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Hi all

habe heute mal mal Custom mode ausgewählt in einem Spiel. Nach dem Wählen der Kategorien ,müsste das Spiel normal anfangen ,aber niemand konnte sein tank bewegen
War das 8.26? Ansonsten sehr schwammig die Aussage, denn normalerweise funzts ja ...
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
It sounds like 8.25 custom game bug. Did you play 8.25 version or 8.26?
Hm, kann ich nich direkt nachvollziehen. Wäre sehr hilfreich wenn du das irgendwie reproduzieren könntest und dann hier sagst wie du das gemacht hast.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
I'm sorry I dont understand =) :|
i dont know if the bug is known, or not, but the game crashes (version 8.32 and ealier) when 2 tanks kill each other, that means: A kills B, but B's last shots kill A. therefore A or B have to be a player. in the moment A should die, the game crashes with an error: ...ram...could not be read...

Till now, this did only happen in single player with bots.
the bug is reproduceable and occures every time.

Thanks for creating and supporting this nice map!
Hm, this could be a good hint to find the reason of the crashes when playing with bots. Does it happens when the bot dies first or last? Or in both cases?
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
at first: i will look closer, to see, who dies first.

but the crash takes place when i play with "ernergy torpedos" because i play nearly always with weapons with a range of 1300 i tested it with weapons with a range lower then 1300. and till now there was no crash. (3 times of double KO, not very statistically but a beginning)

so i guess that i could be a crash caused of the range, because the bots dont use weapons with a range over 1050 (that explains, why it crashes only with player and bot). then the problem would be at the weapons in combination to the bots - instead of only the bots -, which gives a more complex problem to solve but maybe a (hopefully simple) solution.

So there is an interrest in reports about a crash with only weapons with a range under 1300.

if i have more information about this, ill write it here..

now something new happens:
there was a crash without a kill and the same error - while i used energy torpedos and just before i shoul habe killed a creep... maybe i have a damaged game version and should reinstall the it...

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