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Simple feedback
1:Is that if someone can nearly camp out side your cp all the time even having repairs ,there is constant domination of a lane usually ,repair can be more abusive with air hitting towers and avoiding ground tanks secondly nets aren't affordable so early on.Hull drops make you at full hp usually before the person even revives.I also noticed its harder to recover after being raped as they are always at your tower.

2.Camping with repair and a tinker repair in tower is quite common now and has huge benefits of ganking middle and others i noticed when my team is loosing middle and i camp my lane you can turn the game around for middle.

3.Sky fortress been used more

4.I really wish repair wasn't available in the first 10 minutes or something lanes are almost more boring then a 3vs3 tinker fight in middle.

5.Love the new titan (However i only seen 2-3 players know how to use it correctly and effectively so far)

6.How about putting a change log on the loading screen for one week when a new map comes out or something it would some help since some changes are vital (and people don't know).

7.Hrmm i like the elo system how about introducing 0.20 instead of 0.15.Wish there was sometime of stat towards elo such as defending a cp or more towards assist.

8.Players in middle are often finding trouble against range with tactics such as bow tinker against long range etc.

9.Mines and storm tank being used more (and more effectively)
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
1&2: as you might have noticed, the heal will be reduced, hopefully down to a point where it will be a viable option, rather than a mandatory one.

3: Is that a good or bad thing?

4: see 1&2

5: Glad to hear that :) (and people will eventually learn)

6: Changelogs are in general far to long to put them on the loading screen. I already try to put the most important stuff there, which you can see on the current loading screen.

7: League is not my responsibility ;)

8: People try to fight long range with Bow Tinkers?

9: I guess that is also a good thing?
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
Regarding 1 and 2 i hope its enough to counter the classic bt that alot of people miss of lane battles.

Regarding 3 yea fun to see everyone using different tanks though i haven't seen many use Goliath (ever thought of having a tank same price as inf or titan ?with same balance but different abilities.

Regarding 5 The problem is exo people don't know they can cast it on others and still have spell automatically apply on them also they are doing it at full hp when its less effective.

Regarding 6 Would nice to see main changes or a reminder to check change log

Regarding 7 Maybe esvau will read

Regarding 8 You still see bow and tinker vs range etc which really isnt even about skill at times just the stupidity of the builds

Regarding 9 variety is awesome i like it

(Just had a blank out had one another piece of feed back but i forgot it now)Will add when i remember -_-
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
(2013-03-19, 16:31:19)BENNIE.FM Wrote: Regarding 7 Maybe esvau will read
Do i have to answer?

Well, actually i thought about other changes like
  • converting elo from to scale from 0 to <something> instead of swinging around 1500, with 0 as start value
  • adjusting performance calculation closer to the one use within the map.
    I've even thought reducing that performance impact, but going to stick at those 15%
  • redesigning the penalty system
  • redesigning the ranking formula

About rewarding defense: how do you track that? Is someone just camping at a cp or actually fighting to keep it? Does someone just join to kill-steal or does he meant to help out?
I agree that teamplay should be way more rewarding in both, map and league ratings, but we cannot measure such a statSad

We might want to split this topic as an own thread.
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline

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