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Whats better on Thundertank Lightning Arua or Thunderstorm?
I went for Thunder Tank to counter a Scout with a light hull and 2 upgraded Bombarding Rockets today, and I chose Thunder Storm and Lightning Bolt, I was lv 7 or 8 when I got the Thunder Tank, having an upgraded Fan of Knives. Of course the Thunder Aura would have been a good counter, but since the Thunder Tank lacks speed, it would not have helped much without a teleporter or a speed boost, at least not against a Scout with long range. Through Thunder Storm, I could creep an yet keep my distance, as his hp were too low to attack me while loosing hp due to Thunder Storm, and once I got more mana and lv 10, I could finish him on his cp, since his dps could not match mine and those from my skills.

So basically I'd say that Thunder Storm is best for mid- and long-range, while Thunder Aura is useful if you have a short-ranged weapon anyway, or face enemies that are slow and/or short-ranged-

Messages In This Thread
Re: Whats better on Thundertank Lightning Arua or Thunderstorm? - by Tribulation - 2008-07-16, 23:53:15

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