2008-08-11, 07:29:14
Eternal Heat - Aura
Based on Death and Decay
Titan's surrounding enemies/buildings in an area of XXX get % dmg every ZZZ second(s).
AOE = 600, Time = every 3 seconds
LVL 1 = 1%
LVL 2 = 2%
The later the game is the more powerful creeps are.
They absorb dmg. This skill gets stronger the more upgrades are done.
Staying in enemy base for too long will crush them and end the game.
Based on Death and Decay
Titan's surrounding enemies/buildings in an area of XXX get % dmg every ZZZ second(s).
AOE = 600, Time = every 3 seconds
LVL 1 = 1%
LVL 2 = 2%
The later the game is the more powerful creeps are.
They absorb dmg. This skill gets stronger the more upgrades are done.
Staying in enemy base for too long will crush them and end the game.
There is no sin except stupidity - Oscar Wilde
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Clan B4E (Banlist 4 Europe) on Northrend! The official banlist.nl clan for Europe!