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Suggested Changes for 8.49
Hmmm I have read everything and must say - I´m completely with Xeno, but I know he wrote a bit to "big" some points.

@der satan: pls comopare a antigrav with glaive against a scouit with bow - and later on updatet bow with hull.
In this time the scout could be partly (wave by wave) sometimes get 4 creeps for every creep kill the antigrav gets.
And to the 4 times creeping - the ammount of money you get every 5 minutes + kills you dont meantioned + Gold per second - dont mean 4 times gold , but a good creeper can have demon, when a bad gets a heavy tank, and thats really true.

To the Btanks versions. In our clan we made a little tournament and discussed the version we play. In version 8.48 the drones of the airship got a bug and we dont want to play a version before, when scout has the spell block or the earth robot and scout or even sky fortress are not nerfed a bit.
What I want to say is, we played 8.42 as only balanced non buggy version we found before. And if you play it again, you can see how slow you really creep or tank kill without such new tanks. Even the demolisher with the bow is a really hard creeper and has much HP, nearly everyone, who wants to kill much creeps played it before the scout. (nerfed by new anicreep formula - thx ^^)

As the scout was implemented I wrote, that the creep cannon is really hard - with the answer it got the usual creep-weapon formula, but i meant just its to unbalanced imo. - now comes the feedback :mrgreen:
As result I found the most new tanks maybe ... not balanced enough. Skyfortress ultimate, earth robot when it gots the 70% lower damage ability - but is now more balanced - and finally the scout, who can buy a little hull from the bonus creeping easily and creeps till he is a golden tank with gold engine, gold whells and so on Big Grin .

And to the upgrade requierements... ^^, y. it is a demon tank game by now... From Midgame till early endgame. :mrgreen:.

The problem is, that you can afford demon tank maybe after 20-30 minutes. but after 30 minutes you have usally armor upgrade 6. ... the next tank, which I dont see often :/, is the frost robot with 13.

--> without upgrades available: after 1:05 Frostrobot, Skyfortress after 1:20, Infernal 1:30
and the skytank - with this earthquake with low range, stand still, stun ends and only ground ability is not able to counter the demon tank even with 8.000 Gold.

The requirement where implemented, because the imba - Infernal after 40 minutes (or even 35) should be broken - but now it is just changed to demon after maybe 25 minutes. --> the first endgame for real base destroying is the infernal - that means the mappers dont want the equal team game, without additional armor upgrades, be endet before 1:30 ^^(maybe)

-----> This is just my oppinion by now - and only point out the problems, not the solutions, what others could discuss about Tongue
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^

Messages In This Thread
Suggested Changes for 8.49 - by xenocide85 - 2008-07-09, 15:57:45
Re: Suggested Changes for 8.49 - by xenocide85 - 2008-07-09, 15:59:47
Re: Suggested Changes for 8.49 - by Prog - 2008-07-09, 16:41:02
Re: Suggested Changes for 8.49 - by GooglyBoogly - 2008-07-11, 12:35:00
Re: Suggested Changes for 8.49 - by qweqqweq - 2008-07-11, 16:52:35
Re: Suggested Changes for 8.49 - by Exodus - 2008-07-11, 17:00:30
Re: Suggested Changes for 8.49 - by xenocide85 - 2008-07-11, 17:12:15
Re: Suggested Changes for 8.49 - by DerSatan - 2008-07-11, 17:43:52
Re: Suggested Changes for 8.49 - by Prog - 2008-07-11, 18:41:04
Re: Suggested Changes for 8.49 - by xenocide85 - 2008-07-11, 21:26:46
Re: Suggested Changes for 8.49 - by DerSatan - 2008-07-12, 02:20:40
Re: Suggested Changes for 8.49 - by Gammagulp - 2008-07-13, 14:52:01
Re: Suggested Changes for 8.49 - by steelix - 2008-07-13, 15:06:56
Re: Suggested Changes for 8.49 - by Gammagulp - 2008-07-13, 15:16:55
Re: Suggested Changes for 8.49 - by xenocide85 - 2008-07-13, 18:30:17

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