2014-05-09, 21:01:45
We haven't decided to run our bots at pvpgn server yet. It never was much requested, there was a request few years ago...
Pvpgn realms never got much attention since no one of our staff or forum member seems to be playing at one. I recently did some research for garena but garena offers no linux solution for a plain cli ghost.
Other realms i haven't looked into - actually eurobattle is the only pvpgn realm i know of.
Maybe we gonna try our qualfy bot at eurobattle first ;-)
Pvpgn realms never got much attention since no one of our staff or forum member seems to be playing at one. I recently did some research for garena but garena offers no linux solution for a plain cli ghost.
Other realms i haven't looked into - actually eurobattle is the only pvpgn realm i know of.
Maybe we gonna try our qualfy bot at eurobattle first ;-)
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline