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Learn2giveup ban
Tez Sick ,
Please present a chatlog what for i was banned Huh As you could not see my mates were ultrafeeding with multibow each versus leavergold = instant lose but it not matters much they weren't flamed for that . All been done wrong in a game was calling assholes once teal & yellow i.e axor & jojoy .
Even though i tried to save a game by kicking tinker whose presence certainly caused a massive feeding of teal i got punished due to of your prejudicement to me isn't it ?
I guess it is Popol, that wouldn't be a first, would it ?Wink
As long as some (one?) will (be allowed to ?) misuse (abuse ?) the function by using admin privileges as a free ban button to use on the unfriendly ones, we'll have this kind of mess.
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====
[00:00] [galadion]: Please wait. Players are still loading the map.
[00:00] [galadion]: Player [eJay_Xtreme] finished loading.
[00:00] [learn2giveup]: -rc
[00:00] [galadion]: Player [Lagg] finished loading.
[00:00] [learn2giveup]: -zoom 5000
[00:00] [galadion]: Player [F1ghter] finished loading.
[00:00] [galadion]: Player [guangzhou264] finished loading.
[00:00] [F1ghter]: -zoom 4200 -rc -hp
[00:00] [eJay_Xtreme]: -zoom 4000 -hp -rc
[00:00] [galadion]: Player [axor] finished loading.
[00:00] [Lagg]: hi all
[00:00] [galadion]: Player [Jojoy] finished loading.
[00:00] [galadion]: Shortest load by player [Region55] was 18.08 seconds.
[00:00] [galadion]: Longest load by player [Jojoy] was 63.55 seconds.
[00:00] [galadion]: Your load time was 29.30 seconds.
[00:00] [galadion]: hi
[00:06] [learn2giveup]: -zoom 5000
[00:06] [learn2giveup]: dont leave us please guangSmile
[00:06] [Lagg]: hehe
[00:06] [Jojoy]: what a fuckin balance...
[00:06] [Lagg]: why did you force kick him xd
[00:06] [Lagg]: you hacker !
[00:06] [learn2giveup]: hackers!!
[00:06] [Region55]: D
[00:06] [galadion]: Player [axor] voted to drop laggers.
[00:06] [galadion]: Player [tom.bombadil] voted to drop laggers.
[00:06] [galadion]: Player [F1ghter] voted to drop laggers.
[00:06] [galadion]: Player [learn2giveup] voted to drop laggers.
[00:06] [galadion]: Player [galadion] voted to drop laggers.
[00:06] [galadion]: guangzhou264 lagged out (dropped by vote).
[00:13] [Jojoy]: sweet
[00:16] [Jojoy]: not
[00:49] [Jojoy]: -zoom 4000
[00:53] [learn2giveup]: idiot teal
[00:55] [learn2giveup]: fuck your bow
[01:03] [learn2giveup]: asshole
[01:25] [axor]: ı have no gun
[01:26] [Jojoy]: 2 bows mid
[02:55] [learn2giveup]: if mid wouldnt suck
[02:57] [learn2giveup]: we have chance
[03:40] [learn2giveup]: one more u plasma
[03:42] [learn2giveup]: on creeps
[03:46] [learn2giveup]: ban request gonna be
[10:13] [learn2giveup]: red
[10:19] [learn2giveup]: wtf u doing
[10:25] [learn2giveup]: no idea to play
[10:57] [eJay_Xtreme]: idea no deads + gold noob
[10:58] [learn2giveup]: game is pointless
[11:03] [learn2giveup]: since we have red
[11:06] [learn2giveup]: -giveup
[12:31] [Jojoy]: -stats 8
[13:21] [learn2giveup]: really gj
[15:13] [learn2giveup]: gj red
[15:21] [learn2giveup]: u help a lot
[17:22] [Jojoy]: dams half a sec
[17:27] [learn2giveup]: -kick re
[17:31] [learn2giveup]: -kick red
[17:48] [eJay_Xtreme]: fu noob
[20:38] [Jojoy]: k
[21:32] [learn2giveup]: -kick 1
[21:33] [axor]: gj
[21:34] [learn2giveup]: pls
[21:36] [learn2giveup]: leave
[21:38] [Jojoy]: ty
[22:02] [eJay_Xtreme]: fu noop plz
[22:55] [learn2giveup]: -kick 1
[23:09] [learn2giveup]: no help no fuck
[23:11] [learn2giveup]: just leave
[23:23] [Jojoy]: ?
[23:44] [Jojoy]: k
[25:26] [learn2giveup]: another torpedo
[25:28] [learn2giveup]: rofl red
[25:37] [galadion]: :/
[25:38] [learn2giveup]: -kick 1
[26:27] [Jojoy]: i
[29:31] [learn2giveup]: -kick 1
[29:34] [Jojoy]: fu
[29:42] [learn2giveup]: useless
[29:43] [learn2giveup]: red
[29:48] [learn2giveup]: ruin game
[29:54] [Jojoy]: -kick 1
[30:02] [learn2giveup]: giveup and ban him
[30:27] [eJay_Xtreme]: save and u ban
[30:33] [learn2giveup]: -kick 1
[30:36] [Jojoy]: -yes
[30:45] [axor]: -yes
[30:46] [Jojoy]: 2
[30:53] [galadion]: eJay_Xtreme has left the game voluntarily.
[33:17] [Jojoy]: no one bari
[33:20] [learn2giveup]: -kick 1
[33:22] [learn2giveup]: -kick 3
[33:26] [learn2giveup]: why no tp
[33:33] [axor]: -giveup
[33:40] [F1ghter]: -giveuü
[33:41] [F1ghter]: -giveup
[33:49] [learn2giveup]: yellow please
[33:51] [learn2giveup]: dont prolong
[34:04] [axor]: sory i cant play
[34:17] [learn2giveup]: jojoy
[34:28] [learn2giveup]: stop being a selfish asshole once just giveup
[35:28] [learn2giveup]: -kick 5
[37:05] [Jojoy]: -giveup
[37:09] [learn2giveup]: thanks
[37:12] [Jojoy]: fu
[37:18] [galadion]: F1ghter has left the game voluntarily.
[37:19] [galadion]: Jojoy has left the game voluntarily.
[37:19] [galadion]: tom.bombadil has left the game voluntarily

@polacco: we told you, you got no more credits.......
@godstrongarms: Angel

U interpret the way u desire to destroy fun of player , can't remember any bans from stibi or esvau cause of flaming oh well there happened really the tons of flame as follows :

- flame done to teal : "idiot teal , fuck your bow , asshole" because of taking bow in 5v4 situation , 1 game earlier another game also lost thx to his bow

- flame done to yellow "stop being selfish asshole"

Your incompetence is so often seen on this forum just a few examples : - kicking because he play u call it "lr shit" so he is to be kicked i don't think he keeps playing - got a similar ban for denial of play forced by dumb team .

(2014-01-06, 20:16:21)GodStrongArms Wrote: The function by using admin privileges as a free ban button to use on the unfriendly ones, we'll have this kind of mess.

I'm almost sure you are getting banned just because you say sth like to tez.sick "noob shut up" then u have to beg to lift a ban XD Isn't that humiliating for player of thousands of games Huh but certainly joy for the king
hard words and probably i can't sleep well this night Sad

(2014-01-06, 23:01:31)Tez.Sick Wrote: hard words and probably i can't sleep well this night Sad

don't take a pills
the Problem is ejay think i banned him and Insult me all games with other acc funny Big Grin
[65:07] [Nexes]: and i am a true pro, u're just jealous

me too jealous due to lack of credits that u took awayConfused
You're jealous, i'm famous ! xD
Or may it be the other way around ? (a)
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====

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