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Missile War
Post your opinions and similar here about missiles war. Same goes for bugs and feedback
Is there any -zoom command? I'd be glad to use it(up to 5000 maybe).
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
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Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!
No, but I can add it in the next version release.
That would be good.
Btw, sometimes if someone is a bit lagger - map is unplayable. Is there any solutions on this issue regardless -sm mode? For ex, figure out who is lagger etc.
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
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Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!
Almost all triggers is in GUI, which isn't good for the game. The move script is in jass and is twice as fast as the GUI one, but still it isn't enough. Also the shield system does also require a lot too and produce lagg equilant to 20 projectile being moved constantly through the entire game. The shield system itself reduce performance on my computer with 15-20%. And that is without missile detection.

-sm mode turn off the movement engine for almost all missiles and removes a lot of lagg, but the missile movement is gay in this mode. However the anti missiles are still using movement engine in -sm mode due to the homing system.
TKF Wrote:Also the shield system does also require a lot too and produce lagg equilant to 20 projectile being moved constantly through the entire game. The shield system itself reduce performance on my computer with 15-20%. And that is without missile detection.
Can you explain an internal mechanism of shied system to me? Maybe I could have some ideas on performance increasing...
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
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Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!
Well, it's about 11 different triggers which process the shields every 0.2-1 sec, and in addition 8 regulators. I don't understand them myself, but it's incredible that such advanced and sofisticated system is possible in GUI. Exilus have made them, not me. atm, I'm unable to recreate or understand such uber advanced system. Also the WEU input part of it make it greek to me. Also, it's extremely laggy system. There is nothing I can do as a map editor noob.
Hm... Maybe I don't know something but I think it must be much more simple than it seem to be.

I will take in attention only one barrier(Inner or Outer) to simplify the understanding of my reasoning.

Of course, SS is largely depend on a mechanism on which rockets movement and damage is built on. So, we can single out these runtime variable data on SS:

  1. Max HP of barriers;
  2. Regeneration rate;
  3. Refresh timer(when it is destroyed);
  4. Take damage from <source> (I dunno if this is handled in any special way but I think it shouldn't - any explosion from a rocket must deal damage to all barrier instances in a defined radius by a built-in mechanisms of a game and cause no additional lag in result);
  5. Remove Shield trigger (condition of this trigger I must study a bit to understand it more precisely);

AFAIK there is no other sources of disturbance that may affect Shield State and therefore no other triggers to be involved in.

  1. This is determined by a number of Boosters(forget exact name) and Graded Boosters of each player in team. I also dunno exact formula for calculating this but this formula is not important. We can store this formula's result in a separate variable, which will be updated only when number of boosters is changed. And Max barrier HP will be calculated from this variable(or even make a variable that holds final number of Barrier Max HP and take that value from var directly without calculations). This will make all triggers that use barrier Max HP vale not to calculate each time all the formula. Calculation will happen only when number of boosters is changed in team what happens not that often.
  2. This is the same as described above but with one small correction. The total factor that influences regeneration rate and max hp is the same and it depends on a number of boosters. So we can store two additional variables with numbers of Boosters and Graded Boosters(in case if we cannot use one var for storing "upgrade level" that could be used for both hp and regen - in case if graded booster gives different bonuses to hp and regen increase). And then calculate or store final vars that will represent final amount of hp and final regen rate(or regen multiplier).
    The idea here is that we wont make redundant calculations of the same formula for two different values.
  3. This trigger is pinned to an event when hp of one of the barrier instances goes 0 or below. I don't see a problem here.
  4. Also no triggers required.
  5. See p.3.

So, nothing seems to be a problem if:
  1. Event handling works as delegate calls, not as constant State checks(this I must research a bit to make sure). If we need to make constant checks - this really sucks and I don't generally know how could be this refactored.
  2. Shield does not have self-linearizing feature. By this feature I mean self-equalization, when if one piece of barrier is damaged and other pieces are full hp, their hp will quickly flows to a damaged one so all the pieces in a shield will have equivalent hp amount. This process of equalization will take some time of course and it will be particularly constant, so it may cause significant lagging.

At this point I have no new conjectures so feel free to correct me.

Btw, where can I find source map that is not protected? I haven't tried to open it in editor yet(I have no WC3 by my hand right now) but I'll ask you first if it will e a problem.
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
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Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!
I Asked Exilus5 permissiom at azeroth for the open source of the map. He did only have 1 condition: credits as the original mapper.

Maybe he designed the triggers when he wasn't so skilled in the editor. Who knows, but the current shield system is more advanced than it needs to be. But I'm to noob to simplify triggers. Btw he have made soldiers map too, which is very awesome!

I added zoom function, and a defense against motherships; Gravity Vortex which works kinda like a black hole.
TKF Wrote:I Asked Exilus5 permissiom at azeroth for the open source of the map. He did only have 1 condition: credits as the original mapper.

Maybe he designed the triggers when he wasn't so skilled in the editor. Who knows, but the current shield system is more advanced than it needs to be. But I'm to noob to simplify triggers. Btw he have made soldiers map too, which is very awesome!

I added zoom function, and a defense against motherships; Gravity Vortex which works kinda like a black hole.
Where can I find unprotected map? Trying to unprotect existing map revealed obfuscated scripting and made it unavailable to read.

Btw, do you know a way to recover war3mapunits.doo from protected map? I am a bit too lazy to dig this out:)
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
Що, блядь, навчився читати українською?
Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!
I've looked closer at the system. Actually the shield system have many benefits and is simple in basic ways and complex in some, but more shield boosters will make the game laggier. (Build more mega shield boosters).



The shield system doesn't require triggers to detect missiles.
The missiles doesn't need triggers to detect when it hits structures.
The GUI has all possible removable leaks removed
The Phönix fire ability replaces unnecessary trigger detections (as in killing missiles)
Typing -sm uses my flawless slow movement system which does barely lagg (laser and anti missiles seekers still in a movement engine though)
Getting the shields down sometimes have a lagg reducing effect for unknown reason


A lot of projectiles causes heavy laggs (partially elimiated in -sm mode)
Multiboard is forced into 2 groups (This builds up leak when only half the multiboard is shown for the players)
Building shield boosters provide minor lagg spikes
Very laggy shield system
Gold Spawn system
WEU GUI triggers leaks heavily by nature
Very laggy projectile system (-sm mode reduces it)
Using shield function which affects over shield 100 units at the same time causes heavy laggs
Anti missile seekers cause lagg the complex homing system (delay cause by long trigger).
Destruction/Upgrades of multiple shield boosters may cause lockdown.
98% is GUI (Movement system is JASS)


4/10: BAD! This maps isn't professional and only players with powerful computers can play this map and enjoy it, while players with old computers will experience minimal fps and will therefore be unplayable for them. Typing -sm mode will lessen the lagg in some degree, but still not enough. This map is at current state quite horrible and nooby. FAIL!
do u need gui and jass to do all that stuff? have u tried re-creating the triggers without custom scripting in order to reduce lag? you're probly never gonna fix lag issues if you don't understand the script. i can write some stuff in script but i did my whole map without it. no jass or gui was needed.
Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?
Made a 1.24b compatible version.
It's quite a pity that a huge amount of maps became unplayble. The better that you updated yours.
(Yeah, i played itTongue )
~Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much~

Orbital Movement System Preview
:O, ur red now! Welcome to the BT mappers club!
Thank you dude.
~Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much~

Orbital Movement System Preview
TKF Wrote:Made a 1.24b compatible version.

thx, still a funny mapBig Grin
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline

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