2008-04-21, 21:41:57
:-D gotta love the irony!
@ Tank:
Anyone can get a teleporter and a speedpack, that is not necessarily a counter to the speed and mobility of any airborne vehicle. The only counter that cannot currently be countered itself is the stun some tanks have, and it needs to stay that way. Full stop.
About the dmg-reduction: I am no great fan of that, makes real dmg hard to calculate (or harder, as there's already armor), I'm more a fan of getting more hp or dps to counter, nice and simple. Also: did u mean 1000 or 10000 gold? 1k for 90% reduction sounds like a lot ;-)
@ Tank:
Anyone can get a teleporter and a speedpack, that is not necessarily a counter to the speed and mobility of any airborne vehicle. The only counter that cannot currently be countered itself is the stun some tanks have, and it needs to stay that way. Full stop.
About the dmg-reduction: I am no great fan of that, makes real dmg hard to calculate (or harder, as there's already armor), I'm more a fan of getting more hp or dps to counter, nice and simple. Also: did u mean 1000 or 10000 gold? 1k for 90% reduction sounds like a lot ;-)