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Leute ich will beiom naechsten turnier mit machen bin pro verpass aba immer die termine bide wispert mir dann name Becks_Green_Lem

first why not register ?

well, there were 3 Tournament´s ago... 2 organized by me...

result: people were not able to meet and play the games in the time/week the games should have been played... :roll:

so... and when i watch my call out for helping me finding some Ingame Screen´s

well....we can organize thing´s, make the Forum more interesting and so on...

but, without any response of the Community.. it´s really geting boring...

many Clan Players out there.. i dont see them here ....and enough single Players too.. playing every day or second... i don´t see them here

only the same face´s

[Image: dtpc3banner88x31.jpg]

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