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Ever thought of something new?
my question is why u don't make some innovative new to your dota maps.
I like the system of conquering opponents checkpoints an i missed it a lot on classic dota maps. But ich prefer the heros and item system off dota allstars.
So why don't combine these two systems to something new?

Well, you have to consider the two different classes of items in BT: the weapons and the utility items.

The utility items are already to some degree combinable.

The weapons on the other hand are a different matter. They make up the biggest amount of items and ultimately only server one purpose: deal damage.
There is a great array of different weapons, which fill most of the permutations of different weapon characteristics. Now we could think about a system, that lets you combine some weapons to some other weapons, but this would not improve the gameplay in any way imo, since the resulting weapons shouldn't be any stronger than normal ones, because this would make them overpowered and everybody would try to get them.

Even without any additional bonusses, everybody would try to get them, since you would not have to sell your early weapons anymore, because you could just combine them into new ones. This would take away a strategic aspect of your item build: saving or buying early.

I'm not even making this up, there has been a time, where it was actually possible to combine weapons and it turned out, that nearly everyone used the possibility to combine those weapons, even though there were only about 4 or 5 possibilities, which didn't fit into all weapon builds.

There may be a way, to create a new system, where it would actually make sense to combine different weapons, maybe with different effects etc, I even already have some ideas for this, but this is way too late in the development cycle of BT and the world editor does not really support such things very well. It would be possible, but cause tons of work.

I hope this answers your question ;)
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