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Why the league is dying?
I was banned a week a go and following my request for a ban lift i received this answer: Velocity2k won't be available till next week, so no ban lifting till he returns.

And you got banned because u ruined your teams economy on purpose by wasting all your gold on purpose.
And reading your wall of text without a slightest understanding why you got banned does let me think you require this additional week (at least). The reasons are totally untrue but this is not the purpose of my post and i dont even want my ban lifted anymore, since one week is enough for 25 games in qualify.
Is there any one of you who read this believe the league is dyeing because of the incompetence of admins and their dedicated time to handle silly ban requests instead of focusing of solving the real problems going on in the league? the league experience has deteriorated over the past months and continue to do so unless something is done. The ELO madness is driving this league to an early grave and is no wonder qualify games are 3 times more than the league. My point here is that all the players should move to a league level after some time but the so called pro players make their life a living heal and they prefer to stay away and enjoy their time on qualify. Can you please come up with some ideas to improve the league experience or we shall move on playing qualify, because honestly qualify is a lot better nowadays than ranked and thats simply because no one is bothered with the elo. can admins join some ranked games as observers so they can experience how the league is going and maybe get some ideas about some changes?
Calling teamm8s "fucking assholes" and "morrons" without any reasonable background, and wonder why they get pissd of by u? seriously?

for the League thing: the WHOLE WC3 Communtiy is "dieing"...
(qualify is better? sry but i just made bad expierince in there, applied of the behaive and specially the skill lvl..)

league admins spend much time for banrequests, since they wanna raise up the quality of behaviour/communication etc. in ranked games., but your only thoughts are, calling them incompetent?

Ur ignorance smells to high heaven.
yeah ...the whole wc3 community is dying Undecided

But for some people its easier to say it is admins fault Big Grin

So many bt-players,which account got banned, didn't understand the reasons for that decision.

Noobs and qualify player just think: Damn, why i can't join....ok...i need a new account.Angel

Pros, average and ranked player think: Whaaaaaat,i got banned ?!? Just because....
... i told my teammates what they should do?! (flame,insult) Huh
... game was lost and i w8 till the end ? (denial of playing) Huh
... i try to kick the noobs out of my team,so they get penalty...even successful or not?! (unsocial behavier,flame,insult) Huh
... i got tinker and lay down mines / bombs ?!? (team sabotage) Huh
... i bought mass repair robots for tower,sold all my stuff for items, did ugrades and left (/not) the game? (eco sabotage) Huh

+ (i think,people who say qualify games are better than ranked games, these guys are just average player, oh w8... no.... they are noobs!
Maybe these guys like the competition in qualify games:
Ohh damn, i got owned on lane, 10th times in row, here are so much good player, so much better than me...such a nice quality of qualify games! Big Grin )

the qualify players try to play the game the way they are taught by other more experienced players and if they dont get any support and help from them, they get frustrated and get set in wrong habits. when they try to play a ranked game they get flamed, told off, kicked and so on. how are they supposed to learn good quality skills if they are not allowed to play a good quality game and get stuck in playing with people that only know to play tinker and mines or 1300 range? I played a game today where a well known good player was owned on the lane and some player (with much lower skill), which at 1 hour and 30 min of game still had heavy tank tried to kick him constantly even though he was clearly worse than everybody. what i am trying to say is that behavior of some players is clearly lacking in fair-play and goodwill and constantly looking for reasons to argue. when this occurs once in a while i can understand because everybody gets frustrated sometimes but what is going on nowadays is well beyond the limits of a game. if someone is picking on a player and that player is lashing out its understandable because its been provoked but most players have become haters and do this on regular basis because losing some points in league its such a big deal for them. I havent seen fair play and support for a long time in league. the behavior is so bad even between well known players who have a long history in league. The ban dont work anymore and some other ways need to be found to tackle this issues. elo points is the very enemy this league has. its just my opinions if someone else has new ideas for dealing with this it would be nice. of course for ppl like me its easy to blame the admins because they are the ones who should regulate the league and when i see that they are not really fair and correctly involved in dealing with the issues someone always will find fair to speak theyr minds. i was banned for eco sabotage; can i see in the replay when i did this? indeed i insulted a player but that was only half of the reason i was banned even though i was provoked. even in sports you see ppl swearing or committing a fault. they dont always get a red card or get disqualified but this is another matter so better leave it as it is...that account doesnt concern me anymore. regards.
I GOT BANNED FOR FLAMING AND I DONT MID I DISERVED IT!!!Smile))) I will wait 2-3 weeks before i will ask for unban on my main accTongue

Btw JOY. Bullshit you write in every post is equal as the game style you have. Sometimes with so many game experience ( you have for sure something arround 1.5k in league) you play like a qual boob... Dont throw responsibility for your lack of skill and frustration on admins...

Since ppl here dont use the moste important thing in a game like this (uhm let me help you, not a finger that touch the mouse 1 button, not the keyboard) the f***ng brain! There is no games that rly gives a pleasure to a player.
I enjoy so much when i join priv game and get a wuppin form a good laner (wupti, Alex ak Liol and so one:) i rly do. But when i play vs players like GrizzlyB vs you or some other boobs i feel like some 1 is pissing on me whooooole time.
Sorry for putting you on lane with Grizzly. You are not stupid and tooth like he is(not flaming, just a fact:P)

And qual games sux hard... There is no pleasure in getting 40 kills and die 5 times. Or win a game 3 vs 5 wo any problem. I had a game when there was sure we gona loose, oposite time sieging the base with 2 factories and troop commands. I just bought 3 god hammers and laser on thunder tank and they lost... IS THAT A PLEASURE? that was disaster. I felt i lost 1h 20 min of life in this game.
Can you guys stop using the world boob when u wanna say noob?

Boob = Bitch + noob

Boob = clan btow/stud member :p
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
dirtyteror... since u have a brain the size of a pumpkin why dont u become an astronaut. actually i think i really piss on ur brain cuz ure a bit retarded didnt ask you to read my post so maybe you can chose ur words more carefully next time
(2012-05-06, 04:34:04)jojoy Wrote: dirtyteror... since u have a brain the size of a pumpkin why dont u become an astronaut. actually i think i really piss on ur brain cuz ure a bit retarded didnt ask you to read my post so maybe you can chose ur words more carefully next time

How do you know im not a member of Japan Space program?
(2012-05-06, 19:22:13)dirtyterror Wrote:
(2012-05-06, 04:34:04)jojoy Wrote: dirtyteror... since u have a brain the size of a pumpkin why dont u become an astronaut. actually i think i really piss on ur brain cuz ure a bit retarded didnt ask you to read my post so maybe you can chose ur words more carefully next time

How do you know im not a member of Japan Space program?

because that implies some sort of education which dont reflect in ur answers
(2012-05-07, 01:42:58)jojoy Wrote:
(2012-05-06, 19:22:13)dirtyterror Wrote:
(2012-05-06, 04:34:04)jojoy Wrote: dirtyteror... since u have a brain the size of a pumpkin why dont u become an astronaut. actually i think i really piss on ur brain cuz ure a bit retarded didnt ask you to read my post so maybe you can chose ur words more carefully next time

How do you know im not a member of Japan Space program?

because that implies some sort of education which dont reflect in ur answers

How you can say it does not reflect ^^ maby they are to "joyjoy" 4 you ^^
(2012-05-03, 18:11:10)Tez.Sick Wrote: + (i think,people who say qualify games are better than ranked games, these guys are just average player, oh w8... no.... they are noobs!
Maybe these guys like the competition in qualify games:
Ohh damn, i got owned on lane, 10th times in row, here are so much good player, so much better than me...such a nice quality of qualify games! Big Grin )
I disagree. Many times I find the Qualify games much harder then the Ranked games. Qualify is littered with noob-stomper parties, it has a lot of flaming (fun for people like me), and people in qualify don't give up easily.

I am trying my hardest to enjoy ranked games again, but people in ranked whine so much it is just too annoying. They also always use -giveup far too easily (people on my team urged us to giveup, even though we won). If you merely disagree with someone in ranked... they try kick you, pester you all game and label you as "sabotage" and "noob" etcHuh
league dies cause of 2 much beginners(hi damirsky).
Wer aufhört, besser zu werden, hat aufgehört, gut zu sein.
I Heart my Denglisch
just too many people creat new accounts
Don't worry, don't cry, take ecstasy and flyExclamation
(2012-05-13, 23:06:47)daCe Wrote: league dies cause of 2 much beginners(hi damirsky).

Damirsky is not beginnerSmile so as GrizzlyB and few similar players like joyjoy. But hes not in a line with the ones like Grizzly. He does not flame. Infact he have games when he feed and suck like hell and say nothing just 0 comunication with team. You ask: when you will get tank: he says nothing. You ask: can you upgrade? he say nothing. Its anoying when some 1 cant write back simple answer.

(2012-05-13, 22:53:40)Teo_live Wrote:
(2012-05-03, 18:11:10)Tez.Sick Wrote: + (i think,people who say qualify games are better than ranked games, these guys are just average player, oh w8... no.... they are noobs!
Maybe these guys like the competition in qualify games:
Ohh damn, i got owned on lane, 10th times in row, here are so much good player, so much better than me...such a nice quality of qualify games! Big Grin )
I disagree. Many times I find the Qualify games much harder then the Ranked games. Qualify is littered with noob-stomper parties, it has a lot of flaming (fun for people like me), and people in qualify don't give up easily.

I am trying my hardest to enjoy ranked games again, but people in ranked whine so much it is just too annoying. They also always use -giveup far too easily (people on my team urged us to giveup, even though we won). If you merely disagree with someone in ranked... they try kick you, pester you all game and label you as "sabotage" and "noob" etcHuh

Qual game is sometimes hard cause of players that come there to play from ranked. I see few of them that "own" qual games only like OQ, guardian and so one... Are you guys afraind to meet wupti and the rest of better players? Whats the pleasure of destroying new players oportunity to learn to play vs dudes that start this game to ?
Well I just played a few more ranked games. Almost all of them seemed to be filled with these little angry kids that bark the magic word "noob" the second someone dies.

Last game in particular was terrible. It was a good game for me but Heglassedme (aka Prokrastinat in forum) got incredibly annoying for merely "not buying what he wanted". Flamed me all game long for buying an acid cannon, started complaining about it in all talk trying to get his friends involved. Then to top it all off he makes a ban request on me full of lies saying im "happy we lost" and sends me threats via PM that he will ban me and that admins side always with him. All because I merely disagreed with him?

I wonder how he would have reacted if I had a bad game... I mean seriously, are ranked games always this immature?
ok if you buy acid cannon i can understand heglassedme that he flamed you and i would do it same way...
And there is the other problem with ranked games. Appearently it is ok to flame "noobs" or "noob tactic users", but heaven forbid if anyone flames a "pro".

The word noob is quite subjective.. one game I was the worst on my team but my teammates flamed the living crap out of someone else instead (guess they didn't like him?). If he dares flame back in retaliation they will prob do something lame like attempt a ban. At least in qualify the poor soul gets to flame back. I suppose he could have just ban requested also but many people just don't like and/or can't be bothered ban requesting for mere words.

It seems on average qualify players are more leniant, less bossy and more mature then ranked players. Perhaps a command like "/block pink" "/unblock pink" is needed to make ranked games abit more tolerable for past qualify players..
(2012-05-16, 21:58:29)Teo_live Wrote: Well I just played a few more ranked games. Almost all of them seemed to be filled with these little angry kids that bark the magic word "noob" the second someone dies.

Last game in particular was terrible. It was a good game for me but Heglassedme (aka Prokrastinat in forum) got incredibly annoying for merely "not buying what he wanted". Flamed me all game long for buying an acid cannon, started complaining about it in all talk trying to get his friends involved. Then to top it all off he makes a ban request on me full of lies saying im "happy we lost" and sends me threats via PM that he will ban me and that admins side always with him. All because I merely disagreed with him?

I wonder how he would have reacted if I had a bad game... I mean seriously, are ranked games always this immature?

Are u serious???

I always play to win the gsme.

Moreover i just stated some views about your playing and didnt even use words like noob. in addition to that even guys were my opinion reyiz,haeharhar, tigerclawz.

It makes me angry when guys like u for example are raging because people killsrealed you like putin (obviously he was noob). raging is ok.

but then to fuck up the game and sayin "fuck it i go longrange" and after buying 5 bombards even buy acid with helicopter is ok??????

Do you even realize we lost bevause. of that?
there was some discussion about your behaviour and any other opinion of someone
(2011-09-16, 09:42:35)EarthR Wrote: same goes for the ranked games also. Teo_live think before typing. I know its sad that pros go to qualify games and kick people i have flamed them a lot for that whenever i play qualify but still you are a noobstompers in ranked games also whatever that means because its same when you ruin the game for pros and making it hard for them to win games by playing tinker and stop acting like you are a pro or somehting because you arent.

(2011-09-16, 16:36:58)Teo_live Wrote: P.S. El_Polacco please grow up, you can't ban someone who merely disagrees with you on battle tanks tactics. Sure I might not be as "pro" (very subjective) as you or EarthR are, but that is not against the rules nor is a Tinker (who I only use 40% of the time)

oh , there was even one ban request on me which was just empty desperate attempt of you.Just see guys post #176 you are blaming people for no reason what's more You are always trying to argue with each other . In this cases buying acid cannon or staying tinker for over 1h was conscious and certain damaging team.
(2012-05-18, 00:49:00)PROGGKILLER Wrote:
(2012-05-06, 19:22:13)dirtyterror Wrote:
(2012-05-06, 04:34:04)jojoy Wrote: dirtyteror... since u have a brain the size of a pumpkin why dont u become an astronaut. actually i think i really piss on ur brain cuz ure a bit retarded didnt ask you to read my post so maybe you can chose ur words more carefully next time

How do you know im not a member of Japan Space program?

U think Japan are retarded? OMG u are an insult at human race... shout up more than u become philosophe...and ur brain grows

At least use translator pls or ask some 1 to help you in forming a letter on forums pls...
So maty times you said shit about my non team playing style... do you have any evidence besides of your sick: "i think"?
You are so fucking anoying dude... and what you write make all non brainless ppl laugh at you. You cant see this ? Get some self cryticism and pls stfu if you have no idea what are you writing...

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