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why I was banned again??
(2013-11-26, 12:25:40)Max Wrote: Hi,

Just want to react about some things said like "your stats deserve a kick", "in ranked you can't play that bad" or other ideas to say the same thing : a noob can't play ranked? Ok this can be boring to play with bad players but saying that a noob deserve to be kicked almost in all games he plays is stupid. All players have to learn and all good players weren't good at their first games. I can take me as an example : I don't play really bad now but when I started playing BT my stats were around 17/23 and 450 creeps kill in 1h10 games. If all players would have kick me every time I played bad I would never have learn to play good.

Instead of "i'll kick you because you are a noob" it's better to explain and give tips to those kind of players.

Yesterday I played a game in which purple player was insulted by all his team because he didn't play good enough, made some mistakes and thought the game was lost after 1h20 (game finished at 2h) and just waited for his team to giveup. Because he wasn't good and didn't get why his team kept playing and trying to get cp. In the same game our orange saved from an architect with 1 basic and 1 rocket (3300) to infernal (and stats around 5-18). A reason to kick for some guys, stupid reason. Just explain them what they do wrong and help them to get better.

Those players won't stop playing because you hate them, but if you help them and make them better players by giving tips to them, then they will play better and won't "ruin" your games anymore.

Grow up...
I totally agree with you , so why I am studying and listening other good players advice , but for El_Polacco , he every game still not start and then "-giveup" and not help us until a few dead , after , he will said kick me , but he never help any ! that's fair ? In one of the game, after 11mins he leave out! he really a fucking player !

(2013-11-26, 16:03:53)El_Polacco Wrote: I find unfair banning players like him because there's a huge similarity between this 2 guys mid gameplay :
both no react on ally chatExclamation in both cases that's deliberately dismissive attitude like following 2 examples :
- long range weapon vs. leavergold
- no hull till 30-35minHuh whose lack of 1 player cause an ultra defensive midplay with a way worse creeping + bad mood on middle other 2 allies .
I suppose uknown_object) has been excessively disliked by admins but do you really praise guang who harms his own team more widely than raven ? Seems that didn’t give an ideal example nevertheless I’m not asking about his insults in forum just what was his wrong in his attitude in league ?

every game I stay in mid , you go to handle one lane but also lost it , if you like that powerful , you wasn't lost it , GAP is a powerful player, he can handle one lane !
For you points!
- no hull till 30-35min , I disagree with you , you see the replay , not every game need to buy hull because need to see the condition of teamate or enemy , sometimes I save to buy a tanks no need to buy hull also can win the game with my teamate, but you ? which player not listen for you , you MUST rude to kick and then said all fault of that player ! do you remember one game last night , you lost two lane , and all of us also help you ?I ping you to help us , and you said 'shut up' with me , this is the reasonable for the kick ? you only live in your own world and usually wouldn't care any players feeling , Btanks just a game , for the fun only , if you still like that , only chose a good player for the play , and then if can't met the good players will giveup , I suggest you open your own channel such as Clan El_Polacco , and find all of the good players play with you is better ! every day also shouted every players , not only me , really so disturb other players in the game !
Thumbs Up 
I won't bother download replays because i know as everyone Guangzhou level and strange ways... But from what i saw recently, aside some personnal problems with a few players, Guangzhou is now inclined to listen what is said to him and try to do better. If he feels respected by his team, he moves from shamefull level to below average level, which is already a progress. He's now more open minded than at its beginning, he's dedicated to play, and maybe if we cut him some slack and help him to become an almost-average player we will see that happen.Tongue
And he's now a famous personnality here !!! So... Go Guangzhou ! I'm with you ! Wink
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====

this is my new game with other players , at started we lost CP and all CP, but at the end , we win, why ? because my teamates not similar El_Polacco to shout and kick , only wait the chance and get win ! This game is the real to prove how fucking for El_Polacco , and El_Polacco against and bias with the bad player! , I hope El_Polacco can see this replay ! really want El_Polacco to self-criticism his behavior how to impolite and disturb for any low level players!

for below replay , is the lost all CP and then get back to win at the end, hope the high level players to see that and give comment!

(2013-11-26, 20:16:35)GodStrongArms Wrote: I won't bother download replays because i know as everyone Guangzhou level and strange ways... But from what i saw recently, aside some personnal problems with a few players, Guangzhou is now inclined to listen what is said to him and try to do better. If he feels respected by his team, he moves from shamefull level to below average level, which is already a progress. He's now more open minded than at its beginning, he's dedicated to play, and maybe if we cut him some slack and help him to become an almost-average player we will see that happen.Tongue
And he's now a famous personnality here !!! So... Go Guangzhou ! I'm with you ! Wink

thanks for you advice and I will try to do my best to improve .

Attached Files
.w3g   nice game.w3g (Size: 4.08 MB / Downloads: 193)

My post wasn't about the real point here : does he deserve a ban or not. It was a general topic I did like to talk about. A lot of players (not only you Polacco, you are just an example, my post wasn't against you) rage against low skilled players and THIS should be ban able. As I said, I just saw that yesterday in here : : where yellow flamed purple because he made some mistakes instead of explaining him what were those mistakes. League is slowly dying and the only thing to do to keep it alive as long as possible is to give new players a reason to keep playing and improving, not to give them a reason to not play anymore.
(2013-11-26, 08:05:46)guangzhou265 Wrote:
(2013-11-26, 03:37:11)mynth Wrote:
(2013-11-25, 19:35:50)guangzhou265 Wrote:
http:league.btanks.netplayer.phpplayerid=9362 (macherie)

in this game I got 5-19-14 , macherie lost 2 lane , and then still said kick , every game like this fucking behaviour with me really so disturb for other players, how to play? he only want other players agreed with him ,all games are my fault , right?
he met the good players , will continue play , when he met the bad players (like link and me ), leave or said kick during whole game ! this player I want to know is a good player in Btanks?

In below game , he leave at started ! (length: 11m55s)

I was bored enough to watch your replay... at 20 mins in game, you were 4-5 levels behind the rest. That is already enough reason to get kicked, at least from ranked.

Look, you need a reality check of some sort... Undecided

if I go close , macherie must not help mid and then dead a few times, he also will said kick , I do anything he also said kick ! you understand my meaning ? def or attack also will kick ! Some players tell me don't get close to good players because that is not easy to dead , not feed much and then other players will easy to play !

It's a ranked game and you are kinda supposed to know how and when to attack or defend. If you feel completely at a loss in a ranked game, then maybe you should play a few more qualify games, to improve your map-awareness and ability to share damage in team-fights etc.

The way I see it, you should be able to handle some flaming in ranked, without getting upset, if you don't have what it takes. If you want a more pleasant learning experience stick to qualify.

That said, I'm not overly for flaming and bad-mouthing new players, but sometimes you have to, to get the point across. So learn fast from your mistakes and the flaming will subside, but if you think you have it all figured out, then...
Maybe many noobs come in the league because that's the only way they have to monitor themselves.
So, why not ditch the whole qualify / ranked system and divide the league into 2 divisions ?
Second division : Free access, stats and ELO recorded for the enjoy of those playing there.
First divison : 25 games / 85% stay rate and we could imagine a ratio kill death > to 1/1 in D2 to play D1. If a players goes under 1/2 kill death ratio for the 10 last games in D1, then let's send him automatically for 10 more games in D2 or something like this !
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====
Because how the ranked bot work, very bad players should not be to big of a problem.
The 4 players with lowest elo will I think randomly sorted 2 in each team so you both fight with and against weak players which mean in the long run bad players should not be effecting your stats to much.
Maybe the requrament to be allowed to play ranked clould be increased in some ways which would make it harder for weak players to play ranked games.
#48 (macherie)

for this replay , I played with 4 VS 5 in the game at first , but El_Polacco leave around short period , and I won the game , so I want to know why El_Polacco leave in this game ? is that other players fault again?
why every game also is other players problem ? is not El_Polacco problem?

Attached Files
.w3g   El_Polacco (replay).w3g (Size: 1.57 MB / Downloads: 197)
admins can't u just fucking close this thread ? if i have bad team i leave if i'm playing against leavergold i also leave and having fun with guang's posts ...
(2013-11-28, 21:52:23)El_Polacco Wrote: admins can't u just fucking close this thread ? if i have bad team i leave if i'm playing against leavergold i also leave and having fun with guang's posts ...

El_Polacco ,please see what did you post in ban request! you can post anything for me , I can't post the real for mine? Is it fair?
you post date 26-11-2013 (#post331) that is want admin to date back to (2013-11-11 20:37:42)#320 post , your aims only don't want to see me again in the ranked game , so I post the replay which is you played with me in the ranked! now you want admin close the thread? are you funny? the main point is you usually against all of the low level players , so I need to upload all of your replay which is how fucking of you in the Btanks !
(2013-11-28, 21:52:23)El_Polacco Wrote: admins can't u just fucking close this thread ? if i have bad team i leave if i'm playing against leavergold i also leave and having fun with guang's posts ...

Thats pretty not very nice.
You basicly say you leave if somebody leave in the opponents team not even trying to play such games, same thing you got bad team I guess compared to the enemies.

Leave just to make fun of another player here on the forum lol.
It will be fun the dag guangzhou265 is the pro and you the noob.
(2013-11-28, 23:19:02)Flygplan Wrote: You basicly say you leave if somebody leave in the opponents team not even trying to play such games, same thing you got bad team I guess compared to the enemies

I suppose you aren't into ranked that much as most users here . Simply leave is a deliberate decision of particular player e.g one guy doesn't giveup for individual purpose then you are free to go Confused

length: 3h28m45s

this game I played over 3hrs, and we lost all cp during the game and get back later so many times, and at the end nearly the titan wars ! Overall in this game , no one was kicked , and then we win at the last ,that's prove if all the high rank player can accept the low rank players, and low rank players also serious to enjoy the game , that must a good game! If every high rank players similar you and from your points of view ("you" is refer to El_Polacco) , I believe the Btanks is not the fun and more the discrimination problem will occurs !

Attached Files
.w3g   3.5 hrs replay.w3g (Size: 6.74 MB / Downloads: 181)
(2013-11-28, 21:52:23)El_Polacco Wrote: admins can't u just close this thread ?

how i enjoy mentioning my nickname in every post of him Heart isn't he abusing any standards on this forum Huh
(2013-12-01, 13:35:20)El_Polacco Wrote:
(2013-11-28, 21:52:23)El_Polacco Wrote: admins can't u just close this thread ?

how i enjoy mentioning my nickname in every post of him Heart isn't he abusing any standards on this forum Huh

because you against me so many times and want me to have banned or any other low rank players! So I need to usually mention your fucking nickname 'El_Polacco' to give all players to know your big name 'El_Polacco' and how fucking behaviour do you have ! If you don't want me do it, you need to stop to do the fucking early leave or shout or kick every low rank level players even these players are try to do their best to play the game, your behaviour really so disturb other players who is enjoy the Btanks!
okay sir from now i'm taking seriously your threats Exclamation
#57 (Sh4dy)

in these game , the first one is El_Polacco friend (Sh4dy) usually against me and kick me also , and other is i played with other 21 21 49 .

Attached Files
.w3g   Sh4Dy.w3g (Size: 1.08 MB / Downloads: 199)
.w3g   win4.w3g (Size: 2.6 MB / Downloads: 198)
Oh no such a damn coincidenceExclamation Maybe at least it's a high time to get to know a friends in reality ? In a game will be more difficult for you Angel
(2013-12-01, 22:09:01)El_Polacco Wrote: Oh no such a damn coincidenceExclamation Maybe at least it's a high time to get to know a friends in reality ? In a game will be more difficult for you Angel

last time is you and him do it again with me ! also not help mid , and then kick me !
Update a list people who dislike playing with you :
1) El_Polacco
2) Suger_Dad
3) Sh4dY-

Anybody else has been missed and want a part of that exclusive groupBig Grin?

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