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New map is a big bug!
i dont get it why he is complaining , 10 % dmg only , not that ppl who have short range will benfit from it
at least it only help ppl who use building at cp which waste $ on towers you port , all the long range weapon at least dont kill him at 1 shot only
which make it fairer in a sense , ppl waste $ on tower at least to get tower get hit by a few long weapon or other weapon
no you port to defend = all long range energy t......... spam to kill him(99%cant evade ) , at least exploder is not that op( can evade sometime )

if long range weapon dont have this effect like the last map it makes building or buying building pointless what is the point to buy building that that building cant save you or even help you , everyone knows cannon tower is crap in the mid game
laser tower is less crap but it is expensive , if you get a teleporter ,you will know that no one is going to use it in the public . its only use to be the bait for attacks

Messages In This Thread
New map downloaded today! - by mocuishe - 2013-01-03, 00:50:49
RE: New map is a big bug! - by Saiyuki - 2013-01-03, 02:19:02
RE: New map is a big bug! - by EarthR - 2013-01-03, 10:52:50
RE: New map is a big bug! - by 091846 - 2013-01-13, 17:52:41
New map is a big bug! - by mocuishe - 2013-01-03, 00:52:35
RE: New map is a big bug! - by eSVau - 2013-01-03, 01:29:14

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