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Ban Requests
Welcome to your Ban Request topic. If you want your Ban Request to be confirmed as soon as possible be sure to read ahead. In case some crucial informations are missing, your ban request may most likely be skipped.
  1. make sure to read the rules beforehand
  2. provide all the necessary information, short but sufficent
  3. off topic won't be tolerated, you may receive a personal ban yourself immediately when ignoring this fact
  4. asking for ban removal has to be made by creating a new topic for it
  5. if you didn't participate in the same team or game as the player you request the ban for, state the name of the owner of the replay
  6. use the following template

Sample Ban Request Wrote:Game:
Player: (PlayerName)
Reason: provide the proper reason in here. be specific on time based on the situation, e.g. player bombed base at 12:34.

Replay: [attachment=0]

Sample Code:
Game: <LeagueGameLink>
Player: <LeaguePlayerLink> (<PlayerName>)
Reason: <Reason>


If you want to make sure to have the necessary replay saved, warcraft 3 provides an option to automatically save all replays if enabled (deactivated on default).

thanks in advance,
your League Staff :D

Invalid requests and anything else will be deleted without any comment!
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People to ban:


Reason: afk, moving in abse staying on purpose, moviong sometims so we cannot kick


Reason: afk

These kind of players are really saboting games. Especially grey. Feeders tries at elast and improve...
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !

Player to ban: (gonadsandstrife)
Reason begun to feed whit demolisher and energy torpedo, and after a while he sold all his weapons and begun to upgrade armor and weapon, ppl like him shall not stay in ranked games and kill them as he did he told me that if got ban he just create a new acc so place ip-ban him
yay page 1!!!

ban request for player : qdah
game id:
reason : i've never seen any1 with move than 100 games being such a sucker, just take a look at the replay & he started to mine & bomb our base away
This guy is seriously a big problem. He is always giving up and then rpetend to play in order to not be banned. The thing is he flames and insult players at each games.

Name: sake-predator


(from now i will post each game i have with him)

He stays randomly doing nothing. (but not too long so he cannot be banned) Or even wait his mate to die to finally go.

note: his typical lame build : heavy to take all creep with ulti and then weapons only... to take more creep and steal the most kill :p

(and concerning qdah, yeah he is a pain in the ass and i think he do not deserve to play on league since he destroy all games)
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
Player: (XianYang)
Reason: Selling everything and buying mines + defkit. Then he trys to teamkill us. (Action starting in replay minute 51.) gaming customization
- maps
- models
- tools
[Image: fx.jpg]
Player: (Teo_live)
Reason: no comment. at start sth like "why im in this game, i wanted to leave before start". then playing tinker and beeing "half afk". what he called "half afk" was building tower from time to time and flaming between this. and ofc no team play. he wasnt teleporting to defend side cp's, etc.
ah, and the way he built towers, having 2 ground mates in middle. would be like a block for them. but it may be just his stupidity, not on purpose.

ps: about banning sake_predator - im in. hes nice flamer.
Ban Request for "chiwy" (teal)


info: (enemys had an early leaver, so leavergold + more roundmoney in this fact u have to play more defense... or not)
reason: chiwy died maybe 3 times @first 5mins and started to say like "yellow leave or we loose".. the whole time, then he start feeding on purpose.
Its just, writing shit about someone is feeding (who didnt) and that he should leave the game.. wtf, but he was the 1 who feeded, - thats just redicioulas so we kickd him after maybe 15-20mins, when the opponents had already a higher gold advantage... (we lost in endgame).

so plz ban this guy... thx
Gustave Le Bon "... Die Einseitigkeit und Überschwänglichkeit der Gefühle der Massen bewahren sie vor Zweifel und Ungewissheit. Den Frauen gleich gehen sie sofort bis zum Äußersten. ...".


TitanTank wants to give up all the time, but when the teammates dont follow him he decided to buy Tinker and build a circle around the tank spawn point. so the tanks cant attack any more. It was very close to the end, so i hope its enough to ban him.

And here we go with another noob.
Reason: The guy played a scout with Troopcomand. Then he bought mortar teams. By then heavy tanks could kill him with single rocket. Next he got steel hull, then speed upgrade. He had no weapon at all and when we lost the game about min 40 HE WAS STILL AROUND WITH A SCOUT. He fed the whole game and did no contribution for his team. Get him banned. He deserves it.

Althend Wrote:Game:
Player: (gold_ship)
Reason: afk, moving in abse staying on purpose, moviong sometims so we cannot kick
Player: (Is_1)
Reason: afk
well, here we go. confirmed being afk for both players, but is_1 only did at the end, while Gold_Ship started on end game. as such, i give is_1 another chance by disapproving the ban request, while approving the ban request for Gold_Ship.

torokid Wrote:Game:
Player: (gonadsandstrife)
Reason: begun to feed whit demolisher and energy torpedo, and after a while he sold all his weapons and begun to upgrade armor and weapon, ppl like him shall not stay in ranked games and kill them as he did he told me that if got ban he just create a new acc so place ip-ban him
note: try to improve your spelling, take your time when writing a ban request ;D
well... it didn't look like he fed on purpose until the end. he even tried to die less by staying in base, buildings a spawning factory and using mines to defend. he did quite some flaming, but it was mostly provoked by the team, inlcuding yourself, so i won't count it. in all i would at most call him a beginner and as such disapprove this ban request.

stibi- Wrote:Game:
Player: (qdah)
Reason: i've never seen any1 with move than 100 games being such a sucker, just take a look at the replay & he started to mine & bomb our base away
it did take some time to get a vaild ban done for him, but now we have one. confirmed and approved.

Althend Wrote:Game:
Name: (sake-predator)
Reason: This guy is seriously a big problem. He is always giving up and then rpetend to play in order to not be banned. The thing is he flames and insult players at each games. He stays randomly doing nothing. (but not too long so he cannot be banned) Or even wait his mate to die to finally go.
well... he did play, but only insulted after being provoked by the team. times when he did stay put were for most times when he did regenerate untill full mana oder currently chatted. as such i see no valid reason for approving this, hence i disapprove the ban request this time.

FoelliX Wrote:Game:
Player: (XianYang)
Reason: Selling everything and buying mines + defkit. Then he trys to teamkill us. (Action starting in replay minute 51.)
well. even though he could have attempted to use mines and defuser to kill mates, he never tried to. as such, confirmed going mines and defuse with hull, but no teamkill. hence i disapprove of the ban request.

Plyvak Wrote:Game:
Player: (Teo_live)
Reason: no comment. at start sth like "why im in this game, i wanted to leave before start". then playing tinker and beeing "half afk". what he called "half afk" was building tower from time to time and flaming between this. and ofc no team play. he wasnt teleporting to defend side cp's, etc.
ah, and the way he built towers, having 2 ground mates in middle. would be like a block for them. but it may be just his stupidity, not on purpose.
sersiously, why did you flame him? as a tinker he did good defending middle when the other mates lost the lanes. also, his flaming and insulting only resulted by provoking so i will ignore it for the ban request. hence i disapprove of the ban request.

LIoOoOoIL Wrote:Game:
Player: (chiwy)
reason: chiwy died maybe 3 times @first 5mins and started to say like "yellow leave or we loose".. the whole time, then he start feeding on purpose.
Its just, writing shit about someone is feeding (who didnt) and that he should leave the game.. wtf, but he was the 1 who feeded, - thats just redicioulas so we kickd him after maybe 15-20mins, when the opponents had already a higher gold advantage... (we lost in endgame).
confirmed continously flaming but not feeding on purpose. as flaming only doesn't suffice, i disapprove of the ban request this time.

head-y Wrote:Game:
Player: (TitanTank)
Reason: TitanTank wants to give up all the time, but when the teammates dont follow him he decided to buy Tinker and build a circle around the tank spawn point. so the tanks cant attack any more. It was very close to the end, so i hope its enough to ban him.
note: name the owner of the replay (your playername in the game)
another one i won't see again for a ban request. confirmed blocking spawning point of players. hence i approve of the ban request.

Tier Wrote:Game:
Palyer: (Mr-bill)
Reason: The guy played a scout with Troopcomand. Then he bought mortar teams. By then heavy tanks could kill him with single rocket. Next he got steel hull, then speed upgrade. He had no weapon at all and when we lost the game about min 40 HE WAS STILL AROUND WITH A SCOUT. He fed the whole game and did no contribution for his team. Get him banned. He deserves it.
funny at how you focused on grey, even though you had a bigger feeder ingame. as he still seems to be a beginner (3 games in total) i see no need to ban him yet. hence i disapprove of the ban request.
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Like a BAN on Teo_live.

Reason: Starting 2 flamme after 3 min. because he lost his tinker towers, blaiming rest us us (NOTE! See that 1½ min ingame I ping towers and call a DEF several time for towers) for makeing him lose. STILL he flammes allthough I tryed to get rest of team 2 def. towers. After a while it was hopeless and we didnt try to def em.
He starts to feed later on, not helping team (though he blaime rest (mostly ME) for not team playing. Going creeping when CPs, are taken ect.

Rest of game he is a total retard and flammes all game long. Olivercamel, Chp-leader and me wanted to kick him, but as allwayes kick system is a FAIL, though other team had 4players only.
At end game he started to talk shit like we where not the first to "TRY" to get him kicked ect.
Gamename: BTanks League RANKED #10395
Player: (bulldocer)
Reason: did shit and sell all item. we received 61 gold when he left...
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !

Player: (killsalot)

Reason: this guy destroy all game I ever had with him. Really, he does shit on purpose and has the lowest rank of alll league.
I think that there is a serious problem concerning the league "stay/rate" . Look at his stat: on 210 he left 60 times.... nearly 30% of his game. Plus, he already had request on him.

The stay rate should count differently. A guy leaving at 80% of the game should not have 80% as ratio... That is a joke
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
Quote:well... he did play, but only insulted after being provoked by the team. times when he did stay put were for most times when he did regenerate untill full mana oder currently chatted. as such i see no valid reason for approving this, hence i disapprove the ban request this time.

I do another ban request on him. He flames always and again and screw game on purpose, going tinker without hull and with mine... He is doing shit on prupose to sabote people because they don't do what he want...


I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
Name: (Warrior_GuDzOn)
Reason: He went afk at the end of the game, returning ocassionally and take some actions so we cant kick him. By this we lost the game.

reason: anybody wanna see nearly 2h non stop (!!!) CAPS and flaming? even his own team wanted to kick him. some tried to argue but he could not stop TALKING and FLAMING
Player: (bigK_BT-Pro4-1)
Reason: Violation of the following league rule NO EXCESSIVE/CONTINUOUS FLAMING. He flamed non stop without provocation. This is the same game and player as the above ban request by stibi- on Tue 22 Mar 11, 03:17.
Player: (faulk)
Reason: He played bad and lagged. I tried to start a kickvote on him. Then he sold all his stuff to ruin his economcy. Then he still stayed in game afk until we could finally kick him.
And plase, please, please, don´t argue now i provoked him. Keep in mind he played bad, he fed and he lagged. As you call this a LEAGUE, people who participate in here should be able to hande a kickvote on them, if they play bad. If they can´t, they should go to play dolls or lego and NOT TAKE PART IN A LEAGUE, even if it´s supposed to be for noobs!

PaPPa_D Wrote:Game:
Player: (Teo_live)
Reason: Starting 2 flamme after 3 min. because he lost his tinker towers, blaiming rest us us (NOTE! See that 1½ min ingame I ping towers and call a DEF several time for towers) for makeing him lose. STILL he flammes allthough I tryed to get rest of team 2 def. towers. After a while it was hopeless and we didnt try to def em.
He starts to feed later on, not helping team (though he blaime rest (mostly ME) for not team playing. Going creeping when CPs, are taken ect.
Rest of game he is a total retard and flammes all game long. Olivercamel, Chp-leader and me wanted to kick him, but as allwayes kick system is a FAIL, though other team had 4players only.
At end game he started to talk shit like we where not the first to "TRY" to get him kicked ect.
confirmed flaming as well as insulting, but as for feeding on purpose, he didn't got enough dps, so it looked more like some kamikaze actions. bad start with tinker resulted in some unecessary early deaths. if not for the insults, there wouldn't be an approval of this, but as he couldn't stop, i approve of the ban request.

Althend Wrote:Game:
Player: (bulldocer)
Reason: did shit and sell all item. we received 61 gold when he left...
confirmed by league stats and approved

Althend Wrote:Game:
Player: (killsalot)
Reason: this guy destroy all game I ever had with him. Really, he does shit on purpose and has the lowest rank of alll league.
I think that there is a serious problem concerning the league "stay/rate" . Look at his stat: on 210 he left 60 times.... nearly 30% of his game. Plus, he already had request on him.
note: as for the calculation, you may join the discussions
guess we should give him the chance to start new over, hence approved.

Althend Wrote:Game:
Player: (sake-predator)
Reason: He flames always and again and screw game on purpose, going tinker without hull and with mine... He is doing shit on prupose to sabote people because they don't do what he want...
close decision as his stats got a bit better but still total kamikaze actions with too less hitpoints. adding the last report to this, i approve of the ban request.

Tier Wrote:Name: (Warrior_GuDzOn)
Reason: He went afk at the end of the game, returning ocassionally and take some actions so we cant kick him.
confirmed bein afk on the very end of the game when the match was pretty much already lost. this as well as his overall good play suffices for me disapproving this ban request.

stibi- Wrote:gameid:
player: (bigK_BT-Pro4-1)
reason: anybody wanna see nearly 2h non stop (!!!) CAPS and flaming? even his own team wanted to kick him. some tried to argue but he could not stop TALKING and FLAMING
well... 20 minutes had been enough for me to confirm flaming and insulting and as such approving the ban request.

Desktop_General Wrote:Game:
Player: (bigK_BT-Pro4-1)
Reason: Violation of the following league rule NO EXCESSIVE/CONTINUOUS FLAMING. He flamed non stop without provocation. This is the same game and player as the above ban request by stibi- on Tue 22 Mar 11, 03:17.
note: same ban request as above.

Tier Wrote:Game:
Player: (faulk)
Reason: He played bad and lagged. I tried to start a kickvote on him. Then he sold all his stuff to ruin his economcy. Then he still stayed in game afk until we could finally kick him.
note: focus on not going off topic as you wouldn't want your ban request to be deleted and ignored, right?
confirmed bad economy as well as being afk and approved.
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