2007-10-21, 15:00:41
TKF Wrote:The point is that the tinker has teleport as the exploder and does the same thing. Only difference is that the tinker don't have reconstruct skill....and tinker has no stun. This is significant disadvantage.
TKF Wrote:No terrorist mode:But you can buy Antigrav and do the same. Antigrav has nearly teleport and mass-stun. It also a bit faster in motion than tinker. While having 1500-2000 hp he will be able to stun targets and get closer to them.
-Exploder cannot be bought
-Tinker cannot carry explosives in this mode
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Що, блядь, навчився читати українською?
Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!