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When begins the tournament of this year?
I"m looking forward to it, because im owning these days and I have a good team that wants to join.

hi, cant say when - but i could msg olivercamel. maybe its possible to organize 1 tournament each half-Year

on which realm u guys playing? if u looking for a private game, u always welcome in northendTongue just join "clan sake" or "clan ngix".
Gustave Le Bon "... Die Einseitigkeit und Überschwänglichkeit der Gefühle der Massen bewahren sie vor Zweifel und Ungewissheit. Den Frauen gleich gehen sie sofort bis zum Äußersten. ...".
Good to know there are people still interested in BTT.

If I can get enough resources, time, bot, enough teams and referees, I would like to propose and help to organize the BTT2011 (with maybe a bit more winner prize ^_^). But for now I have no idea yet if i can do this or not.

Luckily there is Inde's King Hall and NGIX's weekend cup for the high competition level players.
hm well, specially the NGIX Cup dont get the attention it should, in this forum...

but anyway, i guess most players can w8 for a nice Tournament (if they would know if and when it start^^)
Gustave Le Bon "... Die Einseitigkeit und Überschwänglichkeit der Gefühle der Massen bewahren sie vor Zweifel und Ungewissheit. Den Frauen gleich gehen sie sofort bis zum Äußersten. ...".

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