg.]: steal hull upped in junkyard
[48:24] [progg.]: cheap
[48:48] [konors]:  
[48:49] [progg.]: n1
[48:53] [im_no_pro]: top too
[48:54] [konors]: fadmu?¿
[48:56] [konors]: what hapepned
[48:58] [progg.]: i see;)
[49:05] [konors]: why come so late?
[49:06] [konors]: i had it
[49:31] [konors]: omg
[49:32] [konors]: stupd mouse
[49:41] [fadmu]:  
[49:42] [im_no_pro]: yy blue
[49:45] [im_no_pro]: noob
[49:47] [im_no_pro]: XD
[49:55] [konors]: xD
[50:07] [progg.]: mid
[50:31] [progg.]: lol
[50:33] [progg.]: 0.0001 s
[50:47] [ichwillrotsein]: i knwo your slow
[50:49] [ichwillrotsein]: dont tell me
[50:54] [konors]: team
[50:56] [konors]: i pinged
[51:00] [konors]: dont wait plz
[51:15] [konors]: im saving tank
[51:51] [konors]: ^^
[52:00] [im_no_pro]: hehe oj
[52:05] [JK_Livingstone]: unbelievable#
[52:13] [JK_Livingstone]: but i played bad in this situation :-(
[52:47] [im_no_pro]: man ey
[52:49] [konors]: stop port so late
[52:51] [ichwillrotsein]: thx for coming
[52:57] [masterkiller21]: np
[52:58] [konors]: dont wiat they are in cp..
[53:01] [im_no_pro]: yellow nobody is in mid and teal and you dont watch at minimap
[53:02] [progg.]: i was saving your ass konors
[53:05] [progg.]: go mid konors
[53:06] [masterkiller21]: blaa
[53:08] [masterkiller21]: +i was
[53:08] [im_no_pro]: do noob behaviour
[53:09] [masterkiller21]: tzhgere
[53:10] [masterkiller21]: and die3d
[53:10] [konors]: i dont say to you
[53:12] [masterkiller21]: on ztop
[53:38] [progg.]: 3 afk?
[53:42] [masterkiller21]: no
[53:44] [masterkiller21]: i look
[53:45] [progg.]: dude buy tp
[53:49] [konors]: how can you port more than me?
[53:55] [progg.]: isee u have tv mode
[54:00] [progg.]: how hunter without tp? :O
[54:05] [JK_Livingstone]: wasn´t more
[54:30] [masterkiller21]: someone save for inf ?
[55:14] [masterkiller21]: someone save for inf ?
[55:17] [konors]: i
[55:17] [masterkiller21]: then i do ups
[55:18] [masterkiller21]: other
[55:19] [masterkiller21]: kk
[55:24] [konors]: i could now
[55:28] [konors]: without big items but now
[55:29] [masterkiller21]: iu do ups
[55:29] [konors]: or wait 1 hour
[55:35] [masterkiller21]: 1 hour
[55:37] [konors]: k
[55:43] [progg.]: teal
[55:45] [masterkiller21]: i can only dop 3 atm
[55:45] [progg.]: buy net and tp
[55:51] [progg.]: and u will make kill every 50 s
[55:56] [masterkiller21]: no
[55:56] [masterkiller21]: redc
[55:59] [masterkiller21]: iu save
[56:01] [masterkiller21]: for ups
[56:13] [im_no_pro]: yellow
[56:17] [im_no_pro]: no
[56:18] [im_no_pro]: omg
[56:21] [progg.]: teal is dumb
[56:21] [im_no_pro]: not all at one
[56:25] [masterkiller21]: fucmk u#
[56:25] [im_no_pro]: omg
[56:25] [progg.]: dumbest hunter i saw
[56:27] [masterkiller21]: -kick 12
[56:29] [progg.]: no speed no tp no net
[56:30] [masterkiller21]: -kick 1
[56:34] [masterkiller21]: io have spoeed
[56:35] [progg.]: only die
[56:44] [konors]: np guys
[56:46] [konors]: i have inf son
[56:46] [fadmu]:  
[56:46] [progg.]: no np
[56:46] [ichwillrotsein]: aww game over man
[56:46] [masterkiller21]: the next stun will go ion you red
[56:46] [progg.]: he's useless hunter
[56:46] [progg.]: and don't want to make kills
[56:46] [fadmu]: long time ago
[56:46] [progg.]: how to play hunter without tp?
[56:46] [konors]: haha
[56:46] [konors]: first
[56:46] [masterkiller21]: gio buy inf
[56:46] [konors]: we had more cps all the game
[56:46] [masterkiller21]: i do ups now
[56:46] [progg.]: especially when they kill you every 2min
[56:46] [fadmu]:  
[56:46] [ichwillrotsein]: no?
[56:46] [konors]: so dont say game over a logn time ago
[56:46] [progg.]: hunter with 6 kills
[56:46] [fadmu]: and more death
[56:46] [konors]: and it isnt over..
[56:46] [progg.]: so sad
[56:46] [masterkiller21]: fuck u son of a bitch
[56:46] [progg.]: BUY NET AND TP
[56:46] [progg.]: and u will have zylion kills
[56:46] [konors]: we will see if you win
[56:46] [konors]: or me
[56:46] [fadmu]: u have more everything
[56:46] [drakulas]: Player [progg.] voted to drop laggers.
[56:46] [drakulas]: Player [SgZ_Kusanagi] voted to drop laggers.
[56:46] [drakulas]: Player [ichwillrotsein] voted to drop laggers.
[56:46] [fadmu]: lol
[56:46] [drakulas]: Player [drakulas] voted to drop laggers.
[56:46] [drakulas]: Player [JK_Livingstone] voted to drop laggers.
[56:46] [drakulas]: im_no_pro lagged out (dropped by vote).
[56:52] [progg.]: -giveup
[57:09] [konors]: make ups team
[57:16] [masterkiller21]: thatg is all
[57:18] [konors]: 1 more up
[57:20] [konors]: someone
[57:24] [konors]: yellow?
[57:30] [masterkiller21]: go
[57:30] [masterkiller21]: buy
[58:50] [konors]: im reayd
[58:51] [masterkiller21]: bitch
[59:16] [progg.]: go konors
[59:17] [progg.]: go now
[59:35] [progg.]: fail hard
[59:40] [konors]: they stun me
[59:44] [konors]: i need you stun heavy when i port
[59:46] [fadmu]:  
[59:48] [progg.]: we all failed
[60:36] [konors]: wtf
[60:38] [fadmu]:  
[60:39] [progg.]: -giveup
[60:45] [konors]: fail
[60:49] [progg.]: our hunter is too stupid
[60:52] [konors]: as i said, i think they chagne hutner ulti range
[60:56] [konors]: go all mid
[61:03] [masterkiller21]: -kick 1
[61:15] [konors]: gj yellow
[61:15] [konors]: 2 inf
[61:54] [konors]: omg yellow
[61:55] [konors]: what a fail..
[62:00] [progg.]: let's try mid now
[62:25] [konors]: go all mid
[62:25] [konors]: run
[62:33] [progg.]: gj teal
[62:35] [progg.]: u killed me
[62:37] [masterkiller21]: np
[62:47] [progg.]: worst hunter i've seen
[63:00] [masterkiller21]: worst demon i ever seen
[63:06] [masterkiller21]: and u are big fat ass
[63:17] [konors]: gj
[63:43] [progg.]: go mid
[63:46] [progg.]: they wasted skills
[63:48] [progg.]: go go go
[64:05] [konors]: come all
[64:06] [konors]: go take top
[64:16] [progg.]: teal u move your ass?
[64:50] [progg.]: cc
[65:06] [progg.]: USE FUCKIN BRAIN TEAL
[65:11] [progg.]: when u ulti
[65:12] [masterkiller21]: -kick 12
[65:17] [progg.]: so dumb fucker
[65:20] [progg.]: u killed me once
[65:21] [konors]: we have 4 cps
[65:23] [konors]: they ahve 2
[65:24] [konors]: take md
[65:24] [progg.]: u saved lb 2nd time
[65:25] [konors]: and we win
[65:46] [progg.]: move teal
[65:47] [progg.]: mid
[65:52] [masterkiller21]: go fuck
[65:54] [masterkiller21]: your mother
[66:01] [masterkiller21]: play yoour game
[66:02] [masterkiller21]: bitrchg
[66:18] [konors]: go all mid now
[66:28] [konors]: they have 2 inf
[66:43] [progg.]: teal is 2 stupid to go mid
[66:44] [progg.]: i watch
[66:47] [progg.]: he wtach
[67:23] [progg.]: again teal ulti me-.-
[67:28] [masterkiller21]: like i said
[67:31] [masterkiller21]: iu will on you alway
[67:38] [fadmu]:  
[67:41] [progg.]: k
[67:44] [progg.]: that's enought for ban
[67:46] [konors]: fail stun again yellow
[67:55] [masterkiller21]: wow ?
[68:00] [progg.]: yes
[68:05] [masterkiller21]: blkaa
[68:12] [progg.]: go fuck your mother and team sabotage is enought for ban for everybody
[68:25] [masterkiller21]: go play your game
[68:28] [masterkiller21]: anbd shuit up
[68:31] [progg.]: i cant
[68:35] [masterkiller21]: idiot
[68:36] [progg.]: couseu saboting me
[69:03] [fadmu]:  
[69:05] [konors]: close ^^
[69:22] [skytomb]: -giveup
[70:01] [fadmu]:  
[70:14] [fadmu]:  
[70:21] [fadmu]:  
[71:25] [konors]: ggj prog
[72:17] [skytomb]: giveup no chance
[72:18] [fadmu]: :)
[72:26] [progg.]: they can have dc also
[72:45] [konors]: all top
[72:45] [konors]: now
[72:46] [konors]: now
[72:47] [konors]: all top
[72:47] [drakulas]: Player [konors] has been muted for 60 seconds due to spamming!
[72:54] [progg.]: all top - we lose all cps
[72:55] [progg.]: or base
[73:01] [fadmu]: blablalblablal blue
[73:02] [fadmu]: hahaha
[73:23] [fadmu]: :D
[73:46] [drakulas]: Player [konors] has been unmuted after 60 sec auto mute due to spamming.
[74:15] [konors]: all mid
[74:59] [fadmu]: jhahah wt desesperat tower?
[75:00] [fadmu]: hahahah
[75:08] [progg.]: gagagagagahahahahahahagsdgashahsha
[75:11] [progg.]: neurotic?
[75:11] [fadmu]: hahaha
[75:57] [fadmu]:  
[75:57] [progg.]: mid anyfuckin one?
[76:05] [progg.]: too fuckin late
[76:08] [fadmu]: die base die
[76:09] [fadmu]: :D
[76:28] [progg.]: def mid
[76:29] [progg.]: def mid
[76:59] [progg.]: gj grey
[77:05] [progg.]: u alsmost kill it
[77:23] [fadmu]: just wait 2 minut
[77:30] [konors]: i have 13k
[77:33] [konors]: ill go swarm
[77:40] [fadmu]: buy more
[77:43] [progg.]: go dakrness
[77:46] [konors]: we need repair towers
[77:47] [konors]: darkness?
[79:28] [konors]: we need repair on towers
[80:03] [konors]: put repair on last tower
[80:04] [progg.]: repair to towers 2ow
[80:04] [konors]: or we lose
[81:25] [konors]: nice ass save ^^
[81:39] [fadmu]: :D
[81:49] [konors]: we are feed now
[81:57] [fadmu]: tinker still wining
[81:57] [konors]: if i take back items we can win
[82:11] [fadmu]: :D
[83:07] [konors]: çteal go mid
[83:09] [fadmu]: good bye base
[83:13] [progg.]: -kick 4
[83:14] [konors]: omg teal
[83:17] [progg.]: -kick 8
[83:21] [progg.]: -kick 3
[83:27] [progg.]: teal ftw
[83:28] [masterkiller21]: look main
[83:28] [progg.]: yours
[83:33] [masterkiller21]: and you talk from mid
[83:35] [masterkiller21]: fuckers
[83:38] [progg.]: idiot
[83:39] [progg.]: he was dead
[83:40] [JK_Livingstone]: what shall he do
[83:41] [ichwillrotsein]: pls dont coplain about ballance
[83:44] [progg.]: and 1s was enought to def mid
[83:53] [masterkiller21]: red is biggest idiot i have seen
[83:54] [progg.]: noobshit
[83:59] [masterkiller21]: have done nothing for team
[84:00] [masterkiller21]: anb
[84:03] [masterkiller21]: and biggest talker
[84:10] [progg.]: u lose this game teal
[84:12] [ichwillrotsein]: last gamepurp cried because he had 9 and 10 in his team
[84:14] [progg.]: hunter without kills
[84:16] [progg.]: without brain
[84:22] [masterkiller21]: ui have no brain
[85:00] [fadmu]: blue
[85:01] [fadmu]: blue
[85:02] [progg.]: hunter use ulti only to kills his team
[85:04] [fadmu]: tinker won u
[85:10] [konors]: tinker
[85:11] [konors]: no
[85:14] [fadmu]: hahah
[85:14] [konors]: dc won me
[85:19] [konors]: not tinker
[85:33] [progg.]: and teal ultiing his team all the time
[85:40] [masterkiller21]: blaa
[85:41] [konors]: gg

But i think we start to ban every account from progg. when we saw a replay where he annoys people........ Huh

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-05-09, 18:06:11
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by progg - 2012-08-12, 00:59:12
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Ch4oSxD - 2012-08-15, 18:45:54
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-09-03, 15:47:03
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by progg - 2012-08-16, 00:35:58
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Grana - 2012-08-17, 18:15:40
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by progg - 2012-08-18, 04:36:31
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BEORNER - 2012-08-19, 04:56:36
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by progg - 2012-08-20, 00:02:33
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by progg - 2012-08-25, 02:49:50
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by progg - 2012-08-27, 01:24:30
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by DJantoine - 2012-08-28, 16:03:57
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2012-08-30, 20:09:09
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by progg - 2012-09-01, 17:29:02
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by RaptorXI - 2012-09-01, 18:51:08
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2012-09-03, 15:49:00
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by progg - 2012-09-04, 17:56:12
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2012-09-07, 21:40:37
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by cpu - 2012-09-09, 16:29:28
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by PROGGKILLER - 2012-09-09, 23:25:43
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by LoveComesAgain - 2012-09-10, 23:11:42
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Grischa187 - 2012-09-16, 16:09:06
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Ch4oSxD - 2012-09-20, 15:58:39
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by dachlatte - 2012-09-23, 14:45:34
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by DJantoine - 2012-09-23, 21:03:08
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-11-07, 13:53:00
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Baabaadoo - 2012-09-24, 04:09:19
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-09-24, 12:19:07
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by DJantoine - 2012-09-27, 09:25:56
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by DJantoine - 2012-09-30, 18:19:24
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by UnifiedDoom - 2012-09-30, 19:20:03
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2012-10-05, 13:05:12
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2012-10-05, 21:14:54
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by decio - 2012-10-06, 18:58:51
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by PROGGKILLER - 2012-10-09, 03:13:38
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by dirtyterror - 2012-10-09, 18:55:51
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Grischa187 - 2012-10-09, 18:57:44
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-11-08, 17:59:36
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by dirtyterror - 2012-10-09, 18:59:37
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by EarthR - 2012-10-11, 17:24:42
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by dirtyterror - 2012-10-13, 23:41:34
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-11-09, 17:46:19
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Ch4oSxD - 2012-10-14, 17:53:03
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2012-10-16, 16:20:21
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by ICE2607 - 2012-10-21, 02:33:44
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by FlashVanMaster - 2012-10-22, 16:15:34
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by EarthR - 2012-10-26, 20:56:13
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2012-11-06, 02:48:03
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by DJantoine - 2012-11-08, 13:42:45
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by EarthR - 2012-11-08, 20:20:21
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jack_acc - 2012-11-09, 00:47:40
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jack_acc - 2012-11-11, 21:20:15
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2012-11-13, 15:53:02
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2012-11-14, 03:34:17
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Ch4oSxD - 2012-11-15, 19:36:08
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2012-11-15, 19:36:18
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2012-11-16, 02:35:14
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2012-11-16, 14:54:11
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by daminator3 - 2012-11-19, 17:35:12
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-11-19, 18:01:11
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by DJantoine - 2012-11-19, 20:06:28
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Saiyuki - 2012-11-21, 01:20:33
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jojoy - 2012-11-21, 00:29:19
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jojoy - 2012-11-21, 01:29:46
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-11-21, 02:04:08
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jack_acc - 2012-11-22, 21:37:09
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2012-11-23, 07:17:02
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jojoy - 2012-11-24, 03:24:52
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2012-11-24, 06:52:44
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Ch4oSxD - 2012-11-25, 20:35:23
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Saiyuki - 2012-11-26, 23:54:37
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by DJantoine - 2012-11-29, 16:27:47
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-11-29, 16:57:00
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jack_acc - 2012-11-29, 19:40:11
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2012-11-29, 21:31:37
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by FreeJason - 2012-12-04, 20:57:21
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2012-12-04, 21:24:31
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-12-04, 21:32:51
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by dirtyterror - 2012-12-06, 02:58:12
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2012-12-06, 09:52:22
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by UnifiedDoom - 2012-12-08, 21:10:36
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-12-10, 15:20:49
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2012-12-11, 21:18:30
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Saiyuki - 2012-12-12, 02:11:02
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by ICE2607 - 2012-12-18, 15:17:51
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2012-12-19, 21:19:13
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by RaptorXI - 2012-12-20, 02:13:43
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2012-12-20, 09:11:28
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by DJantoine - 2012-12-21, 16:39:08
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2012-12-22, 10:20:24
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2012-12-26, 02:40:57
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2012-12-26, 12:45:37
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by ICE2607 - 2012-12-30, 20:32:58
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-12-30, 21:25:19
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2013-01-03, 21:07:32
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-01-03, 23:42:53
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by dirtyterror - 2013-01-07, 01:48:05
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2013-01-08, 20:25:38
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by decio - 2013-01-15, 23:09:44
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-01-16, 07:17:33
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Jason - 2013-01-25, 01:59:24
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2013-01-25, 03:11:48
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by ICE2607 - 2013-01-28, 23:19:30
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by PaPPa_D - 2013-01-28, 23:49:20
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-01-29, 17:54:57
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2013-01-29, 22:40:20
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2013-01-30, 14:50:46
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by daminator3 - 2013-02-01, 15:18:12
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2013-02-01, 17:24:27
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-02-01, 17:21:29
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by ICE2607 - 2013-02-03, 03:34:11
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by ICE2607 - 2013-02-03, 20:43:01
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by ichwillrotsein - 2013-02-05, 03:48:38
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-02-06, 14:44:47
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by ICE2607 - 2013-02-07, 01:59:39
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2013-02-09, 21:15:16
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-02-07, 14:26:03
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by ICE2607 - 2013-02-16, 15:56:59
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2013-03-06, 13:58:07
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by LoveComesAgain - 2013-02-18, 22:34:27
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by decio - 2013-02-21, 23:26:06
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-02-23, 11:54:58
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2013-02-26, 02:28:56
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2013-02-27, 20:53:33
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2013-02-28, 16:29:57
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2013-03-07, 18:51:23
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2013-03-13, 01:18:52
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by urnightmarre - 2013-03-13, 01:23:41
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by ICE2607 - 2013-03-13, 01:24:01
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2013-03-13, 01:46:30
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by lyf590 - 2013-03-14, 22:47:27
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-03-22, 00:41:45
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2013-03-18, 23:59:20
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2013-03-19, 01:06:11
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by LoveComesAgain - 2013-03-21, 00:33:19
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2013-03-23, 16:05:47
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by elite_flamer - 2013-03-23, 16:06:32
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-03-23, 16:52:12
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by nyso - 2013-03-24, 02:18:56
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-03-24, 18:23:34
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by ICE2607 - 2013-03-24, 16:58:54
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jagler - 2013-03-24, 17:43:09
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by LoveComesAgain - 2013-04-01, 00:04:57
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-04-01, 01:25:37
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by decio - 2013-04-01, 01:26:25
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by mynth - 2013-04-08, 15:02:53
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-04-08, 16:52:39
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2013-04-08, 19:21:41
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-04-08, 20:14:05
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by nostralias - 2013-04-10, 03:40:33
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2013-04-10, 10:46:49
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by gozo1985 - 2013-04-10, 21:43:46
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-04-11, 10:33:41
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jagler - 2013-04-13, 17:02:02
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-04-14, 18:10:03
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Ch4oSxD - 2013-04-17, 02:43:38
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-04-17, 08:34:53
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by ColorConstancy - 2013-04-21, 00:33:40
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-04-21, 20:29:43
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by nostralias - 2013-04-23, 23:01:27
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by gozo1985 - 2013-05-06, 02:33:40
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2013-05-06, 09:09:24
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by dalyarak1 - 2013-05-07, 19:10:13
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-05-07, 21:45:12
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by gozo1985 - 2013-05-08, 23:31:40
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-05-09, 05:52:58
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by GodStrongArms - 2013-05-13, 23:25:11
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-05-14, 13:11:02
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by griffin1987 - 2013-05-15, 22:42:45
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-05-17, 18:04:37
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by daminator3 - 2013-05-24, 17:53:44
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by nostralias - 2013-05-24, 21:21:51
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-05-25, 11:11:42
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by GodStrongArms - 2013-05-25, 15:52:20
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-05-27, 13:11:44
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by daminator3 - 2013-06-13, 18:03:27
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-06-14, 01:00:08
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jagler - 2013-06-13, 21:29:31
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-06-17, 14:13:52
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jagler - 2013-07-01, 23:12:51
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-07-02, 13:02:27
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-07-13, 17:40:30
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by UnifiedDoom - 2013-07-14, 21:23:24
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-07-15, 17:15:50
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by nyso - 2013-07-18, 20:03:04
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-07-20, 07:18:33
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by GodStrongArms - 2013-07-19, 15:27:27
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jagler - 2013-07-19, 20:35:46
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by mynth - 2013-07-19, 20:54:30
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by UnifiedDoom - 2013-07-20, 21:26:40
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-07-20, 21:41:43
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by nyso - 2013-07-21, 17:12:41
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2013-07-22, 13:04:25
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by GodStrongArms - 2013-07-26, 01:36:56
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2013-07-26, 02:22:09
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2013-07-26, 02:25:44
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by gozo1985 - 2013-07-28, 00:21:24
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-07-28, 06:50:35
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by gozo1985 - 2013-07-28, 19:20:09
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-07-28, 20:04:54
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jagler - 2013-07-30, 13:45:40
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-07-30, 17:52:13
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by GodStrongArms - 2013-08-05, 20:34:39
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-08-06, 18:34:24
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by UnifiedDoom - 2013-08-22, 01:48:57
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-08-22, 18:59:02
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2013-08-22, 19:01:26
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-08-24, 16:04:48
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jagler - 2013-08-25, 01:51:41
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-08-25, 09:50:49
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by nostralias - 2013-08-26, 00:06:42
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-08-26, 08:30:10
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-09-11, 16:27:53
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by RaptorXI - 2013-09-17, 00:24:09
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-09-17, 21:23:18
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by nyso - 2013-09-20, 18:59:21
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-09-21, 13:17:52
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by nyso - 2013-09-21, 21:59:01
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-09-22, 19:14:56
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by GodStrongArms - 2013-09-30, 01:00:22
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jagler - 2013-10-05, 19:27:35
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-10-06, 01:06:14
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-10-06, 22:03:43
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2013-10-08, 23:07:16
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-10-09, 00:07:42
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by GodStrongArms - 2013-10-11, 21:45:39
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-10-13, 09:41:37
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by GodStrongArms - 2013-10-12, 21:04:57
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-10-13, 14:08:00
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by - 2013-10-23, 17:56:51
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-10-26, 17:30:13
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2013-10-30, 21:40:16
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-10-31, 12:04:44
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by legitimateRape - 2013-11-01, 06:37:30
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-11-01, 10:15:32
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by guangzhou265 - 2013-11-03, 23:30:08
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-11-04, 20:08:04
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jojoy. - 2013-11-07, 16:14:37
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by guangzhou265 - 2013-11-09, 20:01:54
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-11-11, 20:04:25
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by guangzhou265 - 2013-11-12, 20:54:17
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by guangzhou265 - 2013-11-13, 19:48:52
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jumpjump - 2013-11-13, 21:23:00
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2013-11-15, 21:59:01
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Prog - 2013-11-16, 02:26:04
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-11-19, 10:54:16
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by GodStrongArms - 2013-11-19, 20:58:34
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2013-11-25, 21:03:54
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by galadion1 - 2013-11-29, 22:36:30
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-12-05, 16:12:48
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by galadion1 - 2013-12-01, 00:00:48
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2013-12-03, 21:07:16
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2013-12-20, 16:15:01
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by El_Polacco - 2013-12-20, 23:58:09
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2013-12-21, 00:11:13
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Ch4oSxD - 2014-01-03, 18:45:29
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2014-01-04, 07:22:31
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by galadion1 - 2014-01-04, 00:12:14
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-01-06, 15:56:03
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Suger_mom - 2014-01-10, 22:23:40
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-01-11, 00:23:14
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by galadion1 - 2014-01-12, 02:52:06
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2014-01-12, 13:48:03
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by LoveComesAgain - 2014-01-12, 23:36:27
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2014-01-13, 00:38:20
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jumpjump - 2014-01-18, 00:13:16
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-01-18, 12:42:11
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2014-01-29, 23:45:39
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2014-01-31, 02:19:41
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jumpjump - 2014-01-31, 21:17:39
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-02-01, 12:43:45
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by gozo1985 - 2014-02-02, 21:27:17
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-02-02, 23:09:53
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by GodStrongArms - 2014-02-08, 00:02:10
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-02-08, 11:04:14
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2014-02-13, 19:34:08
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by EarthR - 2014-02-14, 22:31:47
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-02-15, 00:21:47
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2014-03-02, 18:42:57
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-03-02, 19:21:19
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jojoy. - 2014-03-04, 23:58:49
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2014-03-12, 19:48:52
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by ckibibi - 2014-03-05, 01:52:30
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-03-05, 02:31:49
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2014-03-28, 15:55:50
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by galadion1 - 2014-03-31, 16:15:34
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2014-04-01, 07:22:36
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by SirMalum - 2014-04-05, 23:58:34
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2014-04-10, 20:11:42
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by galadion1 - 2014-04-11, 23:39:44
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-04-12, 12:54:24
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by ckibibi - 2014-04-15, 00:22:58
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-04-15, 11:11:25
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by TmG[RUS]ReGaN - 2014-04-16, 16:43:24
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by galadion1 - 2014-04-16, 22:36:58
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-04-17, 11:21:49
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by hiver - 2014-04-24, 23:27:50
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by galadion1 - 2014-04-24, 23:44:51
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-04-25, 22:37:28
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by RaptorXI - 2014-04-26, 20:01:25
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-04-26, 20:07:29
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by guangzhou265 - 2014-05-04, 00:05:39
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2014-05-04, 11:12:10
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Ch4oSxD - 2014-05-09, 00:19:24
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2014-05-09, 07:14:33
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by guangzhou265 - 2014-05-13, 20:21:06
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-05-13, 21:06:55
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by guangzhou265 - 2014-05-13, 21:33:01
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by TmG[RUS]ReGaN - 2014-05-15, 17:10:27
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2014-05-21, 16:02:11
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by galadion1 - 2014-05-18, 19:26:50
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2014-05-24, 20:23:15
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by El_Polacco - 2014-05-24, 20:28:57
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2014-05-28, 20:50:31
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by ckibibi - 2014-05-28, 21:48:45
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by GodStrongArms - 2014-05-29, 17:37:14
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2014-05-29, 19:10:15
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by myeloissexy - 2014-05-30, 23:42:37
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by GodStrongArms - 2014-06-23, 15:46:19
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by myeloissexy - 2014-06-06, 19:19:59
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2014-06-11, 18:07:34
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Ch4oSxD - 2014-06-22, 19:06:02
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-06-24, 19:02:29
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by galadion1 - 2014-07-02, 00:59:01
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-07-02, 16:08:53
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by guangzhou265 - 2014-07-16, 08:14:44
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2014-07-17, 19:02:10
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by galadion1 - 2014-07-17, 22:20:04
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2014-07-20, 00:20:02
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by galadion1 - 2014-07-18, 20:55:23
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2014-07-19, 01:53:12
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by El_Polacco - 2014-07-19, 18:56:19
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by LIoOoOoIL - 2014-07-22, 12:47:23
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-07-22, 21:00:37
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2014-07-28, 08:45:07
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2014-07-28, 16:43:12
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2014-07-29, 16:01:07
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2014-07-29, 15:51:11
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by EaSy2WiN4YoU - 2014-07-31, 20:13:52
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by EaSy2WiN4YoU - 2014-07-31, 22:42:01
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by EaSy2WiN4YoU - 2014-08-01, 19:34:16
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2014-08-03, 16:11:21
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by galadion1 - 2014-08-17, 00:16:34
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by guangzhou265 - 2014-08-17, 21:15:45
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by guangzhou265 - 2014-08-18, 21:33:19
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-08-26, 15:30:59
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by guangzhou265 - 2014-08-26, 17:18:26
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-08-27, 13:59:53
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max0890 - 2014-08-27, 19:11:08
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-08-28, 13:18:50
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Galbatorix - 2014-09-10, 11:23:57
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2014-09-10, 12:20:13
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jojoy - 2014-10-30, 11:11:28
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2014-11-08, 11:22:40
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by El_Polacco - 2014-11-02, 00:44:51
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by galadion1 - 2014-11-14, 01:51:58
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2014-11-15, 21:59:56
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2014-11-17, 18:38:28
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jojoy - 2014-11-22, 01:06:35
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by El_Polacco - 2014-11-30, 20:25:29
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-01-15, 11:24:47
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by galadion1 - 2015-01-15, 02:09:58
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-01-15, 11:33:41
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2015-02-08, 19:53:14
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-02-09, 00:50:41
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by dalyarak1 - 2015-02-11, 01:05:19
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-02-11, 01:13:12
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by RAF_Fenix - 2015-02-11, 20:49:05
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-02-11, 22:20:59
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by dirtyterror - 2015-02-12, 02:41:45
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-02-12, 02:45:56
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by dirtyterror - 2015-02-12, 02:50:33
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-02-12, 08:27:47
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max0890 - 2015-02-13, 23:20:00
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-02-14, 14:49:18
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by RAF_Fenix - 2015-02-20, 20:47:05
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-02-21, 10:55:58
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by RAF_Fenix - 2015-02-21, 14:35:06
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-02-21, 14:53:01
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-02-14, 08:16:03
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by guangzhou265 - 2015-02-21, 23:29:43
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-02-21, 23:35:18
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2015-02-22, 01:19:34
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by dirtyterror - 2015-03-12, 02:36:19
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-03-12, 18:26:39
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-03-14, 08:56:39
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by LoveComesAgain - 2015-03-14, 15:35:28
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by dirtyterror - 2015-03-15, 00:33:08
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-03-15, 04:14:15
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by RaptorXI - 2015-03-16, 09:29:22
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2015-03-16, 10:35:55
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-03-16, 13:52:42
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by MasterWM - 2015-03-22, 14:07:52
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-03-26, 01:19:13
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-03-26, 01:20:04
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-03-22, 21:02:06
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by MasterWM - 2015-03-24, 01:36:22
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-03-25, 15:26:36
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by guangzhou265 - 2015-03-25, 23:29:02
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-03-26, 01:13:23
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by MasterWM - 2015-03-26, 10:53:41
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-03-26, 12:39:10
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-06-03, 06:01:44
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by El_Polacco - 2015-04-04, 02:11:10
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-04-05, 23:31:33
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by chinaplayer - 2015-04-10, 21:16:12
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by El_Polacco - 2015-04-18, 16:21:54
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Wapiti. - 2015-04-18, 19:11:22
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Wapiti. - 2015-04-19, 01:51:18
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Amr - 2015-04-19, 23:02:23
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-04-21, 03:18:03
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Wapiti. - 2015-04-20, 00:27:08
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by El_Polacco - 2015-05-23, 20:48:21
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-06-03, 03:27:07
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-05-25, 09:02:31
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by El_Polacco - 2015-05-25, 10:03:13
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-05-25, 15:00:15
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jojoy - 2015-05-31, 01:57:47
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-06-03, 06:11:47
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jojoy - 2015-06-03, 13:10:21
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-06-03, 13:11:19
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by GodStrongArms - 2015-05-31, 18:39:12
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-06-01, 14:15:13
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by MasterWM - 2015-06-02, 08:00:39
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-06-03, 06:16:05
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by MasterWM - 2015-06-05, 11:48:29
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-06-19, 11:25:03
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jojoy - 2015-06-05, 23:19:52
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-06-05, 23:30:45
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by MasterWM - 2015-06-07, 15:17:43
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-06-07, 23:04:13
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by MasterWM - 2015-06-08, 10:02:28
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jojoy - 2015-06-08, 00:54:32
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-06-10, 12:23:43
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-06-10, 12:25:58
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by reyizz - 2015-06-14, 22:55:22
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by galadion1 - 2015-06-16, 01:07:30
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-06-19, 11:27:00
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by reyizz - 2015-06-18, 22:58:29
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by galadion1 - 2015-06-30, 01:22:05
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-06-30, 01:50:15
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by galadion1 - 2015-07-01, 20:12:34
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-07-02, 00:43:19
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by BENNIE.FM - 2015-07-02, 08:42:30
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jack_acc - 2012-05-09, 18:55:22
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-05-09, 19:27:33
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by dirtyterror - 2012-05-10, 15:43:56
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2012-05-11, 07:23:18
PLS Ban - by Bloody - 2012-05-11, 18:52:34
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Prokrastinat - 2012-05-11, 22:12:25
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by dirtyterror - 2012-05-12, 01:56:29
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Prokrastinat - 2012-05-13, 20:18:34
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by warrior_cobra - 2012-05-14, 23:39:39
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-05-16, 10:28:02
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Prokrastinat - 2012-05-16, 20:20:24
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Saiyuki - 2012-05-16, 22:47:16
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by dalyarak1 - 2012-05-17, 01:02:24
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Saiyuki - 2012-05-17, 16:22:00
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by dalyarak1 - 2012-05-18, 02:10:04
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jack_acc - 2012-05-18, 15:54:06
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2012-05-18, 21:34:40
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2012-05-18, 22:51:01
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by PROGGKILLER - 2012-05-19, 14:50:32
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-05-24, 11:45:35
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2012-05-25, 04:29:34
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by phoenix_strike - 2012-05-26, 03:06:05
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by PROGGKILLER - 2012-05-27, 14:09:20
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Grischa187 - 2012-05-31, 21:39:23
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by decio - 2012-05-31, 22:08:39
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Wupti - 2012-06-01, 15:38:53
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Max - 2012-06-01, 18:28:58
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2012-06-05, 11:24:55
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-06-06, 13:39:01
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-06-08, 15:38:13
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Wupti - 2012-06-08, 16:05:14
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by usman111 - 2012-06-08, 23:14:15
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-06-10, 00:56:28
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2012-06-10, 01:59:41
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by reyizz - 2012-06-14, 21:15:57
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2012-06-17, 14:27:44
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jojoy - 2012-06-19, 00:43:11
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Grana - 2012-06-20, 00:16:25
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Tez.Sick - 2012-06-20, 01:06:11
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-06-24, 20:49:52
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2012-06-25, 18:46:51
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2012-06-26, 18:04:12
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by DJantoine - 2012-06-26, 18:48:19
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by hellangel - 2012-06-27, 15:48:48
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-06-27, 16:34:56
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by crzy4hire - 2012-06-27, 17:46:40
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by DJantoine - 2012-06-27, 18:24:47
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2012-06-30, 18:30:32
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Ch4oSxD - 2012-07-05, 22:26:24
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by jojoy - 2012-07-06, 00:25:26
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-07-06, 12:48:00
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by progg - 2012-07-07, 00:10:30
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by UnifiedDoom - 2012-07-09, 22:09:01
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by UnifiedDoom - 2012-12-28, 00:51:38
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-12-28, 12:00:50
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by EarthR - 2012-12-30, 15:43:10
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-12-30, 18:03:14
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by elite_flamer - 2012-07-10, 18:05:10
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by mynth - 2012-07-14, 01:50:09
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Grana - 2012-07-15, 12:51:18
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Grana - 2012-07-16, 17:16:07
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by decio - 2012-07-20, 14:38:44
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-07-25, 02:48:48
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by El_Polacco - 2012-07-28, 23:39:11
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-08-02, 15:14:49
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-08-03, 17:48:53
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by Saiyuki - 2012-08-03, 23:56:30
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2012-08-09, 14:38:20
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by eSVau - 2012-08-09, 16:49:14
RE: Ban Request (cont. II) - by stibi- - 2013-06-19, 12:20:48

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