2008-09-16, 16:12:26
Well, ^^ everyone uses his weapons and I use the molotov as cheap second weapon, because I dislike asic Magic. It is to destroy long range scouts faster, but with the possibility to get a new tank fast too.
The grenade launcher is rarely used, but is used sometimes against heli players.
I think it is too difficult to say which 3k or lower weapon should be changed/deleted, because they belong to different strategies, e.g. 2 possible weapons for antigrav start, maybe if you random antigrav.
The grenade launcher is rarely used, but is used sometimes against heli players.
I think it is too difficult to say which 3k or lower weapon should be changed/deleted, because they belong to different strategies, e.g. 2 possible weapons for antigrav start, maybe if you random antigrav.
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^