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Is it ever worth to purcase experience.
The game allows you to gain experience from both killing and by spend money on so called uppdate (900g for 800 exp).
However because you can spend money on other things like tanks and weapon + how much money it takes for the later levels + how little later levels give to your skills, its very hard to justefice purcasing exp compared to other things.
It can be well worth in some cases. I think the best one is when you can use it to get your ultimate as a heavy tank early (+1 battery) and there are 3 targets in mid that die instantly from ultimate + rocket.
I sometimes se mid demo who start with no weapon level 3 because starting with exp purcase, these demo is used for tinker and scout hunting.
I have also seen this with light and heli, tried it with light but failed totaly and lost game.
The problem with exp start is you get weak or no weapon, abillites are to weak and exp is easy to get, in the end you will likley get outfarmed and soon be behind in exp.
Maybe better strategy is to start with weapon, maybe bow and use some if not all money you gain to purcase exp to maybe level 10, however why not just save to big tank with big abillites?
Right now exp purcase don't seams to have much usefullness at all because in neraly all cases you probably be better of purcasing something else.
If abillites on big tanks, or even weak tanks had much stronger abillites then now, then maybe exp purcase would be much more usefull then now.
One problem is the linjer approces to abillites that the game use, if like level 5 was like 3 times as powerful as of now while level 1 as powerful as now then exp purcase would be much more tempting and abillites much much more scarry then now.

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  LeaverGold Experience gozo1985 1 2,745 2011-10-28, 22:44:20
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