2008-07-23, 12:15:36
Hmmm, maybe I cant say directly enough what i mean ^^.
You can play thunder tank without leveling that Skill to high damage. So just level that stun one time and you have a 1.5sec stun to hunt the enemy down if he is low or to escape. - And I dont play goblin tank with teleport in the last games - I know it would improve that skills, but I need additional 2 till 3 batteries for that.
Goblin Tank lvl 13: lvl 4 Hammer 50 mana, lvl2 Shock Wave 50 Mana
Goblin Tanks natural Mana = 100 --> its perfect - so if you want to use a teleporter with 25 mana you need 30 Bonus mana, which means 4200Gold, but if you only have 2 little weapons and a little hull I think its better to spend money first an a new weapon with max 750 Range / like Ice Cannon, MG or Plasma Waves. --> then I often stand infront of the enemy base so theres no use for teleporter often - the reason is, because so many guys play scout too long and are not able to defeat the goblin if they go for hard long range.
But this should not be a post for Goblin tank, but for 1.5sec lvl 1 stun duration.
You can play thunder tank without leveling that Skill to high damage. So just level that stun one time and you have a 1.5sec stun to hunt the enemy down if he is low or to escape. - And I dont play goblin tank with teleport in the last games - I know it would improve that skills, but I need additional 2 till 3 batteries for that.
Goblin Tank lvl 13: lvl 4 Hammer 50 mana, lvl2 Shock Wave 50 Mana
Goblin Tanks natural Mana = 100 --> its perfect - so if you want to use a teleporter with 25 mana you need 30 Bonus mana, which means 4200Gold, but if you only have 2 little weapons and a little hull I think its better to spend money first an a new weapon with max 750 Range / like Ice Cannon, MG or Plasma Waves. --> then I often stand infront of the enemy base so theres no use for teleporter often - the reason is, because so many guys play scout too long and are not able to defeat the goblin if they go for hard long range.
But this should not be a post for Goblin tank, but for 1.5sec lvl 1 stun duration.
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- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^