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Being called a long range noob
Hello flygplan there is nothing wrong with playing range tactics its not a noob tactic nor is something you should be flammed for.However if your own team is flaming you its can be for multiple reasons when playing long range "not tanking no dps share" Taking all the gold by using your range "Using your gold poorly not getting a better tank or using your gold to help your team.In general i play lane so i always use electro cannon scout or plasma on heli but in middle i use scout usually i try get a tank or create kills by being aggressive and not purposely not taking every creep.In when you use range you should think of the impact of what will one more bombard do in terms of for your team will it create kills will it push the enemy do have a range of tanks that can tank for you or destroy towers pushing usally in middle i play simple 2 bombard scout hull but if i think a third bombard is going to create enough damage that i kill them more and let me team push i will buy one.Heaps of things in general to take into account when buying weapons and tanks the main thing to consider is how does it give your team an advantage or create problems for the enemy team.Simple example is playing 2 basic magic light tank vs heli (I know there people who are quite good at range you can't even hit them they stay perfect distance and if you have inferior speed you will never catch them.In this situation it doesn't benefit you to get another basic magic if you cant hit them "Unless you plan to kill creeps faster so he still has targets left at the end of each creep push.From what you said you don't seem like a noob and even if you are there is no issue with being a noob anyway or a low skilled player everyone is low skilled and terrible at this game at one point and time.
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM

Messages In This Thread
Being called a long range noob - by Flygplan - 2013-10-30, 12:02:07
RE: Being called a long range noob - by Max - 2013-10-30, 12:31:52
RE: Being called a long range noob - by BENNIE.FM - 2013-10-30, 23:33:52
RE: Being called a long range noob - by Flygplan - 2013-11-01, 13:01:52
RE: Being called a long range noob - by EarthR - 2013-11-06, 19:42:03
RE: Being called a long range noob - by Flygplan - 2013-11-07, 03:41:00

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