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We need to organize 1v1 TOURNAMENT
King of the Hill match proposal !

I can sponsor:
-1st place: $40 payable in Bitcoin
-2nd place: $20 payable in Bitcoin
-3rd place: $10 payable in Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a world's new crypto-currency, that can be used peer-to-peer over the Internet, and unlike PayPal and Western Union doesn't require transaction fees.
Bitcoin is to banks, what email is to the postal office.
It can be spent on purchasing smart-phones & tablets, or gold-coins, or converted to any currency in the world though local dealers in your area.

Rules proposal:
For tournament, we need at least 10 people (5 pairs) with at least 2 games between each pair. (3 games, if we get a 1:1 score)
All replays must be saved.
I also propose to play with Fog. It is more scary. And harder to defend CPs.

I need some good administrator to help me organize this event.
Time schedule: around May.
So create your Bitcoin wallets in the meanwhile. (I recommend "Electrum")

What do you think of it ?

-RAF Fenix

NOTE: Others are invited to donate more money to the pool, beyond $70 dollars that I pledge, so we can up the sum for winners.
I want to play)
but I dont like mode legue, I want mode normal! )
I also think that for "Final" we'll have 4 matches, instead of the standard two.
What is the problem with gold in LEAGUE mode ?
Please register here if you want to participate. Just "Post Reply" with "+1".
Can't rep "+1", need 5 characters ^^

But +1 Wink
Another proposed rule: If a player has advantage (more CPs or more kills), and drops (due to disconnect), judge can declare result as DRAW for 1 round (between each pair). Next round drop will count as a loss.
i'm in even tho i have no use for bitcoinsSmile
+1 i play
Players, that said they are interested:

TMG killer
TMG Nesquik (aka Omefisto)
Max (what are other nicknames?)

Only 6. Too few. If we don't have 10 people, we may be forced to delay this tournament or cancel it.
6 are enough to start itSmile
as there will be a game every few days ...
hi guysSmile Cool
Yo i wanna participate aswellSmile
okay, 8 people is a good start.


1. wariors
2. TMG killer
3. TMG Nesquik (aka Omefisto)
4. stibi-
5. Wupti
6. Max (what are other nicknames? Maxleteur ?)
7. saspect
8. RAF_Today_Hero

pairs proposed:
pair 1: wariors vs stibi-
pair 2: TMG killer vs RAF_Today_Hero
pair 3: TMG Nesquik (aka Omefisto) vs Max
pair 4: Wupti vs saspect
Games will have 2 rounds, except final (between top winners, which will have 4 rounds). (3rd round if you have draw)

Scheduled Time:
Let's start 16.May.2014 Friday, 20:00 London time, okay ?
Pair 1, round 1: 16.May.2014, Friday, 20:00 London time
(and right after this, we have round 2)

Pair 2, round 1: 17.May.2014, Saturday, 19:00 London time
(and right after this, we have round 2)

Pair 3, round 1: 18.May.2014, Sunday, 19:00 London time
(and right after this, we have round 2)

Pair 4: undecided.
Either next weekend, or during the week. What do you think ?

okay ?

If you must leave for a (good) reason during game (or network or PC crash), and you're in good position (not losing), I may count it as a draw for one round. (so you'll need to replay this round)
Also I recommend installing GProxy++, esp. if your network is unstable.
Please save replays for ALL games, so others can watch them.

London time:

People: please send me your contact email (or Facebook), whatever you use actively.
my email: al 4321 /*AT*/

Sadly I cannot configure "fog" with clan BTA hosting bot. (so you may be playing without fog)

-RAF Fenix
P.S: I will not be competing, because I take over the "organizer" and "judge" positions. (and to remove conflict of interest)
After all, I was a Chief of Clan RAF for a reason.
i'd rather let the people decide when they have time to play their matches
(i'm more into a koth like it was when this idea came up for the first time)
thanks for getting this startedSmile
I've got my exams, and school didn't close yet so it would be better if the pairs could choose the date and timeSmile
Big ups for getting this started.
That's fine, then please discuss timing, in Clan BTA channel
Write down your emails here, so we can stay in contact.
Please post back on this forum thread, until 15.05.2014.

Please discuss timing in a separate thread, time-matching.
Thanks for starting it. Yep my nickname will be Maxletueur Smile
TMG Region (aka "Region55", replaces TMG Nesquik, whom left Battle Tanks game for personal reasons)

Pairs 2 & 3 slightly changed, killer will play vs Max, and Region vs RAF Hero.

New pairs proposed:
pair 1: wariors vs stibi-
pair 2: TMG killer vs Max
pair 3: TMG Region vs RAF_Today_Hero
pair 4: Wupti vs saspect
BTT1v1 2014-Pair3_Round1 45min: TMG Region won vs Hero (14:4) (11.05.2014) Link:

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  Time-matching for 1v1 TOURNAMENT duels RAF_Fenix 21 18,404 2014-05-19, 21:11:39
Last Post: omefisto

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