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Thank You Very Much
heyho, ^^

first.. if i really would like to flame you.. i would write in a big different way

Quote:he is banned because he isnt active in this forum, the only posts he do here are to critisize me -> only flaming

you thought about why i havent written something for ca. the last 2 months ? maybe my PC was damaged or i had no time for 2 games ? so i had to choose in which i invest my time.. and i choose the BG i played... maybe i was borred of gaming.. but now..
i wanted to see whats new.. and so on.. and get back for more playing and writeing here again ?!

Quote:Sir ich habs dir auch schon gesagt, ich mache das hier, genau wie bob und exo, umsonst und aus spaß, da hab ich keine lust mich von irgendjemandem dahergelaufenen andauernd anscheissen zu lassen, wie kacke ich doch bin. wenn dir wirklich helfen willst dann biete etwas an, ansonsten lass das geflame.
ich hab auch noch andere dinge zu tun und du kennst nun wirklich nicht alle hintergründe, warum hier was wie läuft.

well i also didn´t get any "hey good work" for what i had done for the Forum... from the Comm
and to say.. you are not amazed of "someone who comes here to flame you".. lol in my best times i was one of the activst Players especally here in the Forum and too say im "someone" which nobody knows.. omg

well, you say.. i have to give you a "reason" to help myself to get back working here ? lol ?
you know what work i did here.. and which would be it, if i should start this again

and if you have other reasons why you dont change something here, well i dont know them... that doesnt mean you have to tell it to me or the comm
but then you should recognize that i only can get my opinion of what i know

and what i know is the always lazy Argument of you and your time

Quote:and if you want to know why the forum has no new style yet:
this community only can flame, critizise and grump about what bob, exo and me DONT do, but nobody ever said good things about WHAT we do. so its no wonder that we dont have much fun to change anything here.
wie started the devteam to "secure" the mappers from all the flamings from the community, but everytime when i wanted to change something here somebody screamed "NO, DONT CHANGE ANYTHING" - so ok, then i dONT CHANGE ANYTHING!

well, you say all ppl of the comm here are flamers, or many ?
i told you 2 or 3 times that in a gamers Forum..the Discusssion often get´s a bit "harder" and sometimes end´s in flame...
but here are still 10-30 ppl activ... and since i´m playing bt and visiting here.. it always was about this count of activ ppl.
you can´t not compare this Forum with your Bar/Cafe Lounge Forum you have or had.. dont know if its still existing ^^
and if you dont like or cant live with such a comm.. yes then you should have closed this board a long time ago...
i can live with this "comm" cause in the BG i play... you would get a Heart Attack.. if you would be a Team member there. psychoWink

the little "flame" which is sometimes going on here is harmless in compare to the BG Forum.. which depends on that here are 10-30 activ.. there are more then 5000 ^^ so many different charakters..many different opinions and how they are written down

i mean you are not easy to handel. and me also. cause we have very different charakters.. so its programmed that we get in "trouble" sometimes.. how to change it or meet @ the middle ? talk !

and psycho. i know that you know that by yourself.. you can´t expect from the comm that they say "thanks" for something.. it´s easyer to "blame" ... you have to live with,when your working in a Gamers Team

and you banned my in the morning while im writeing.. bzw. while i make a edit -.-
i wasnt ready with writing.. and i also wanted to write something about the new version and into 1 or 2 other threads.. and after that i wanted to write you a PN... well i can´t -.-

know you can say again that the "someone" is here to flame.. but then you haven`t understand, or wont understand anything of my opinions..

so... take the bann out.. and it would be nice to get back TeamModerator Status... so that i can wirte in the Teamintern part of the Forum... and we can talk about... what WE can do or not.. to get this Forum more interesting again.. if you like.. i would =)


p.s. falls Du dich wirklich so derbe ans bein gepinkelt fühlts von mir, das war sicher nicht meine Absicht und dafür Entschuldige ich mich auch gerne bei Dir
mein english ist nich das beste, von daher fällt es mir auch etwas schwer mich verständlich zu machen
bzw. ich find halt nicht immer die richtigen worte um das auszufrücken, was ich eigentlich sagen will

Messages In This Thread
Thank You Very Much - by Guest - 2008-05-12, 04:27:40
Re: Thank You Very Much - by Guest - 2008-05-12, 07:19:09
Re: Thank You Very Much - by DerSatan - 2008-05-12, 12:11:51
Re: Thank You Very Much - by Althend - 2008-05-12, 13:35:37
Re: Thank You Very Much - by psycho_dmr - 2008-05-12, 14:41:54
Re: Thank You Very Much - by psycho_dmr - 2008-05-12, 14:47:06
Re: Thank You Very Much - by Guest - 2008-05-12, 18:36:44
Re: Thank You Very Much - by Guest - 2008-05-15, 20:34:58
Re: Thank You Very Much - by psycho_dmr - 2008-05-15, 21:23:20
Re: Thank You Very Much - by SirJoghurt - 2008-05-15, 22:15:25
Re: Thank You Very Much - by Batto - 2008-05-15, 22:47:26

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