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DerSatan Wrote:in my opinion the trade master end credit isnt really needed.

well... no of this Awards is needed.. but its a nice "Bonus" to see for all.. who got this or that..

TKF Wrote:I'm not so happy about chat master award. The player who write most messages get the award. Sometimes the player who types most bull spams with most "sjdioakdaisjdklaksjdaajsiojdaos...." and similar filled chat garbage to become chat master is just lol. However it's funny when 2 players suddenly right before winning/losing tries to outspam the other to become chat master. (It' should have been called spam master, when the chat letters go above 1000 or 1500 :P)

yes that would be funny..change it to Spamaster *thumps up* :D

I like trade master award. btw it only appears when someone has traded.

well i do not really often Trade.. but it'S ok that is shown how much the trader earned...when there was someone

But I prefer keeping all the awards, and adding 1 more might not hurt. I think it's possible. or two more would not hurt... APM i would found really nice, if its possibel to set it up
[Image: dtpc3banner88x31.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
END CREDITS - by m0rbid - 2008-03-13, 18:40:57
Re: END CREDITS - by TKF - 2008-03-13, 18:57:48
Re: END CREDITS - by Frechheit - 2008-03-14, 01:39:27
Re: END CREDITS - by Bob666 - 2008-03-14, 02:13:56
Re: END CREDITS - by horselance - 2008-03-14, 11:43:54
Re: END CREDITS - by DerSatan - 2008-03-14, 14:45:37
Re: END CREDITS - by TKF - 2008-03-18, 03:44:44
Re: END CREDITS - by DerSatan - 2008-03-18, 03:47:27
Re: END CREDITS - by TKF - 2008-03-18, 04:02:10
Re: END CREDITS - by SirJoghurt - 2008-03-18, 04:18:13
Re: END CREDITS - by Batto - 2008-03-18, 22:05:03
Re: END CREDITS - by WaRRioR_BrosS - 2008-03-23, 19:07:34

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