2008-05-29, 11:12:21
But we may not remove a cooldown. And moreover we could increase it up to 3 minutes or so. And casting delay should be in range of 2..4 seconds I think.
But I admit that an idea with cost-driven damage(without cooldown) is entitled to exist. Yes, you potentially can do insane amount of damage but you'll have to pay insane amount of gold. That is yours to decide whether to use it or not. But indeed, this will be much harder to balance so I stack to the first idea.
But I admit that an idea with cost-driven damage(without cooldown) is entitled to exist. Yes, you potentially can do insane amount of damage but you'll have to pay insane amount of gold. That is yours to decide whether to use it or not. But indeed, this will be much harder to balance so I stack to the first idea.
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Що, блядь, навчився читати українською?
Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!