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Silly or not?
watch the replay first pls. //edit the link above doesnt workSmile

after 10 mins i said them that i have to start kick if they go on feeding.
i gave up after 20 mins i think. it was clear that we will lose the game.
u will see on min 30. i came alota times mid so i lost the tower at top because noone changed wit me.
then green asked if i can swap. i did. it was hard with hunter vs gobo but i gave it a try. i had some probs vs teal. they tried with more ppl to get the cp. in the end they got it because my whole team tp away and let me alone destroy the tower. i had no weps (3 basics).

pink was the whole time searching for a reason why we lose. said its my fault because i was top instead of coming mid. i came mid. but noone swapped top.
in the later games the way my team played (not green, he was nice, good macro and micro) cost us the cps at top and mid. e.g. while we were 3 ppl on mid vs 4, pink was farming top. so we lost mid because of that.

in the end of the game i tried to explain why i was so pissed. because i tried really hard. i said them they have to survive in the beginning. i was not mad about losing but mad about the way how to lose....
and i was mad about how ppl like pink, oj or lb play a ranked game... u will see they save their money until fucking end.

if u think thats worth enough to ban me i ll accept the decision. its only 1 week so i am not mad about pink and the otherSmile
we could kick oj u ll see, but i did not vote (in the 2nd voting) for. its unfair to him because he had not 1 - 8 on min 30.. pink was the feeder on beginning. oj had just a bad stand vs teal in the later game.

c ya

give me bad reputation plsSmile
i LuVs it

sry i cant edit.

the demolishers ulti is buggy i think. after throwing oil the ulti was still active and there stand that i cant place mines in a range of 100. check it pls. tySmile
~=| LuVs |=~

Messages In This Thread
Silly or not? - by cpu - 2012-09-16, 21:04:03
RE: Silly or not? - by ICE2607 - 2012-09-16, 21:21:51
RE: Silly or not? - by ICE2607 - 2012-09-16, 23:05:45
RE: Silly or not? - by cpu - 2012-09-22, 13:07:46

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