2014-02-04, 15:37:57
I don't understand the reason of this suggestion. Average game time is about 1h, I don't think games need to be faster than that.
Another thread was open some weeks ago about impossible come back. If we follow your suggestions no come back would be possible and game would end after a team gets 1 cp. What's gonna happen is this : get 1 cp then all buy mortars to destroy base asap and get massive gold to win (or better creeps : btw if you have more cp you actually have better troops after every income, so...).
About creeps spawn this topic have already been discussed I think, when it was about disadvantage of playing mid because you get less creeps than lanes and then you are less fed. I think assists balance that enough for the moment.
I don't understand the reason of this suggestion. Average game time is about 1h, I don't think games need to be faster than that.
Another thread was open some weeks ago about impossible come back. If we follow your suggestions no come back would be possible and game would end after a team gets 1 cp. What's gonna happen is this : get 1 cp then all buy mortars to destroy base asap and get massive gold to win (or better creeps : btw if you have more cp you actually have better troops after every income, so...).
About creeps spawn this topic have already been discussed I think, when it was about disadvantage of playing mid because you get less creeps than lanes and then you are less fed. I think assists balance that enough for the moment.