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U can buy tanks without Upgrade LVL
Yesterday I played like 8 times. And in 4 or 5 times i did it my self. I could buy Demon tank at the ~20-25th min it's like our team had only 5 lvl Armor upgrade but i could buy Demon tank as i remember to buy Demon tank you need lvl 8 !!! And on armor lvl 10 i Could Buy Infernal Robot. It becomes very annoying when 2 of FAM gets 2 Skytanks in ~20 min without upgrading Armor lvl. Please Fix this. If someone also have seen this problem please share.
I was the host
Normal Host
Maybe this bug is coused via host using some of these commands -lai -w -zoom 5000 in first 2 mins
This is not a bug. It writes on tanks: "Only on extended requirements mode: Armor Upgrade X"

Only Sky Fortress, Infernal and Titan requires Armor upgrades, all other tanks buyable at any time (if not Extended Requirement mode).
UpsSmile Sorry! My Bad!
They cheat :wink:
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
bah, bennie, why u told it? it was secret...
LOL woops sorry im not that good at holding secrets
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM

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