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Unban request
Hi all

This is my first ban.I am NEVER afk,I NEVER sell items and leave,I almost never feed,also I almost never -giveup.
I am not the best player in the world, sometimes i scrach my head,get disturbed in real life or klick enemy tanks to check their items or shop items. So I might miss some seconds of the game.

The game in the ban request: 1 of our team players lost lane then left and we were 4,after that
the team was verbally atacking me all the time and even named the force after me.
So i got a bit demoralised......

The next strange thing: I was mid in this game with 2 players one Jack who wrote the appeal for ban and the other esVau was the admin. that approved the ban!?
It is like in soccer mach the judge of the match was on of the players! Seems a bit unfair.


Ban request followed by approval in next post

And one more thing for avoiding fight ,dodging cps ,etc.
I see the "top ranked" players all the time kill stealing,using spells on creep,waiting for team to die off and then penta kill the remaining low hp enemies and its all ok for them.

Hope you consider all this and unban me.
Sorry for my bad english,if its my fault in the game sorry I will improve.
Best regards.
(2012-11-18, 15:24:39)MIKE_MKD Wrote: Hi all

This is my first ban.I am NEVER afk,I NEVER sell items and leave,I almost never feed,also I almost never -giveup.
I am not the best player in the world, sometimes i scrach my head,get disturbed in real life or klick enemy tanks to check their items or shop items. So I might miss some seconds of the game.

The game in the ban request: 1 of our team players lost lane then left and we were 4,after that
the team was verbally atacking me all the time and even named the force after me.
So i got a bit demoralised......

The next strange thing: I was mid in this game with 2 players one Jack who wrote the appeal for ban and the other esVau was the admin. that approved the ban!?
It is like in soccer mach the judge of the match was on of the players! Seems a bit unfair.


Ban request followed by approval in next post

And one more thing for avoiding fight ,dodging cps ,etc.
I see the "top ranked" players all the time kill stealing,using spells on creep,waiting for team to die off and then penta kill the remaining low hp enemies and its all ok for them.

Hope you consider all this and unban me.
Sorry for my bad english,if its my fault in the game sorry I will improve.
Best regards.
I dont think you have played with top ranked players to write suck lies about their gameplay. They never kill steal nor do they use ultimate on creeps. You need to check again who the top ranked players are before making suck baseless accusations.
Also i have played many games with you and in all your games all you do is kill steal. I might have not watched that specific replay but from all the games i have seen you play that behavior sound about right about your gameplay.
There are even occasions when you can save teamate if you tp earlier but you always wait for him to die so you have certain kill.
You are just one more ego player whos only concern in game is to get kills even if it comes with teamate dieing.
Top 10, top 30 player in league are not top ranked? I do not want to name them 1 by 1 but most if not all good players kill steal. That's how you get kills!

And i shared dmg thousands times and saved people but that my give you just short"ty" sometimes and doing this in the long term makes you die a lot and, end in being "noob" and kick or even if win lowest elo income cause D:K ratio.
If you focus on kills you cant be kicked even if you indeed play selfish cause the system counts you "worthy" player.

Why does not the "system" or elo system count assist and "saves" stats in account?
It just focuses deaths and kills.

And for the force of truth some games when i see the game is lost(I play BT several years so i think I can notice this) I start to just focus kills instead team saving=
bad behavior indeed BUT I end being best player on losing side getting 0.15 stats thus losing the smallest amount of ELO from all team.

Thats how the system works and I see other good players doing the same and you "know" they do that or you do not even play BT lately.
(2012-11-18, 16:53:50)MIKE_MKD Wrote: Top 10, top 30 player in league are not top ranked? I do not want to name them 1 by 1 but most if not all good players kill steal. That's how you get kills!
DO you even know what KS is? Like i said before you have no clue who the top players are so further talking about them is pointless. Top players dont ks they have map awareness there is a difference they dont save skill to get the last hit on enemy so they get the kill nor they tp on enemy when he has red hp bar so they get the kill thats for sure. ITs really funny how you call most or all top players ks i really dare you to point all these players so most of the community will laugh at that baseless statement

(2012-11-18, 16:53:50)MIKE_MKD Wrote: And i shared dmg thousands times and saved people but that my give you just short"ty" sometimes and doing this in the long term makes you die a lot and, end in being "noob" and kick or even if win lowest elo income cause D:K ratio.
If you focus on kills you cant be kicked even if you indeed play selfish cause the system counts you "worthy" player.
Your elo is at near 1500 so cut the crap about wanting to get higher elo since that elo is nothing for most players who can play. Just by your words here its clear how ego player you are. TY should be enough since you saved them what else did you expect? Just a news for you the aim of this game is to win not to play in a way that will make you not kickable. Besides players get kicked for excessive feeding not because they saved their teamates and died in the process. The final systems count of your "worth" as you call it is elo not the 1 or 0.15 you will get in game. And most players dont even care about getting the 1 or 0.15. top players get those scores because they play good and dominate in game.

(2012-11-18, 16:53:50)MIKE_MKD Wrote: And for the force of truth some games when i see the game is lost(I play BT several years so i think I can notice this) I start to just focus kills instead team saving=
bad behavior indeed BUT I end being best player on losing side getting 0.15 stats thus losing the smallest amount of ELO from all team.
I dont think that playing many years gives you the right to think you know the game in fact because you play several years you should be better than that. Also if the game is lost as you call it then giveup easy way out and you can play next game the fact that one or some teamates dont giveup is because they think they can make comeback and your gamesabotage isnt helping at all in that process
(2012-11-18, 16:53:50)MIKE_MKD Wrote: Thats how the system works and I see other good players doing the same and you "know" they do that or you do not even play BT lately.
Really you have no clue who the good players are. You just type whatever comes to your mind to justify your behavior or even place yourself in the same level as good players. because good players dont do that at least 99% of them. Ego player isnt a good player btw so you know. And if a player is good or not its for others to judge not for you to say it about yourself since you desperatelly trying to prove that you are good when you are not.
KS is when you wait for somebody to get to low hp and just come and nuke hime with spells even if they player that brought the enemy to low hp could finish him on his own.
Also letting allies die to lower the hp of the enemies so he can come then and "clean up"
And you rally live in a dream if you think top players dont KS the problem is the top players know each other,most are real life friends and its standard for them to do so while "noob" like me even once seen to do so even on accident instantly gets reported flamed kicked banned etc.

I do not play for ELO but since ELO determines how good you are i try to keep it up.
Many times I played BT for the win trying to take CP destroy facs but dying in the proces at the end even before sure win I was voted to kick or kicked cause died and somebody who was sitting in the back to blink and get some kills insulted me whole game and called me noob at the end of the win.
Few times when I played kill focused I was called "he is good" from 1650,1600 ELO
players at the end of the game ,even if we lost the game!?!?

Game sabotage- As isaid I never sell items and go thinker and if somebody goes for CP in lost game i must gear up tp def the base while they are off else I die and we lose the base. I really dont get it how can I be blamed from game denial and sabotage when all I want to do is kill and dont die in the game.

I never said I am good but I do say that high ELO players do KS exploits most of the time and other exploits while me humble noob being flamed insulted for even slightest application of their strategy even not on purpose while being insulted by his own team all game.
And being banned in 4v5 game that I was insulted all time by MY team.
Banned by the very 2 persons that were with me in mid,but the guy that ruined the game and left is ok?! The people that insulted all game are ok? Really? OK I quess I am "noob" indeed.

I said sorry if it is my fault I might be wrong. I am still learning this maze of confusion called BT LeagueTongue
it would do good for both of you to cool down quite a bit or do you want both to enjoy another week free of bt ranked games?
Not yet totally dead, you can find the Team and possibly new and old Players on our new Discord Server. Join by this Instant Invite:
That means I am unbanned?Tongue
(2012-11-18, 19:11:23)Saiyuki Wrote: it would do good for both of you to cool down quite a bit or do you want both to enjoy another week free of bt ranked games?
Hmm what are you talking about? Last i checked i wasnt bannedTongue .
Btw since its a thread that free for debate,(since it wasnt the usual unban request) i dont think there is something wrong with what i wrote. If you see it otherwise you are free to ban meTongue . But if i want to say something i will say it. I dont think i broke any rules or insulted anyone or at least not to an extend to make it bannableTongue
(2012-11-18, 15:50:50)EarthR Wrote:
(2012-11-18, 15:24:39)MIKE_MKD Wrote: Hi all

This is my first ban.I am NEVER afk,I NEVER sell items and leave,I almost never feed,also I almost never -giveup.
I am not the best player in the world, sometimes i scrach my head,get disturbed in real life or klick enemy tanks to check their items or shop items. So I might miss some seconds of the game.

The game in the ban request: 1 of our team players lost lane then left and we were 4,after that
the team was verbally atacking me all the time and even named the force after me.
So i got a bit demoralised......

The next strange thing: I was mid in this game with 2 players one Jack who wrote the appeal for ban and the other esVau was the admin. that approved the ban!?
It is like in soccer mach the judge of the match was on of the players! Seems a bit unfair.


Ban request followed by approval in next post

And one more thing for avoiding fight ,dodging cps ,etc.
I see the "top ranked" players all the time kill stealing,using spells on creep,waiting for team to die off and then penta kill the remaining low hp enemies and its all ok for them.

Hope you consider all this and unban me.
Sorry for my bad english,if its my fault in the game sorry I will improve.
Best regards.
I dont think you have played with top ranked players to write suck lies about their gameplay. They never kill steal nor do they use ultimate on creeps. You need to check again who the top ranked players are before making suck baseless accusations.
Also i have played many games with you and in all your games all you do is kill steal. I might have not watched that specific replay but from all the games i have seen you play that behavior sound about right about your gameplay.
There are even occasions when you can save teamate if you tp earlier but you always wait for him to die so you have certain kill.
You are just one more ego player whos only concern in game is to get kills even if it comes with teamate dieing.

I dont get whats wrong in using ultimate on massive ammount of creeps when you know that for next 40-50 secconds there will be no fightBig Grin But true top players mostly do not kill stealSmile And for example never tp to a taken cp to steal tower kills when they did nothing to get this cp.

Ps. i think unban post is not a place for that discussion.
The problem is in good BT game things go insanely so fast, 40 seconds is looong time and you can never predict so far in the future.
I see people ulti creeps all time then in the next few seconds there is major 3v3 or 4v4 in the mid and we lose and then people start to: why wata fuck you noob mother etc......

Yes there are lots of good top players that do not do exploits but then I mostly happen to see the ones "top" players that do blink and spell steal creep/tower/kill or just wait for you to drop it low hp and die then come to clean up.Sad
(2012-11-20, 15:09:11)dirtyterror Wrote: I dont get whats wrong in using ultimate on massive ammount of creeps when you know that for nex 40-50 secconds there will be no fightBig Grin But true top players mostly do not kill stealSmile And for example never tp to a taken cp to steal tower kills when they did nothing to get this cp.

Ps. i think unban post is not a place for that discussion.

Dirty try playing a game in mid where you have a teamate ultimate creeps(more like use ultimate to creep only) then talk about whether or not thats good or bad. At lane you can do whatever you want since its 1 0n 1 but in mid you cant say that there will a 40 sec window of no fight and you need to share creeps in mid otherwise your teamates get weak Tongue. Basic logic of how to play as a team and not egoTongue
(2012-11-21, 09:36:03)EarthR Wrote:
(2012-11-20, 15:09:11)dirtyterror Wrote: I dont get whats wrong in using ultimate on massive ammount of creeps when you know that for nex 40-50 secconds there will be no fightBig Grin But true top players mostly do not kill stealSmile And for example never tp to a taken cp to steal tower kills when they did nothing to get this cp.

Ps. i think unban post is not a place for that discussion.

Dirty try playing a game in mid where you have a teamate ultimate creeps(more like use ultimate to creep only) then talk about whether or not thats good or bad. At lane you can do whatever you want since its 1 0n 1 but in mid you cant say that there will a 40 sec window of no fight and you need to share creeps in mid otherwise your teamates get weak Tongue. Basic logic of how to play as a team and not egoTongue

Well tehre are loops in game for 40 sec wo major action... So if you use even with infernal ult on 30 creeps its nothing bad. Well not bad if your team wont loose cp in a meanwhile.

Yamada and PaxiFixi threat me on game saying that will ban me, and did, without any reason. This is Admin abusing of power, this is abusive. i want to see the reason of ban, i want to see the prove. if not ill find out who did it, and ill find u.

STOP to try ban your opponents, just because we won u too much, u get pissed? i won u win than next game u play with me in same team then u try get reason to ban....F********u
(2012-11-27, 02:14:41)DestroyerX Wrote:

Yamada and PaxiFixi threat me on game saying that will ban me, and did, without any reason. This is Admin abusing of power, this is abusive. i want to see the reason of ban, i want to see the prove. if not ill find out who did it, and ill find u.

STOP to try ban your opponents, just because we won u too much, u get pissed? i won u win than next game u play with me in same team then u try get reason to ban....F********u

Well that got you a new ban.

Another insult, another life threat!

edit: maybe i should mention that this is the least harsh post left over, others got deleted.
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
(2012-11-27, 02:19:53)eSVau Wrote:
(2012-11-27, 02:14:41)DestroyerX Wrote:

Yamada and PaxiFixi threat me on game saying that will ban me, and did, without any reason. This is Admin abusing of power, this is abusive. i want to see the reason of ban, i want to see the prove. if not ill find out who did it, and ill find u.

STOP to try ban your opponents, just because we won u too much, u get pissed? i won u win than next game u play with me in same team then u try get reason to ban....F********u

Well that got you a new ban.

Another insult, another life threat!

I love you ESBig Grin How can i not love youBig Grin but rly i feel at least huge sympathy for youSmile Not like im using sacrasm or anythingTongue

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