2008-08-01, 08:18:53
Well maybe I was misunderstood - i meant if possible to take that "engerynet" - the holding, which disables the target like a stun, so that it can fire back, but therefore deal a quiet good ammount of extra damage, maybe 500-1000/second. I dont know if it is possible to implement something like that with that ability. In that case, if the enemy can fire back the duration neednĀ“t to be lowered.
do you think 1.6 seconds holding is a good ultimate for a 16k Tank if you only have weapons for maybe 5000 Gold and deal about 750 dps. If there are enemy creeps arraound you maybe only deal 700 damage at the enemy tank while holding it - the ability needs quiet long time to be effective. That changing could make it realy weak at the beginning, but it keeps strong in the very end. :mrgreen:
do you think 1.6 seconds holding is a good ultimate for a 16k Tank if you only have weapons for maybe 5000 Gold and deal about 750 dps. If there are enemy creeps arraound you maybe only deal 700 damage at the enemy tank while holding it - the ability needs quiet long time to be effective. That changing could make it realy weak at the beginning, but it keeps strong in the very end. :mrgreen:
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