2008-05-29, 16:41:06
DerSatan Wrote:5 titans -> 16 times base damage.Yes, I've missed something:).
DerSatan Wrote:anyway, i dont like too sophisticated solutions. it should be much more simple i think.Well, I think if a person who knows how to play owns Titan he wont be confused with a bit complicated things that come to an end game period.
Another thing if newbie eventually(or accidentally) owns Titan - why should he be bestowed upon with such power while do not knowing how to manage it?
Anyway, 5 Titans in one team will certainly make game to end because this was the initial purpose of Titan.
Regardless of number of Titans in a team you will still be able to use your skill as usual but with a penalty given in retort to its high teamplay potential.
Isn't teamplay appear to be that sort of thing we all fighting here for? Is it?
I mean, we play Battle Tanks, not Battle Punks! (or Bottle Punks, lol)
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Що, блядь, навчився читати українською?
Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!